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our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."*

To Timothy, St. Paul writes: "Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."+

And when he came to lay down his life for Christ, and to receive the crown of martyrdom; he could triumphantly say: "I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

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If, like the blessed Apostle, I am drawing all my supplies out of the fulness which is in Christ Jesus; and if, like him, I keep the faith, enduring unto the end, with him also I shall receive the crown of life which fadeth not away.

When I think of Bethlehem, I will think of the House of bread, and of the House of war; out of which He came, whose goings forth have been of old, from everlasting; even Jesus, who is the Ruler in Israel, the Light of the Gentiles, and for salvation to the ends of the earth.§

Behold! through the regions of death,

What light and what gladness arise;

Jehovah, in manhood array'd,

Descends from his throne in the skies.

Rejoice, O ye sinners, rejoice!
Exult at the life-giving view;

* 2 Cor. x. 3-5.

+ 2 Tim. ii. 3, 4.

2 Tim. iv. 6-8.

§ Micah v. 2.; Isa. xlix. 6.; Luke ii. 32.; Acts xiii. 47.

Adore the rich grace of the Cross,
Where the Saviour expir'd for you.

Now peace is proclaimed on high,

O! touch the bless'd sceptre and live ;
Ask freely whatever you want,
For God now delighteth to give.

The blood of your Saviour and Lord,
Has purchas'd each blessing above;
The mansions of glory and rest;
The Father's approval and love.

The Spirit of grace shall descend,
And kindle the rapturous fire,
Whose flame will increase and expand,
When life's feeble lamp shall expire.

In yonder bright region of bliss,
Your praise will incessantly flow;
Then sing to his glory and grace,
Whilst strangers and pilgrims below.


"I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day."-Rev. i. 10. "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts!"—Psa. lxxxiv. l.

I BLESS thee, O! Lord, for the return of this holy day. When retired from the world and all its vanities, I can contemplate the glorious truths of thy gospel, and listen to that still small voice, which is seldom heard amid the pleasures, companies, and cares of a world which lieth in wickedness.

Often have I thought upon the evil of sin, both in its nature and effects; but give me, in mercy, a deeper view, and a greater abhorrence of it. Destroy its reigning power in my heart. Enable me to resist its rebellions, to subdue its lustings, till death shall

end the warfare, and conduct me to the realms of peace. I learn the malignity of sin at the cross of Christ. Was Jesus the beloved of the Father ?* Was he "daily his delight, rejoicing always before him?”† Was he the eternal Son of God, "one with the Father?" He was; and yet, if he will undertake for sinners, he must stand in their place; if he will become their surety, he must smart for it.§ All their sins must meet upon him. He must bear the punishment due unto them. Though the delight and joy of the Father, yet, if he will become their bondsman, divine justice cannot release him, till he has paid the uttermost farthing. How terrible to the sinner is the righteousness of Jehovah. O! my soul, what must become of thee, if thou art not in Christ; if all this wrath must fall on thee? The forgiveness of the least sin, (esteemed least by men,) can only be procured by the blood of God incarnate! "Without shedding of blood is no remission." "We have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins."**

From this day forth, may I have grace never to trifle with sin; never to cherish any sin under the false notion that it is a little one. To have the smallest transgression forgiven, Christ must die! The blood of Jesus Christ, and nothing else, cleanseth from all sin.++ How then can I escape, if I neglect so great salvation ? "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me,"§§ though I make many formal prayers, practise many austerities, and go through a round of ceremonies. I may do many things, and apply to many physicians, but all will prove unavailing, if I neglect to go in faith to the CROSS OF CHRIST.


Give me grace, O God, to guard against positive

* See Matt. iii. 17.; Mark i. 11.; Luke iii. 22.

+ Prov. viii. 30. See John x. 30., xvii. 11, 22. § Prov. xi. 15. Heb. ix. 22. ** Col. i. 14. ++ 1 John i. 7. §§ Psa. lxvi. 18.

++ Heb. ii. 3.

evil; yea, to abstain, even from the appearance of it; to watch against and suppress the first motions of sin in the heart; and to avoid every thing that might prove an inlet to it, or have a tendency towards it.

Give me grace never to do that, of which the lawfulness is dubious; for "whatsoever is not of faith is sin." ."* May I not only ascertain the lawfulness of an action but also its expediency, lest, by not attending to this Apostolic rule, I should become an occasion of sin to others, by emboldening them to do that which, though lawful to me, is contrary to the conscience of a weaker brother.+"All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient," was the judgment of St. Paul.


Give me grace to be circumspect in all my ways; to walk in wisdom towards them that are without; to redeem the time, because the days are evil.

This day I have been in the house of God; the place where his honour dwelleth. I have joined with the congregation in praising God, and in hearing the glad tidings of salvation. But, O! my soul, how have these services been performed? What sincerity has there been in thy prayers; what fervency in thy praises; what faith in listening to the words of eternal life?

Lord! I am ashamed when I reflect on the wretched offering I have this day presented unto thee; an offering so mean, so full of blemishes, so unworthy the acceptance of the Majesty of heaven. "If ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy governor: will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? saith the Lord of hosts."§ Alas! how often do I fall under this condemnation. Yet, O! all-gracious Father, accept my sacrifice of prayer and praise, defective as it is, through the all-perfect sacrifice of thy beloved Son, who died upon the cross for me. I offer myself and


Rom. xiv. 23. + Rom. xiv. 13-17.; 1 Cor. x. 27-33.
§ Mal. i. 8.

1 Cor. vi. 12.

all I am, upon the altar of his cross, that I may henceforth be a living sacrifice, devoted unto thee, body, soul, and spirit, which is my reasonable service. May all my hopes of pardon rest on the atonement of thy dear Son; all my peace be drawn from his obedience unto death, all my joy spring from the assurance that he ever liveth to make intercession for me.

The more I know of myself, the more I find cause for deeper humiliation. The more I know of my duty to thee, the more I am convinced that I am an unprofitable servant. The more I know of thy Majesty, Glory, Greatness, Holiness, and Justice, the more I am persuaded that no flesh living can be justified in thy presence. The more I reflect upon my holiest services, the more I discover of their imperfection and sinfulness.

Blessed Jesus! how lovely, how endearing dost thou appear, as the Lord my Righteousness. O! clothe me in this garment of salvation; that, being accepted in thee, I may experience thy Father's love; the Holy Spirit's consolation, and stand with "boldness in the day of judgment."* Seal this blessing to my heart, through thy sanctifying grace; then shall I have the witness in myself, that I am born from above.

Whilst I remain in this earthly tabernacle, O! Almighty Saviour, spiritualise my affections. Give me a heart to love thee, to delight itself in thee. Take away all relish for earthly, sinful pleasures. Sanctify all my enjoyments of creature comforts, by never forgetting thee in them, nor losing the sight of thy glory in the use of them. Let all my faculties and powers be consecrated unto thee who made them. And let me praise thee, blessed Lord, while life and being last.

It is comparatively easy to live in the form of godliness. To attend the service of the sanctuary, to pray in private and in the family, to read the Scriptures, to associate with religious characters, to

1 John iv. 17.

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