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VOL. 74.

MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., JUNE 15, 1906.


NORTH BERWICK, Maine, Feb. 6, 1906.

NO. 12.

Those words in Jude that you mentioned in your letter are very gracious, let me pen them: "But ye, beloved, MRS. MABEL WEEKS-DEAR SISTER building up yourselves on your most holy IN THE LORD:-I was glad to so soon faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep get a few lines from you, as the theme of yourselves in the love of God, looking our correspondence has ever been the all-for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ important one, the religion of our Lord unto eternal life." As I look at these Jesus Christ. And then, I trust, our in- words I say, This is spiritual, heavenly terest in the things of Christ has not been employment: building, praying, looking. concerning the bare theory of these The saints to whom Jude was writing things, but we have desired to know in were compassed with adversities and all its divine preciousness the power of plagued with false teachers who subthe revelation of Jesus Christ. As the verted the gospel of Christ, and in their years of our life pass along, we more and vile doctrines turned "the grace of our more come to the understanding of Paul's God into lasciviousness." How neceslanguage: "What things were gain to sary it was then that those who feared me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea, the Lord should hold fast that which doubtless, and I count all things but loss, they had received and heard of God, and for the excellency of the knowledge of earnestly contend for the faith once deChrist Jesus my Lord: for whom I have livered to the saints. All the false teachsuffered the loss of all things, and doers who have in any generation crept in count them but dung, that I may win unawares among the beloved of God will Christ."-Phil. iii. 7, S. We are poor, eventually find that their damnation sinful, so needy, we need the Savior in slumbereth not, and they shall utterly his all-sufficiency, and to us that be- perish in their own corruption. (2 Peter lieve, he is precious. ii. 3-12.) It is no trifling matter that men untaught of God, "sensual, not having the Spirit," intrude themselves and their damnable errors among the saints

"In every office he sustains,

In every victory he gains,

In every counsel of his will,
He's precious to his people still."

of God. If we are otherwise, if we have been drawn to sit at the feet of the Lord, (Deut. xxxiii. 3,) and have been taught of him, it is all of his sovereign kindness.

vealed the redemption and forgiveness of sins by the shedding of the blood of God's own dear Son, Jesus, our dear One, our Savior, who of God is made "But ye, beloved, building up your- unto us wisdom and righteousness, sancselves on your most holy faith." The tification and redemption. In our "most sacred writer may well designate these holy faith" all the attributes of the the beloved. The evidence that they are blessed God are comfortingly and glorisuch is that God hath delivered to them ously revealed, his justice and grace, his the truth of the gospel of Christ, and mercy and truth, his loving-kindness and thus they are sanctified unto himself. faithfulness, all in divine harmony they (John xvii. 17-19.) Their most holy dwell in our most holy faith. Here may faith is the foundation on which they our desires root themselves. As poor, build. All the doctrines of men or devils frail creatures, so sinful, unworthy, may will never become a sure support and we trust in, lean upon, cast ourselves foundation for poor, perishing sinners; upon our most holy faith and find there but our most holy faith once delivered is a building up, that we are encouraged, unto the saints embraces all the glorious that we are edified. Truly it is well that revelation of the everlasting gospel. we are not moved away from the hope of Here our feet stand, (1 Cor. xv. 1,) and the gospel, for other foundation can no here we may build up ourselves, our man lay than is laid, that is, our precious hopes and expectations, and find our Christ. Others may build up themselves selves, through God's mercy, established in their vain conceits, in self-righteousand unmoved. The storms and winds ness and fleshly, pleasing doctrines, but may beat, trials and false doctrines may all such things will prove to be only assail us; our most holy faith, the eter- quicksands, and the end can only be nal, God-given truth, is our rock and everlasting disaster, confusion and wrath. everlasting strength, which not all the But our most holy faith, so sacred, so powers of darkness can ever undermine dear, so firm, so sustaining and comfortor overthrow. Happy are we to be found ing, abides to bear us up in holy confibuilding up ourselves upon this founda- dence before the Lord our God. Then tion. "Rooted and built up in him, and though troubles be our portion, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been temptations assail us, though others detaught, abounding therein with thanks-part from the truth and give heed to segiving." I find, my dear sister, that I ducing spirits and doctrines of devils, if look with all affection to our most holy through God's grace we are found buildfaith, for here there is ground for en- ing up ourselves on our most holy faith, couragement for a mourning, sighing, we shall find ourselves strong and well helpless, vile sinner. In this faith our fortified to withstand all afflictions, and covenant God is known; he who hath we shall be found to the praise and honor loved his people with an everlasting love, and glory of God. who hath chosen his own in Christ Jesus. and bath so freely, most lovingly blessed them in him with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Here we have re-xviii. 1.)

"Praying in the Holy Ghost." Did not our Savior say that men ought always to pray and not to faint? (Luke One of the consoling thoughts


in the believer's heart is that the Lord while we are building we are praying. heareth prayer. (Psalms lxv. 2.) He would that the Holy Ghost would teach hears the cry of the humble and does not me more and more my need, and open despise their prayer. The Holy Ghost is up to me the preciousness and glories of the inspirer of all true prayer, his divine our most holy faith. O that he would operations move our hearts to look up to animate my soul with fervent supplicathe mighty God for succor, and thus in tions that in all blessedness and comfort our necessities we pour out our hearts I may be strengthened with might by the before the Lord, who graciously inclines Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may unto us and hears our cry. The Scrip- dwell in my heart by faith; that I, being tures abound with encouragements to rooted and grounded in love, may be pray, and none who fear the name of the able to comprehend with all saints what Lord shall ask in vain. (Isaiah xlv. 19.) is the breadth, and length, and depth, God will avenge his own elect that cry and height, and know the love of Christ unto him day and night. (Luke xviii. 7.) which passeth knowledge, that I might The answer to all our supplications he be filled with all the fullness of God. has already stored up for us, and in the (Eph. iii. 16-19.) What a prayer for au set time to favor us he will bring us re- unworthy, vile sinner to pray! I ponder lief and shed upon us abundantly his over it, and though I know I am asking tender mercies. He delighteth in mercy, all, my humbled yet yearning heart says, therefore he says, "Before they call, II cannot ask for less, less than this will will answer: and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."-Isaiah lxv. 24.

"The christian's heart his prayer indites, He speaks as prompted from within;

The Spirit his petition writes,

And Christ receives and gives it in.

'Tis prayer supports the soul that's weak,
Though thought be broken, language lame;
Pray, if thou canst or canst not speak,
But pray with faith in Jesus' name.

Depend on him, thou canst not fail,
Make all thy wants and wishes known;
Fear not, his merits must prevail,

not suffice me. It is very agreeable to know that you and others are exercised with like precious longings, and as such aspirations do not arise from our depraved natures, but are wrought in us by the Spirit of God, these cries and sighs and yearnings declare us to be those found "praying in the Holy Ghost." So much we need divine help that we are instructed to be found "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Ask what thou wilt, it shall be done." Spirit."-Eph. vi. 18. The next words in As I muse upon the words, "building these verses We are considering are, up yourselves on your most holy faith, "Keep yourselves in the love of God, praying in the Holy Ghost," I feel my looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus insufficiency to nourish myself in divine Christ unto eternal life." "The love of things, and I find longings within; my God." Here let us retreat, this is the heart going forth that I may in very sanctuary of believers. That love is truth be grounded, nourished and built everlasting, and immutable, and SO up upon the precious doctrine of Christ mighty a hold it has upon us that it will our Redeemer, for I know no other foun- not let us go, and no power in earth or dation than the faith of God's elect can hell can sever us from the love of God encourage and build up a poor sinner. which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. "Praying in the Holy Ghost." Yes, viii. 35-39.) Let us, the Holy Ghost en

abling us, keep ourselves in this sacred ent children, not fashioning ourselves acsanctuary, in this mighty, unwavering, cording to the former lusts in our ignoeternal love of God. rance; but as he which hath called us is

"In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall holy, so would we be holy in all manner
of conversation; because it is written,
Be ye holy, for I am holy. (1 Peter i. 14–

And safe in such confiding, for nothing changes here;
The storm may roar without me, my heart may low

be laid,

"Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." Mercy, this we constantly need, and our God is rich in mercy. Looking for mercy. This describes us.

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Without thy sweet mercy I could not live here,
Sin soon would reduce me to utter despair;
But through thy free goodness my spirits revive,
And he that first made me still keeps me alive.”

But God is round about me, and can I be dismayed?" O to believe the love of God, for God in his tender mercy speaketh most comfortingly to the poor and needy. He knows that we are weak and sinful, and that we are sometimes discouraged by our temptations, but he who in love and pity redeemed us will surely shelter us from every ill, and he will carry us in his embrace until the pilgrimage is done. Jesus, "having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end." Let us therefore keep ourselves in the love of God, that is, that we be found not distrusting, not having mean thoughts of Jehovah's affection for poor our God will shew us his kindness, he sinners, but be found believing and will be merciful to our transgressions, knowing the love that he hath to us. (1 John iv. 16.)

"Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ." That mercy that flows through his atoning sacrifice and justifying obedience. Looking for mercy to be shed upon us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior. (Titus iii. 5, 6.) Looking for mercy, we shall not look in vain,

our sins and iniquities he will remember no more. "Looking for the mercy of "Keep yourselves in the love of God." our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." This embraces that heavenly teaching of This is the crowning expectation of the Christ, wherein he says, "He that hath believer in Christ Jesus: that mortality my commandments, [written in his heart, should be swallowed up of life. "Now Jer. xxxi. 33,] and keepeth them, he it is he that hath wrought us for this selfsame that loveth me: and he that loveth me thing is God, who also hath given unto shall be loved of my Father, and I will us the earnest of the Spirit." We are love him, and will manifest myself to now tasting it, for "this is life eternal, him." "As the Father hath loved me, so that they might know thee the only true have I loved you: continue ye in my God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast love. If ye keep my commandments, ye sent."-John xvii. 3. Our poor earthly shall abide in my love." "Even as I life, derived from Adam, is sinful, corhave kept my Father's commandments, ruptible, abounding in miseries. O such and abide in his love."-John xiv. 21; a life, I would not live alway, I loathe it. XV. 9, 10. I know that your heart, and (Job vii. 15, 16.) I should indeed be mine also, hath much affection for the miserable. (1 Cor. xv. 19.) But the hope of commandments of the Lord, and much eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, we crave that enabling grace that we promised before the world began, lifts up may ever be found walking as his obedi- a poor, sin-plagued sinner to hopeful

blessedness and peace. Eternal life; this them to carry them back into their is to live in friendship with God and former bondage, how could they expect Christ Jesus, the Head of the church. anything else than to be captured and Eternal life; this is freedom from all in- returned into the bondage from which iquity, all impurity, to be in spotless they were seeking to escape? What beauty, to be holy and without blame great dread they must have been in! before God in love. This is to live in But the Lord had promised Moses to set communion with the Lord, to reign in the Israelites free, and he had faith to incorruption, immortality, glory and believe it, therefore he could with confipower with Christ Jesus our Lord. O to dence tell them to stand still and see the be like him, to see him as he is. (1 John salvation of the Lord; he knew that what iii. 2.) Then there shall be no more God had promised he was able to fulfill. death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither Then when God commanded them to go shall there be any more pain. This is forward, what else could they do but to our destiny, the destiny of all the blood- arise and go through the Red Sea? As bought saints of God, and even now how brother Gilbert said, they started onward sweet it is to be tasting the earnest of by faith, not by sight. Had the sea been our predestined inheritance to which God our Father hath predestinated us. (Eph. i. 11.) "Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." May the Lord give us eyes to be ever found so looking, and his name we will praise forever.


opened from side to side they could have gone on by sight; but they went forward at the command of God, and the sea opened before them, as they needed that it should do. So if the Lord has commanded me to write in his name he will guide my mind and pen, sentence by sentence, for the comfort of his little ones. But I need to be comforted my"WRITE." self, poor, old, deaf, lame sinner that I am. WHAT shall I write? Let me write Paul said, Let me write Paul said, "When I am weak, then am I whatsoever the Lord giveth me. It is as strong." If there has ever been a time brother Gilbert said of faith: when the Is-that I have felt to be weak, it is to-day. raelites were at the end of their strength, I am overwhelmed with the troubles of this and were at a loss to know what to do, world, but while cast down, I hope that I Moses commanded them to stand still and am not forsaken. God has promised that see the salvation of the Lord. What else he will be with us to the end of the could Moses do than to tell them to wait world. That promise means not only the upon the Lord? The Lord had promised time of the end of the world, but also the Moses that he would deliver his oppressed time when our end as individuals shall Israel out of the bondage in which they come, for that will be the end of the were held by the cruel Egyptians, and world for us. It is as when Jesus spoke now when they had apparently come to about the dead hearing the voice of the the end of their road, and were just at Son of God, it is not only in the future the Red Sea, and mountains were on that they shall hear, but also all the way either hand, so that they could not along. It is a progressive work, and will go forward, or to the right hand or to the progress until the last one of God's elect left, with the hosts of Pharaoh pursuing hears his voice and lives. Then, child of

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