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173. The Conclusion of the whole Matter is this, that seeing these Things are so a Man should be a Man and not a Beast. He should govern himself, like a Man, with his better Part the Soul, not with the Brutish Instinct of the Complexion; and so may he attain the Highest and Eternal Good, let his natural Complexion be what it will. And on the other fide, there is no Complexion fo noble, but that it is open to the Evil Influence of the Stars, and the Wiles of the Devil. So that if a Man will Live only to the Constellation, the Devil will certainly take his Range and Pastime in it.

174. Therefore that Precept of St. Peter's is a seasonable and proper Piece of Advice to all Complexions. Be fober and watchful, for your Adversary the Devil goeth about as a Roaring Lion, feeking whom he may devour. Whom refift, stedfastly in the Faith, or through the Grace of God, and be at no Time fecure, or careless of his Temptations.

O Lord, Thou art our Refuge.

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Matt. xi. 28, 29.

Come unto me, faith Jesus Christ, All ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give You Reft.

Take my Yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in Heart; and Ye shall find Reft unto Your Souls.

John viii. 12.

I am the Light of the World; He that followeth me, shall not walk in Darkness, but shall have the Light of Life.

John xvi. 33.

These Things have I spoken unto You, that in Me ye might have Peace. In the World Ye shall have Tribulation: but be of good Cheer, I have overcome the World.




Our Life is in the Salvation of Jesus Chrift in us.


Y dear Brother and Fellow-Member M in Christ our Saviour, to whom I heartily wish and pray for the Divine Love and Grace. I write this to acquaint you, that I have in a true Chriftian Sympathy confidered your distressful Cafe, and in that Spirit have brought it before the Gracious Compaffion of the Most High, to fee what He would be pleased to make known to me concerning it.

2. Whereupon, Sir, I must acquaint you that in and through That Gracious Compaffion I obtained such an Insight into the same, that the Ground and Cause of it is opened to me. And I will here give you a short but true Account of it, for your private and serious Confideration.

3. The First Cause then of such strong and

busy Temptation is the Super-natural, Super-abundant,

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