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sioners have not made a halt here. What the building is to be in outward appearance, they propose to have extended to the internal organization of the school, and with this design they have appointed the Rev. E. I. Rexford, of the Department of Public Instruction, as its Principal. Considering the relationship which exists between Mr. Rexford and the EDUCATIONAL RECORD, it is not for us to point out the superior attainments of the new rector, but the writer may, without being charged with indiscretion, safely say that the appointment has given universal satisfaction. The shrewdness of the Montreal Commissioners in making such a choice has met with general commendation. From such vantage-ground, Mr. Rexford is not likely to lose any of his influence in furthering the educational interests of the province, and on this account, perhaps more than on any other, our teachers will be all the more inclined to congratulate him on his well-earned promotion.

-On Thursday evening, March 26th, the third regular meeting of the Teachers' Association in connection with McGill Normal School was held. Prof. Parmelee presided. After the opening exercises and reading of the minutes, Miss Sloan read a paper on "Promotions and Examinations," which was rich in humor and full of thoughtful suggestions directed towards the modification of our present system, by simpler working, less averaging, shorter examinations, ending with the conclusion that promotions be not made solely on the results of the final examination. The subject was further treated by Mr. Macaulay and Dr. Kneeland, the former of whom advocated the doing away with the system of comparing grades by the different percentages. The short discussion which ensued resulted in the drafting of the following resolution:

Resolved. (1). That promotions should be made upon a report of daily work and the recommendation of the teachers. In cases of doubt examination might be resorted to.

(2). Examinations should be held at various times during the year in a few subjects only at a time.

(3). Schools and classes should not be compared by the averages of results, but by inspection.

-The people of Lachute have at last made up their minds as to the urgent necessity of having a new school building erected near the centre of their thriving town. Some time has elapsed since the project was first mooted, but, though slow to move, we have no doubt the Commissioners having accepted the policy, will persevere and have the building well advanced by next September. Under the energies of Mr. McQuat, the

-school in its internal equipment, as far as the Academy department is concerned, has advanced with the times; but the size, conveniency and general environment in the other departments, as all connected with the school confess, are altogether inadequate to the wants of such a growing centre as Lachute and the school progress of the times. We expect to be able to chronicle in our next issue that progress has been made in the direction indicated.

-We are accustomed to institute comparisons between some of our teachers' salaries and those of their neighbors. Here are two advertisements published side by side in the Schoolmaster for a purpose with a comment :

ANTED,-MISTRESS for small Village SCHOOL. Salary,

£16 a year, with house and garden. Constant work found for husband on farm. Applications, with character and capabilities, to be addressed to Rev. G. Pearson, Combe Vicarage, Hungerford. Just below, in the same column, appears another advertisement: WANTED,-Good COOK, wages from £30 to £40, two in family, six servants; also second LAUNDRESS WANTED; UNDER HOUSEMAID, four GENERALS, KITCHENMAIDS, and five other COOKS, wages from £14 to £22.-Moody's Registry Office, Alton, Hants. Send stamped envelope.

What manner of man the Rev. G. Pearson may be we know not, nor do we know what have been his surroundings during the last fifty years. For want of this knowledge we are unable to understand how any man, not to say a preacher of the Gospel which teaches us to do unto others as we would have others do unto us, has the audacity to offer £16 per annum for the services of the mistress of his village school. That such a man should have the control of the education of the children of any village is little less than a public scandal. So says the Schoolmaster. And yet are there not teachers in Canada laboring for less than $80 per annum ?

-The new world is not likely to be classified a rank lower than the old, in the matter of education; even we of Canada are ahead of the countries of Europe, in most of our educational enterprises. No German University has yet been liberal enough to throw open its doors to women, though Leipsic has made a half-hearted step in this direction. Miss Isabella Bronk, an American young lady, studying in the latter city, states that although, according to a decree of the Minister of Public Instruction, women can be admitted to lectures by special permission, such permission is seldom or never given, and

practically the only means by which one of the forbidden sex can gain an entrance is that of persuading the professor to be as blind to her presence as was Nelson, acccording to the legend, to the Admiral's signal at the battle of the Nile. An instance is cited of two ambitious Leipsic girls who had by means of private instruction prepared themselves for University work, but were refused admission, and compelled to go to Zurich for higher study. Miss Bronk, who appears to have persevered for two years in the face of these discouraging circumstances, states that the little band of women students in Leipsic consists at present of one Armenian, one Russian, and half a dozen Americans.

-A correspondent of Woman complains that men still occupy many posts which of right should be filled by the other sex. Especially is she aggrieved by the male inspection of needlework in elementary schools. A pleasing little picture is given us of a true woman's method in such a case. She looks upon wellfinished garments with a proper pride. She handles the exquisite tucking and gathering with a dainty touch that is almost a caress. She smooths out the folds tenderly, and with firm, capable fingers, straightens the frills and arranges the tucks. Thus the pile of needlework is laid out for inspectiona horrid man "stalks in, and his lawless desecration makes her heart die within her." His sole idea of criticism is "to pull with clumsy strength," and test the powers of the work to hold together. He drags restlessly at the delicate tucking and dainty frills, and "if he succeed in straining it so far as to break the stitches, he triumphantly adds it will not bear the test of wear." We hear a great deal about manual training for boys on our side of the Atlantic; but how comes it that in the matter of teaching the girls of our schools manual training by means of an easily-introduced system of teaching them how to sew, we find but few advocates. Perhaps the idea of training girls to use the needle is more old-fashioned than the idea of teaching boys how to use the saw and the plane. It surely cannot be because the original outlay for appliances in teaching sewing is so very small.

-We learn from the South Wales Daily News that the possession of a University degree is held to be a disqualification by the Llanelly School Board for appointment as head master of one of its schools. According to our contemporary certain candidates have been rejected on the ground that they held the M.A. or B.A. degrees. This is the more remarkable as the appointment in question was to the head mastership of a Higher

Grade School. At the board meeting at which the master was appointed one member stated that it had been his invariable experience that elementary teachers possessing degrees had the power of acquiring but not of imparting knowledge. The Committee of Selection had, therefore, without any hesitation whatever, struck off all applicants with degrees. The News in commenting upon this says: "One does not know whether to laugh or to cry over such a proceeding to roar over its ludicrousness or to grieve that the educational interests of such a large and important place should be entrusted to such guardians. Some months ago the Llanelly School Board proved that it did not know its own mind; now it has demonstrated that it has no mind at all."

—Our rich men have been very liberal in the endowment of universities and philanthropic institutions. The importance of this cannot be exaggerated. It seems to us, however, that just now in Canada there is an opportunity for some wealthy man to reap imperishable glory by conferring upon our country a benefit the influence of which would be felt from Atlantic to Pacific and would reach through eternity. Let him endow a magazine which will be able to compete with the leading monthlies of Great Britain and the United States, and to give remunerative employment to Canadian talent in Canada; which will carry its benediction into scores of thousands of our homes, and be one of the main factors in building up the Canadian nation. Let him do this, and he will be remembered as long as Canada has a name and place in the earth. So says one of our latest literary ventures in Canada, and there is something in the idea on which, by the way, the RECORD has already had its say. -Is it not about time to cease to apply to woman that misnomer, the "weaker sex," at least so far as her ability to take care of herself is concerned? In Germany, 5,500,000 women earn their living by industrial pursuits; in England, 4,000,000; in France, 3,750,000; in Austria-Hungary, about the same, and in this country, including all occupations, over 2,700,000. This does not look as though women were helpless creatures.American Cultivator.

-In the school of a friend, the pupils are supplied with copies of a good weekly newspaper, and on one afternoon of each week the reading book gives place to that. This is one good way of teaching current events. In another school, each pupil occasionally is requested to bring some item of interest from the newspaper. În still another the principal gives a brief summary of current events before beginning the regular work of the day,

omitting the talk if nothing of importance has occurred. Another excellent way of managing the matter is to appoint certain scholars to report on Friday afternoon on topics assigned, as charities, politics, temperance, literature, etc. Different pupils should be appointed each week, until all have been chosen. These reports might be given at times in writing, at times orally, in that way helping the children in the use of written language and in the art of conversation. A few moments might be allowed for the pupils to question those who give the reports. This last suggestion applies, however, only to the higher grades. We give this month another use of the newspapers, which we hope some teachers may like to adopt. We clip the above from an exchange, but in our province here we have also a school where notice is taken of current events in the most interesting manner by the teacher once or twice a week. We refer to the practice of Mr. E. E. Howard, of Bedford Academy, who is a believer in the general knowledge principle, and puts it in practice for the benefit of his pupils.

-Mr. J. Mark Baldwin, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has communicated to Science the result of his observations upon his own child, extending over the greater part of the first year, "to examine more particularly into the time at which the child begins to show signs of marked preference for either hand." A distinct preference for the right hand in violent efforts in reaching became noticeable in the seventh and the eighth month. At the thirteenth month the child was a confirmed right-hander. Professor Baldwin regards the preference as due to the feeling of stronger outward nervous pressure in the case of that hand.

-The salaries paid to the teachers of secondary schools in Alsace and Lorraine reach an average of 3,700 marks (or about $925). They range between 1,800 and 5,600 marks, with an increase of 400 marks per year. The rectors, or principals, are paid 4,500 to 6,300 marks. All salaries are paid by the government, while incidental expenses and the costs of erecting the buildings are defrayed by the communities.

-About a year ago a number of German schoolmasters, having been selected and engaged by a representative of the Chilian government, embarked for Chili, and were well received by the government. They were placed in different positions in normal schools, high schools, and in the embryonic University of Chili, and now report that they like the life in Chili very well, that their work is successful, and that they hope to accomplish some pioneer work which will speak for itself.

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