account, but they believe it not; and think themselves so good catholics, that they treat us as heretics, judging of us as we do of them. "We are persuaded that they believe amiss concerning the divine generation, when they "maintain the son is inferior to the Father; "and they imagine that we rob the Father of "his glory who believe them both to be equal. "We have the truth on our side, and they pre"tend it is on theirs. We give to God his due honour, and they think they honour him better. They fail in their duty, but they imagine they perform perfectly well; and they "make true piety to consist in what we call "impious. They are in a mistake, but with a great deal of sincerity; and it is so far from being an effect of their hatred, that it is a "mark of their love of God, since, by what they do, they imagine they show the greatest respect "for the Lord, and zeal for his glory. There"fore, though they have not true faith, they "nevertheless look upon that which they have
as a perfect love of God. It belongs only to "the judge of the universe to know how these "men will be punished for their errours at the "last day. Yet I believe God will show compassion towards them, because he sees their "heart is more right than their belief, and that, "if they are mistaken, it is their piety made
The Volumes are distinguished by the Roman Numerals I, II, preceding the Number of the Page, and those Figures which follow § refer to the Section.
BBOT of St. Martin, Vol. I. page 490, § 26
Abstraction, I. 138,
Puts a perfect distance betwixt men and brutes, I. 139, § 10 What, I. 438, § 9 How, I. 143, § 1
Abstract ideas, why made, I. 409, § 6, 7, 8
terms cannot be affirmed one of another, II. 4, § 1 Accident, I. 283, § 2 Actions, the best evidence of men's principles, I. 37, § 7
But two sorts of actions, I. 222, § 4: I. 281, § II Unpleasant may be made plea-
sant, and how, I. 266, § 69 Cannot be the same in different places, I. 327, § 2 Considered as modes, or as moral, I. 379, § 15 Adequate ideas, I. 397, § 1, 2 We have not of any species of substances, II. 120, 26 Affirmations are only in concrete, 11. 4, § !
Agreement and disagreement of our ideas fourfold, II. 60, § 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Algebra, II. 220, § 15·
Alteration, I. 322, § 2
Analogy, useful in natural philoso- phy, II. 238, § 12 Anger, I. 218, § 12, 14 Antipathy and sympathy, whence, I, 421, § 7 Arguments of four sorts,
I. Ad verecundiam, II. 260, § 19 2. Ad ignorantiam, ibid, 20 3. Ad hominem, ibid. §21 4. Ad judicium, ibid. § 22. This alone right, II. 261, § 22 Arithmetic: the use of cyphers in arithmetic, II. 114, § 19 Artificial things are most of them collective ideas, I. 315, § 3 Why we are less liable to confu- sion, about artificial things, than about natural, I. 502,540 Have distinct species, 1. 503, § 41 Assent to maxims, I. 17, § 10 Upon hearing and understanding
the terms, I. 22, § 17, 18 Assent, a mark of self-evidence, I. 23, 18
Not of innate, ibid. § 18: I. 24, $19, 20: I. 68, § 19 Assent to probability, II. 226, §'3 Ought to be proportioned to the proofs, II. 282, § 1 Association of ideas, 1.419, § 1, &c. This association how made, I. 420, ý 6
Ill effects of it, as to antipathies, I. 421, § 7, 8: I. 424, § 15 And this in sects of philosophy and religion, I. 425, § 18 Its ill influences as to intellectual habits, ibid. § 17 Assurance, II. 233, § 6 Atheism in the world, I. 57, § 8 Atom, what, I. 327, § 3 Authority; relying on others opi- nions, one great cause of errour, II. 294, § 17
BEINGS, but two sorts, II.
The eternal being must be cogi- tative, ibid. § 10 Belief, what, II. 226, § 3
To believe without reason, is against our duty, II. 262, § 24 Best in our opinion, not a rule of God's actions, I. 63, § 12 Blind man, if made to see, would not know which a globe, which a cube, by his sight, though he knew them by his touch, I. 124, § 8
Blood, how it appears in a micro- scope, I. 296, 11 Brutes have no universal idcas, I. 139, 10, 11
Abstract, not, ibid. § 10 Body. We have no more primary ideas of body than of spirit, I. 301, § 16
The primary ideas of body, ibid.
The extension or cohesion of body, as hard to be understood, as the thinking of spirit, I. 303-6, § 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Moving of body by body as hard to be conceived as by spirit, L. 307, § 28
Operates only by impulse, I. 113,
What, I. 152, § 11
'The author's notion of the body, 2 Cor. v. 10. I. 359, and of his own body, I Cor. XV, 35,
&c. I. 353. The meaning of the same body, I. 349. Whe- ther the word body be a simple or complex term, I. 352. This only a controversy about the sense of a word, I. 361 But, its several significations, II. 3,$5
CAPACITY, 1. 148, {dir ex-
tent, useful, I. 3, § 4 To cure scepticism and idleness, I. 4, § 6
Are suited to our present state, I. 3, § 5 Cause, I. 321, 1 And effect, ibid.
Certainty depends on intuition, II. 69, $ I
Wherein it consists, II. 138, 18 Of truth, II. 138
To be had in very few general propositions, concerning sub- stances, II. 154, § 13 Where to be had, II. 157, § 16 Verbal, II. 142, § 8 Real, ibid.
Sensible knowledge, the utmost certainty we have of existence, II. 200, § 2
The author's notion of it not dangerous, II. 59, &c.
How it differs from assurance, II. 233, § 6
Changelings, whether men or no, II. 133, § 13, 14 Clearness alone hinders confusion of ideas, I. 136, § 3
Clear and obscure ideas, I. 383, § z Colours, modes of colours, I. 210, $4 Comments upon law, why infinite, II. 11, $9 Complex ideas how made, I. 137, § 6: I. 143, § 1
In these the mind is more than passive, I. 144, § 2 Ideas reduceable to modes, sub- stances, and relations, ibid. §31 Com-
Comparing ideas, I. 137, § 4 Herein men excel brutes, ibid. § 5 Compounding ideas, ibid. § 6 In this is a great difference be- tween men and brutes, ibid. § 7 Compulsion, I. 227, § 13 Confidence, II. 234, § 7 Confusion of ideas, wherein it con-
sists, I. 384-5, § 5, 6, 7 Causes of confusion in ideas, I. 385-7, § 7, 8, 9: I. 388, § 12 Of ideas, grounded on a reference to names, I. 387-8, § 10,11,12 Its remedy, I. 389, § 12 Confused ideas, I. 384, § 4 Conscience is our own opinion of
our own actions, I. 38, § 8 Consciousness makes the same per-
son, I. 333, 10: I. 339, § 16 Probably annexed to the same individual, immaterial sub- stance, I. 344, § 25 Necessary to thinking, I. 83, 10, 11: 1. 89, § 19 What, ibid. 19 Contemplation, I. 128, § 1 Creation, I. 322, § 2
Not to be denied, because we cannot conceive the manner how, II. 198, § 19
EFINITION, why the genus is used in definitions, I. 439,
$10 Defining of terms would cut off a great part of disputes, II. 31,
$15 Demonstration, II. 71, § 3 Not so clear as intuitive know-
ledge, ibid. §4: II. 72, § 6,7 Intuitive knowledge necessary in each step of a demonstration, ibid. §7
Not limited to quantity, II. 73, $9
Why that has been supposed, II. 74, § 10
Not to be expected in all cases, II. 205, § 10 What, II. 225, §1: II.257,§15
Desire, I. 217, § 6
Is a state of uneasiness, I. 237-8, § 31, 32
Is moved only by happiness, I. 245, § 41
How far, I. 246, § 43 How to be raised, I. 249, § 46 Misled by wrong judgment, I, 259, § 60 Dictionaries, how to be made, II. 56,825 Discerning, I. 134, § 1
The foundation of some general maxims, I. 135, § 1 Discourse cannot be between two men, who have different names for the same idea, or different ideas for the same name, I. 103, $5 Despair, I. 218, § 11 Disposition, I. 281, § 10. Disputing. The art of disputing prejudicial to knowledge, II. 25-7, § 6, 7, 8, 9 Destroys the use of language, II. 27, § 10
Disputes, whence, I. 163, § 28 Disputes,multiplicity of them owing to the abuse of words, II. 35, $22
Are most about the signification of words, II. 44, § 7 Distance, I. 147, § 3 Distinct ideas, I. 384, § 4 Divisibility of matter incompre- hensible, I. 309, § 31 Dreaming, I. 213, § r
Seldom in some men, I. 85, § 14 Dreams for the most part irrational, I. 87, § 16
In dreams no ideas but of sensa- tion, or reflection, ibid. § 17 Duration, I. 163, § 1, 2 Whence we get the idea of dura- tion, I. 163-5, § 3, 4, 5. Not from motion, I. 169, § 16 Its measures, ibid. § 17, Any regular periodical appear
ance, I. 170-1, § 19, 20 None of its measures known to
be exact, I. 172, § 21
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