Nor do I see any reason why Christians should be weary of a well composed Liturgy, more than of all other things wherein the constancy abates nothing of the excellency and usefulness. KING CHARLES. I COULD never see any reason why any Christian should abhor, or be forbidden to use the same forms of prayer, since he prays to the same God, believes in the same Saviour, professeth the same truths, reads the same Scriptures, hath the same duties upon him, and feels the same daily wants for the most part, both inward and outward, which are common to the whole Church. IBID. SURE, we may as well before-hand know what we pray, as to whom we pray; and in what words, as to what sense. When we desire the same things, what hinders we may not use the same words? Our appetite and digestion too may be good when we use, as we pray for, our daily bread. IBID. I MAKE no doubt but a man may be very formal in the most extemporary variety, and very fervently devout in the most wonted expressions: nor is God more a God of variety than of constancy, nor are constant forms of prayer more likely to flat and hinder the spirit of prayer and devotion, than unpremeditated and confused variety to distract and lose it. KING CHARLES. COMPLIMENTS & CEREMONIES. Would I express a complimental youth Dancing an entertainment to his friend; Who would not think it a ridiculous motion? Yet, such there be, that very much please themselves RANDOLPH. IT is a great folly to be taken with outward marks of respect, which signify nothing; for what true or real pleasure can one man find in another's standing bare, or making legs* to him? Will the bending another man's knees give ease to your's? * An old expression for bowing, or making obeisance, pro bably from a custom of drawing the leg back. "Jove made his leg, and kiss'd the dame, Obsequious Hermes did the same.” PRIOR'S TALE-The Ladle. And will the head's being bare cure the madness of your's? And yet it is wonderful to see how this false notion of pleasure bewitches many, who delight themselves with the fancy of their nobility, and are pleased with this conceit, that they are descended from ancestors, who have been held for some successions, rich, and who have had great possessions, for this is all that makes nobility at present; yet they do not think themselves a whit less noble, though their immediate parents have left none of this wealth to them, or though they themselves have squandered it away. SIR THOMAS MORE'S UTOPIA. MEN had need beware how they be too perfect in compliments; for be they never so sufficient otherwise, their enviers will be sure to give them that attribute to the disadvantage of their greater virtues. It is loss also in business to be too full of respects, or to be too curious in observing times and opportunities. LORD BACON. SOME men's behaviour is like a verse, wherein every syllable is measured. How can a man comprehend great matters, that breaketh his mind too much to small observations? IBID. NOT to use ceremonies at all, is to teach others not to use them again, and so diminisheth respect to himself; especially they be not to be omitted to strangers and formal natures; but the dwelling upon them, and exalting them above the moon, is not only tedious, but doth diminish the faith and credit of him that speaks. LORD BACON. "TIS sometimes unreasonable to look after respect and reverence, either from a man's own servant, or other inferiors. A great lord and a gentleman talking together, there came a boy by, leading a calf with both his hands; says the lord to the gentleman, you shall see me make the boy let go his calf with that he came towards him, thinking the boy would have put off his hat, but the boy took no notice of him. The lord seeing that, Sirrah, says he, do you not know me, that you use no reverence? Yes, says the boy, if your Lordship will hold my calf, I will put off my hat. SELDEN. Of all people, ladies have no reason to cry down ceremonies; for they take themselves slighted without it. And were they not used with ceremony, with compliments and addresses, with legs,* and kissing of hands, they were the pitifulest creatures in the world: but yet methinks, to kiss * See the preceding note. their hands after their lips, as some do, is like little boys, that after they eat the apple, fall to the paring, out of a love they have to the apple. SELDEN. CONTENTATION. Be satisfied and pleas'd with what thou arts IT is the disease of kings, of states, and of private men, to covet the greatest things, but not to enjoy the least: the desire of that which we neither have nor need, taking from us the true use and fruition of what we have already. This curse upon mortal men was never taken from thein, since the beginning of the world to this day. SIR WALTER RALEGH, THE highest point outward things can bring one unto, is the contentment of the mind, with which no estate, without which all estates, be miserable. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY. |