and of his holy sacraments: In the ness, and that thy word spoken by name of the FATHER, and of the SON, their mouths may have such success, and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen. that it may never be spoken in vain. Then the Bishop shall deliver unto every one Grant also, that we may have grace of them kneeling, the Bible into his hand, to hear and receive what they shall saying, deliver out of thy most holy word, or TAKE thou authority to preach agreeably to the same, as the means the word of GOD, and to minister of our salvation; that in all our the holy sacraments in the congre words and deeds we may seek thy gation where thou shalt be lawfully glory, and the increase of thy king. appointed thereunto. dom, through JESUS CHRIST our When this is done, the Bishop shall go on in Lord. Amen. the service of the Communion, which all they who receive Orders shall take together, and remain in the same place where hands were laid upon them, until such time as they have received the Communion. The Communion being done, after the last collect, and immediately before the Benedic tion, shall be said this Collect. MOST merciful Father, we be THE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of Gon, and of his Son JESUS CHRIST Our Lord: And the blessing of GOD ALMIGHTY, the FATHER, seech thee to send upon these thy the SON, and the HOLY GHOST, be servants thy heavenly blessing; that amongst you, and remain with you they may be clothed with righteous- always. Amen. And if, on the same day, the Order of Deacons be given to some, and tire Order of Priesthood to others; the Deacons shall be first presented, and then the Priests; and it shall suffice that the Litany be once said for both. The Collects shall both be used; first, that for Deacons, then that for Priests. The Epistle shall be Ephesians iv. 7 to 13, as before in this office. Immediately after which, they that are to be made Deacons, shall be examined, and ordained, as is above prescribed. Then one of them having read the Gospel, which shall be either out of Saint Matto 38, as before in the form for the thew ix. 36, as before in this office; or else Saint Luke xii. 35 at are to be made Priests, shall likewise be examined, and ordained. Ordering of Deacons, they that are as in this office before appointed. THE FORM OF ORDAINING OR CONSECRATING A BISHOP. When all things are duly prepared in the church, and set in order, after Morning Prayer in onded. the Presiding Bishop, or some other Bishop appointed by the Bishops present, shall begin the Communion Service in which this shail be The Collect. glory, through JESUS CHRIST our And another Bishop shall read THIS is a true saying, If a man ALMIGHTY GOD, who by thy Son JESUS CHRIST didst give to thy holy Apostles many excellent gifts, and didst charge them to feed thy flocks; give grace, we beseech desire the office of a Bishop, he de thee, to all Bishops, the pastors of sireth a good work. A Bishop then thy Church, that they may diligently must be blameless, the husband of one preach thy word, and duly adıminis- wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, ter the godly discipline thereof; and given to hospitality, apt to teach, not grant to the people, that they may given to wine, no striker, not greedy obediently follow the same; that all of filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawl. may receive the crown of everlasting er, not covetous; one that ruleth well his own house, having his children made you overseers, to feed the in subjection with all gravity; for if Church of God, which he hath pur a man know not how to rule his own chased with his own blood. For I house, how shall he take care of the know this, that after my departing Church of GOD? not a novice, lest shall grievous wolves enter in among being lifted up with pride he fall into you, not sparing the flock. Also of the condemnation of the devil. More your own selves shall men arise over he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach, and the snare of the devil. Or this: speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years, I ceased not to warn every one, night and day, with tears. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, give than to receive. Then another Bishop shall read The Gospel. St. John xxi. 15. For the Epistle. Acts xx. 17. FROM Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus, and called the Elders of the and to give you an inheritance among Church. And when they were come all them which are sanctified. I have to him, he said unto them, Ye know coveted no man's silver, or gold, or from the first day that I came into apparel: yea, ye yourselves know, Asia, after what manner I have been that these hands have ministered unto with you at all seasons, serving the my necessities, and to them that were LORD with all humility of mind, and with me. I have showed you all with many tears and temptations, things, how that so laboring ye ought which befel me by the lying in wait to support the weak; and to rememof the Jews: And how I kept back ber the words of the Lord JESUS, nothing that was profitable unto you, how he said, It is more blessed to but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our JESUS saith to Simon Peter, Lord JESUS CHRIST. And now, Simon son of Jonas, lovest thou me behold, I go bound in the Spirit unto more than these? He saith unto him, rusalem, not knowing the things Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love tnat shall befal me there; save that the thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. He saith to him again the HOLY GHOST witnesseth in every second time, Simon city, saying, that bonds and afflicson of Jonas, tions abide me. But none of these lovest thou me? He saith unto him, things move me, neither count I Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love life dear unto myself, my thee. He saith unto him, Feed my finish my course with joy, and the sheep. He saith unto him the third ministry which I have received of time, Simon son of Jonas, lovest thou Peter was grieved because he the Lord JESUS; to testify the Gospel said unto him the third time, Lovest of the grace of GOD. And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom thou me ? And he said unto him, I have gone preaching the kingdom Lord, thou knowest all things: thou of GOD, shall see my face no more. knowest that I love thee. JESUS Wherefore I take you to record this saith unto him, Feed my sheep. day, that I am pure from the blood of SO might that I Or this: St. John xx. 19. all men: for I have not shunned to THE same day at evening, being declare unto you all the counsel of the first day of the week, when the GOD. Take heed, therefore, unto doors were shut where the disciples yourselves, and to all the flock, over were assembled for fear of the Jews, the which the HOLY GHOST hath came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto forth his twelve Apostles. It is writyou. And when he had so said, he ten also, That the holy Apostles showed unto them his hands and his prayed, before they ordained Matthias side. Then were the disciples glad, to be of the number of the twelve. when they saw the Lord. Then Let us, therefore, following the exsaith JESUS to them again, Peace be ample of our Saviour CHRIST, and unto you: As my Father hath sent his Apostles, offer up our prayers to me, even so send I you. And when ALMIGHTY GOD, before we admit he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the HOLY GHOST: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they And then shall be said the Litany; save only, are retained. Or this: St. Matt. xxviii. 18. and send forth this person presented unto us, to the work whereunto we trust the HOLY GHOST hath called him. that after this place, That it may please thee to iliuminate all Biskops, &c. the proper Suf frage shall be, JESUS came and spake unto them, THAT it may please thee to bless saying, All power is given unto me this our brother elected, and to send in heaven and in earth. Go ye there- thy grace upon him, that he may duly fore and teach all nations, baptizing execute the office whereunto he is them in the name of the FATHER, and called, to the edifying of thy Church, of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST; and to the honor, praise, and glory teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. After the Gospel and the Sermon are ended, the elected Bishop, vested with his rochet, shall be presented by two Bishops of this Church unto the Presiding Bishop, or to the Bishop appointed, sitting in chair near the holy table; the Bishops who present him saying, of thy name; Answer. We beseech thee to hear us, good LORD. Then shall be said this Prayer following. ALMIGHTY GOD, giver of all good things, who by thy HOLY SPIRIT hast appointed divers orders of ministers in thy Church; mercifully behold this thy servant now called to the work and ministry of a Bishop; and so replenish him with the truth of thy doctrine, and adorn Then shall the Presiding Bishop demand testi- him with innocency of life, that both noniais of the person presented for Consecra- by word and deed he may faithfully tion, and shall cause them to be read. He shall then require of this office, to the glory of Promise of conformity to the doctrine, disci- thy name, and the edifying and well pline, and worship of the Protestant Episcopal governing of thy Church, through REVEREND father in GOD, we present unto you this godly and welllearned man to be ordained and consecrated Bishop. Church. of him the following serve thee in IN the name of GOD, Amen. I the merits of our Saviour JESUS N. chosen Bishop of the Protestant CHRIST, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the HOLY GHOST, world without end. Amen. Then the Presiding Bishop, sitting in his Chair, shall say to him that is to be consecrated, Episcopal Church in N. do promise conformity and obedience to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: So help me GOD, through JESUS CHRIST. Then the Presiding Bishop shall move the congregation present to pray, saying thus to them: BROTHER, forasmuch as the holy Scripture and the ancient canons command that we should not be hasty in laying on hands, and admitting any person to government in the Church of CHRIST, which he hath BRETHREN, it is written in the Gospel of St. Luke, That our Saviour purchased with no less price than CHRIST continued the whole night the effusion of his own blood; before in prayer, before he chose and sent we admit you to this, administration, we will examine you in certain arti-world; that you may show yourself cles, to the end that the congregation in all things an example of good present may have a trial, and bear works unto others, that the adversary witness, how you are minded to be- may be ashamed, having nothing to have yourself in the Church of GOD. ARE you persuaded, that you are truly called to this ministration, according to the will of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and the order of this Church? Answer. I am so persuaded. The Presiding Bishop. ARE you persuaded, that the holy Scriptures contain all doctrine required as necessary for eternal salvation through faith in JESUS CHRIST? And are you determined, out of the same holy Scriptures, to instruct the people committed to your charge, and to teach or maintain nothing, as necessary to eternal salvation, but that which you shall be persuaded, may be concluded and proved by the same? Answer. I am so persuaded, and determined by God's grace. The Presiding Bishop. WILL you then faithfully exercise yourself in the holy Scriptures, and call upon God by prayer for the true understanding of the same; so that you may be able by them to teach and exhort with wholesome doctrine, and to withstand and convince the gainsayers? say against you. Answer. I will so do, the LORD being my helper. The Presiding Bishop. WILL you maintain and set for. ward, as much as shall lie in you, quietness, love, and peace among all men; and diligently exercise such discipline, as by the authority of GOD'S word, and by the order of this Church, is committed to you? Answer. I will so do, by the help of GOD. The Presiding Bishop. WILL you be faithful in ordain others? ing, sending, or laying hands upon Answer. I will so be, by the help of GOD. The Presiding Bishop. WILL you show yourself gentle, and be merciful for CHRIST'S sake to poor and needy people, and to all strangers destitute of help? Then the Presiding Bishop, standing up, Answer. I will so do, by the help will to do all these things, grant also of GOD. unto you strength and power to per. form the same; that he accomplishing in you the good work which he hath begun, you may be found per. The Presiding Bishop. ARE you ready, with all faithful diligence, to banish and drive away fect and irreprehensible at the latter from the Church all erroneous and day, through JESUS CHRIST Our strange doctrine contrary to GOD's Lord. Amen. word; and both privately and openy to call upon and encourage others to the same? Answer. I am ready, the LORD being my helper. The Presiding Bishop. WILL you deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present Then shall the Bishop elect put on the rest COME, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, Enable with perpetual light Or this: COME, Holy Ghost, eternal God, Proceeding from above, our Both from the Father and the Son, In grief and all distress; The heavenly gift of God most High; No tongue can it express; Of joy celestial; bright, the love so sweet, By them Christ's Churca doth stand: In faithful hearts thou writ'st thy law, The finger of God's hand. Resound in every place. Send down thy heavenly light; To serve God day and night: The best, the truest gain; Our leader and our guide, We may escape the snares of sin, And never from thee slide. At the last dreadful day. Of strife and of dissension That ended, the Presiding Bishop shall say, Ans. And let our cry come unto thee. Presiding Bishop. Let us pray. ALMIGHTY Gon and most merciful Father, who of thine infinite goodness hast given thine only and dearly beloved Son JESUS CHRIST, to be our Redeemer, and the author of everlasting life; who, after tha he had made perfect our redemption by his death, and was ascended into heaven, poured down his gifts abundantly upon men, making some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evan. gelists, some Pastors and Doctors, to the edifying and making perfect his Church; grant, we beseech thee, to this thy servant such grace, that he may evermore be ready to spread abroad thy Gospel, the glad tidings of reconciliation with thee; and use the authority given him, not to destruction, but to salvation; not to hurt, but to help: so that as a wise and faithful servant, giving to thy family their portion in due season, he may at last be received into everlasting joy, through JESUS CHRIST our Lord, who, with thee and the HOLY GHOST, liveth and reigneth, one GOD, world without end. Amen. Then the Presiding Bishop, and Bishops present, shall lay their hands upon the head of the elected Bishop kneeling before them, the Presiding Bishop saying, RECEIVE the Holy Ghost for the office and work of a Bishop in the Church of GOD, now committed unto thee by the imposition of our hands: In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen. And remember that thou stir up the grace of GOD, which is given thee by this imposition of our hands: for God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and soberness. Then the Presiding Bishop shall deliver him the Bible, saying, GIVE heed unto reading, exhorta tion, and doctrine; think upon the things contained in this book; be |