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" Five Years of a Hunter's Life In the Far Interior of South Africa. With Notices of the Native Tribes, and Anecdotes of the Chase of the Lion, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Rhinoceros, &c. "
Christian Examiner and Theological Review - Side 492
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Bind 202

1905 - 726 sider
...Limpopo River, and followed its course towards the sea. His description of * Big Game Shooting, vol. i. t Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa. the migration of the herds of springboks which then swarmed over the veldt has been quoted in almost...
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th]

1850 - 806 sider
...peril, will not have been presented to you entirely in vain. AET. \lL-Fiw Years of a Hunter's Life in South Africa. With Notices of the Native Tribes, and Anecdotes of the Chase of the Lion, Elephant, ffijipopotamns, Giraffe, Rhinoceros, fyc. With Illustrations. By Roualevn Gordon Gumming, Esq. Two...
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A Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia ...

1856 - 1156 sider
...intercourse with Europeans. By Robert Cruickshank. 2 vols. London, 1853. Cummings, 9568 & 9589, D. Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of South Africa. By Roualeyn Gordon Cummings. 2 vols. New York and London, 1850. Cvrtit, 9704 & 9736, D. Nile notes...
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New Englander and Yale Review, Bind 8

Edward Royall Tyler, William Lathrop Kingsley, George Park Fisher, Timothy Dwight - 1850 - 678 sider
...House in Cliff street Five Years of a Hunter*! lAfe in the far Interior of South Africa. With, notice* of the native tribes, and anecdotes of the chase of...lion, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, ifc. By ROUALEYN GORDON GUMMING, Esq., of Altyre. In two volumes. New York : Harper & Brothers, 82...
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The New Englander, Bind 8

1850 - 676 sider
...House in Cliff street. Five Yean of a Hunter's Life in the far Interior of South Africa. Hlth notirii of the native tribes, and anecdotes of the chase of...lion, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, Sfc. By ROUALF.Y^ GORDON CUMMIHO, Esq., of Altyre. In two volumes. New York : Harper &, Brothers, 82...
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Littell's Living Age, Bind 26

1850 - 640 sider
...and exertions must be borne in mind, as well as that rheumatism is independent of African malaria. * Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa. With Notices of the Native Trihes, and Anecdotes of the Chase of the Lion, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Rhinoceros, &c. By...
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The Book of the Church

Robert Southey - 1848 - 618 sider
...(OLIVBR) and John Bunyan. Select Biographies, lly RORRRT SODTHRY. Post Svo. 2s. &/.' CUMMINQ'S (R. GORDON) Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa. With Anecdotes of the Chase in hunting tho Wild Beasts of the DescrU and Forests. T/, ird EdMcu. With Woodcuts....
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The Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany, Bind 49

1850 - 562 sider
...proof to convict Vespucius, not only of imposture, but of the most calculating art to disguise it. to establish it. The claims of Vespucius were doubted...Lion, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Rhinoceros, ifc. By ROUALEYN GORDON GUMMING, Esq. New York : Harper & Brothers. 1850. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 326 and...
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The Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany, Bind 49

1850 - 546 sider
...the wrong, but at every deluding incident that contributed 492 Notices of Recent Publications. [Nov. to establish it. The claims of Vespucius were doubted...Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa, wilh Notices of the Native Tribes and Anecdotes of the Chase of the Lion, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe,...
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The History of Pendennis, Bind 2

William Makepeace Thackeray - 1850 - 392 sider
...full Grammar. Designed for Use in Colleges and Schools. 8vo, Muslin, $1 50 ; Sheep, $1 75. Cumming's Five Years of a Hunter's Life In the Far Interior...Lion, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Rhinoceros, &c. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, $1 75. Seymour's Sketches of Minnesota,...
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