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Sewage, sewerage.-"Sewage" is the contents, "sewerage the system, of sewers: e.g. "The harbor receives the sewage of Boston," "Under Spanish rule the sewerage of Havana was as bad as bad could be."

Signification, significance. -"Signification" in the sense of “meaning” is preferable to "significance," since" "significance" is used also in the sense of "importance": e.g. "The signification of the word is plain," "This act has great significance.'

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Site, situation.-The "site" of a building or of a city is the ground on which it is, has been, or is to be, placed : e.g. "Schliemann discovered the site of ancient Troy." The "situation" of anything is its position in relation to its surroundings: e.g. "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion" (Psalms xlviii. 2).

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Solicitation, solicitude. "Solicitation" is persistent asking, importunity; "solicitude" is anxiety, concern. We may have great "solicitude" lest our "solicitations" may not prevail.

Substitution, substitute. "Substitution" is the act of substituting; a "substitute" is the person or the thing substituted: e.g. "The substitution of John for James gave us the game,' ""John was chosen as a substitute."

Union, unity.—“Union" is either the joining of two or more things into one or the result of such joining; "unity" is oneness, harmony. We speak of the "union" of sweetness and strength in a character, of the "Trades Union," of "the Union" (meaning the United States of America); of the "unity" of a literary or a musical composition, of political “unity.”


Illustrate by sentences, original or quoted, a correct use of each noun :

Admittance, admission; ceremony, ceremonial; completion, completeness; council, counsel; cultivation, culture; deception, deceit; HILL'S PHET. AND COMP.--6

emigration, immigration; enormity, enormousness; esteem, estimation, estimate; falsity, falseness; limit, limitation; narrative, narration; negligence, neglect; organism, organization; produce, product, production; recourse, resource, resort; requirement, requisite, requisition; sewage, sewerage; signification, significance; site, situation; solicitation, solicitude; substitution, substitute; union, unity.


Give the meaning of each sentence in the two forms suggested, with the noun in parenthesis and with that which precedes :

1. What are the terms of admission (admittance)?

2. Do you like the ceremonial (ceremony)?

3. The completion (completeness) of this new dictionary will make scholars glad.

4. The counsel (council) was not wise.

5. Her deceit (deception) amazed me.

6. The government does not encourage immigration (emigration). 7. The people are gradually recognizing the enormity (enormousness) of the frauds of which they are the victims.

8. In Mr. Carpenter's estimate (estimation), the cost of timber and paint is low.

9. Do you call that falsity (falseness)?

10. He lent his brothers money without limit (limitation).

11. Which style of narrative (narration) do you prefer?

12. His death was caused by his own neglect (negligence).

13. What a queer organism (organization)!

14. He would tax all English produce (products, productions).

15. Wanted, a boy to do light work in a first-class store. Ability to read and write is a requirement (requisite).

16. That was my usual resort (resource).

17. The sewage (sewerage) of inland cities presents very difficult problems.

18. The site (situation) of the temple is not known.

19. His mother's solicitude (solicitation) induced him, when he was

a boy, to give up his intention of going to sea.

20. The substitution (substitute) is wise.

21. Unity (union) of religious denominations is hoped for.


Insert in each blank the noun that expresses the exact meaning;1 explain your choice:

Admittance, admission

1. No - to this building except on business.

2. The requirements for to Radcliffe College are the same as to Harvard College.

those for


ten cents.

Ceremony, ceremonial

1. Cremation should certainly be made a

2. The coronation of King Edward was to have taken place in June, 1902, in Westminster Abbey. For four months previously all services were suspended in preparation for the —————.

3. The Aztec worship was remarkable for its burdensome

1. The

Completion, completeness

of the railroad was celebrated by a general illumination. 2. We were surprised at the - of the collection of minerals. 3. We hope for the of our new building by September.

Council, counsel

1. Listen to the judgments of wise men in

2. The prisoner asked permission to consult his

3. No man will take

fore money is better than

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4. The members of the President's cabinet form a secret

Cultivation, culture

1. He was an enthusiastic advocate for the

- of the mind.

2. is the acquainting ourselves with the best that has been known and said in the world.

3. The

of right relations with one's fellow-men is a duty.

Deception, deceit

1. He was guilty of a long course of

2. Her character would be charming if it were not for her

3. Gilding in architecture is no

4. Deceivers seldom profit by their


1 In some cases one noun or another may be used, according to the meaning intended.

Emigration, immigration; emigrant, immigrant

1. The Chinese government encourages


3. The

is one cause of the rapid growth of our population.

of the French nobility at the time of the French Revolu

tion was a political blunder.

4. Among our

5. A party of

-s are Poles and Germans.

-s has just landed in New York.

6. The number of -s from Ireland is very large.

Enormity, enormousness

1. The 2. Burke drew such a vivid picture of the Arcot's crimes that ladies in the audience fainted. 3. Visitors do not at first realize the

of the cost of the Civil War startled us.

of the Nabob of

of St. Peter's, at Rome.

Esteem, estimation, estimate

1. Several plumbers have been asked to send in an

[blocks in formation]

1. Will there ever be a

2. Athens insisted upon a

of the cost

of his servant.

reached in the size of ocean steamers? of the right to vote.

3. The prisoners were free to roam within certain employments were subject to

-s, but their

Narrative, narration

1. The

awakened our interest at the start.

2. A- may move rapidly or slowly, but it must move. 3. Persons are in the habit of saying, "Anybody can write a but in point of fact is very difficult.

1. Through

Negligence, neglect

of what ought to be done we acquire habits of

2. Rescue my poor remains from vile

3. The gate has fallen from its hinges, the wooden steps are rotted, and the house shows similar signs of

Organism, organization

1. The color of the tree is due to minute 2. Lieutenant Peary has completed the


3. The Jacobin Club was a political

-s that incrust it.

of his Arctic expedi

Produce, product, production

1. The manufacturer brought his

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to market.

2. The farmers carry their to the nearest railway station. 3. He is engaged in the of cotton.

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4. Lowell's "Commemoration Ode" is a noble

Recourse, resource, resort

1. The woods were her favorite

2. When women engage in any art or trade, it is usually as a last3. The contest is against a party of extraordinary

4. General Lee had

1. One of the

to stratagem.

Requirement, requisite, requisition

s of great generalship is coolness.

2. The s for admission to college vary.

3. The wars of Napoleon were marked by the enormous were made on invaded countries.


4. That locomotive engineers be not color-blind is a just

Sewage, sewerage

s that

1. The water of rivers that have received is not good to drink.

2. The vast and intricate

in "Les Misérables."

of Paris is described by Victor Hugo


is necessary to the health of a city.

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