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Although there is no disgrace in some of the poor of our churches having to go to the Poor-house, yet there is something very unpleasant in the idea, especially as they are there thrust among the rude, loose, and profligate, as well as the unfortunate; the former generally predominate, and with such they have to mingle, and also to receive the unmerited harshness of unfeeling and insolent officials. To the benevolent Christian, deeply painful must it be to witness either the case of the aged pilgrim struggling to exist on a precarious sum not exceeding six shillings a week, or entering the Poor-house under the circumstances mentioned; and gladly would many avail themselves of any plan suggested, equal to meet and remove the difficulty. The evil will be seen in either case. What I would propose is simply this: the establish

ment of

AN AGED PILGRIM'S RETREAT, for the poor members of Christian Churches.

The author goes on to describe his proposed plan, but we cannot find room for it. Those who are interested in such a subject will do well to purchase the work. We wish it an extensive circulation, as it cannot fail to be beneficial to the class for whose welfare it is written.

there are a great many instances of ad-
vanced age.
The late returns of the
Greek Church population of the Rus-.
sian empire, give (in the table of the
deaths of the male sex) more than one
thousand above a hundred years of age:
many between a hundred and a hundred
and forty; and four between a hun-
dred and forty and a hundred and fifty.
it is stated that, to whatever age the
Mexican Indians live, they never be-
come grey-haired. They are repre-
sented as peaceable cultivators of the
soil, living constantly on vegetable food
-often attaining a hundred years of
age, still green and vigorous.

Of the South American Indians, Ulloa says he has "known several who, at the age of a hundred, were still very robust and active, which, unquestionably, must, in some measure, be attributed to the perfect sameness and simplicity of their food." Both the Peruvian Indians and the Creoles are remarkably long lived, and retain their faculties to a very advanced age. Slaves in the West Indies (now free) are recorded from a hundred and thirty to a hundred and forty years of age.


The best grain for bread is WHEAT. But Indian corn, rye, oats, barley, rice, and many other vegetables may be made into good bread; however, none will compare with wheat. Bread made of pure wheat-meal, unbolted, and eaten cold, is the first and best article of diet for all. And if we could only be the means of inducing our countrymen, one and all, to come back to the use of good bread, we know that we should be the means of greater good, "both to their souls and bodies," than was ever done before by any medical society. No military glory, no bloody The important subjects briefly victory ever achieved on the field of

THE BOOK OF HEALTH; with practical remarks on Parentage, Infancy, Food, Diet, Labour, kecreation, Sleep, Bathing, Clothing, Air, Causes of ill heath, etc. etc. By LAROY SUNDERLAND.-London, Horsell.

treated on in this little work deserve to be well considered and deeply pondered. Without subscribing to all its contents, we recommend this work to the notice of our readers, and extract the following for their perusal :--


According to Dr. Smith, in no other part of the world (in proportion to the population) are there more instances of extreme longevity than among the Norwegian peasantry, who scarcely ever taste animal food. In the severe climate of Russia, too, where the inhabitants live on a coarse vegetable diet,

battle, no discovery in the mechanic arts, not even those of Steam and the "Electric Telegraph," would bear comparison with the benefits to be anticipated from the universal use of good bread. Nothing but good results have followed the use of this bread among the thousands of families who have adopted it, in different parts of the country, within the last ten years; good, that no one will or can appreciate whose appetite has become vitiated by years of bad habits, in the use of the hot, greasy, and vile compounds, such as have smoked from day to day upon the tables both of the rich and poor, for ages past.

In corroboration of the value of this kind of bread, Professor Johnston, of the University of Durham, has subject

ed the meal and flour of wheat to chemical analysis, according to which, the flour of wheat contains, at the lowest estimate, 22 per cent, less of the staminal principles of nutrition than the entire ineal, (flour unbolted); and, if to this is added the smallest allowance for the matters destroyed by fermentation, we shall be under the mark in saying, that fermented flour bread contains 25 per cent. less of the nutritious ingredients than unfermented meal bread. Hence it, appears, for every 75 loaves of fermented bread we might possess 100 of unfermented meal bread; and in every 3 of these at least as much nourishment as is contained in 4 of the other.

But it is not sufficient that bread should be made of the proper material : it should (so to speak) be ripened, before it is eaten. Young persons, or persons in the enjoyment of vigorous health, may eat bread immediately after being baked, without any sensible injury from it; but weakly and aged persons cannot-and none can eat such without doing harm to the digestive organs. Bread, after being baked, goes through a change; it not only has more nutriment, but imparts a much greater degree of cheerfulness. He that eats old ripe bread will have a much greater flow of animal spirits than he would were he to eat unripe bread, (it discharges carbon, and imbibes oxygen.)

One thing in connection with this thought should be noticed by all housewives; it is, to let the bread ripen where it can inhale the oxygen in a pure state. Bread will always taste of the air that surrounds it while ripening-hence it should ripen where the air is pure. It should never ripen in a cellar, nor in a close cupboard, nor in a bedroom. The noxious vapours of a cellar or cupboard never should enter into and form a part of the bread we eat. Bread should be well baked, and properly ripened before it should be


OUR DAILY BREAD: or the value of bread made of unbolted wheat meal in promoting easy digestion, complete nutrition, good health, and long life. By WILLIAM HORSELL. This work expounds a theory worthy of being fully tested.

Phrenological Magazine, devoted to the popular exposition of the principles of health, the causes of discase, and the methods by which the former may be maintained, and the latter cured or avoided: also to illustrate the truths of Mental Philosophy. Edited by Frederic Towgood Esq.

This is a monthly Periodical devoted to the above subjects.


APOSTOLIC TEMPERANCE; a Reply to the REV. JOHN CUMMING D. D., in confutation of his arguintoxicating liquors, as set forth in ments for the moderate drinking of "Sabbath Morning Readings," and "Foreshadows," and in Vindication of Teetotalism, and of the contemplated "Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic." By the REV. HENRY GALE, B. C. L. Late Curate of All Saints, Birmingham.-London, Horsell.

This is a telling publication, refuting the assertions of Dr. Cumming in favour of the moderate use of alcoholic beverages, and establising the safety and consistency of Total Abstinence from their use. The author challenges Dr. Cumming publicly to discuss the questions at issue in Exeter Hall; and so pointedly appeals to him as a minister and author, on the evil tendency of his doctrines on Teetotalism, that in our view the doctor is morally bound to attempt the justification of them, or to acknowledge his error. The work before us, however, will show Dr. Cumming that the former will be no easy task. We hope it may so fully convince him of the untenable, dangerous, and destructive sentiments he has broached on the subject of Teetotalism, as will induce him manfully to retract them, and yield himself a convert to Total Abstinence principles.

Teetotalers will derive strength from the perusal of the work; and those who are searching after the truth on this highly important subject, especially all real christian inquirers, will scarcely be able, we should think, to weigh the arguments in favour of Tectotalism THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH and which the work contains, without

being convinced of their duty to adopt its principles.

There is, however, one sentiment broached which has caused us great pain; namely, the proposal to open the "Crystal palace" and similar places on the Sabbath, as a means of drawing the masses away from gin palaces. We must not "do evil that good may come"; and therefore we could not sanction the desecration of the Sabbath, even were it certain that the doing so would remove the curse of intemperance. It is problematical whether drunkenness would not prevail as much among those who frequented those

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To the Editor. DEAR BROTHER:


As yourself and our friends generally are always pleased to hear of the prosperity of God's cause, I have no doubt you will very cheerfully insert in the Magazine the accompanying brief account of the prosperity of the work in Guernsey.

On our arrival here, immediately after last Conference, we found the cause at a low ebb; but being kindly received, and seeing that a strenuous effort was necessary to realize a better state of things, we resolved to lay ourselves out afresh for the Lord, that we might "win souls," edify the church, and enlarge the borders of Zion. The first Sabbath we spent among the friends we pointed out to them the nature and delightful effects of christian union, in the morning; preached in the open-air in the afternoon; and in the evening, dwelt on the necessity of the church's co-operation with the ministry, in order to secure success in preaching the word. Thank God, the appeal was heartily responded to; the people arose and pleaded with the Most High; and very soon "showers of blessings" began to descend upon us. lujah!


We continued to preach in the open air on Sabbath afternoons, as long as the weather and other circumstances

would permit. Our audiences were large, orderly, and attentive. Many appeared to feel the force of truth.

Over many a face was seen to flow the tear which indicates a snitten conscience, a "broken heart," and a "wounded spirit." The heart having been affected, and the fountains thereof broken up, we were followed by many from the open-air to the Chapel; and as the holy fire diffused its light and heat all around, exerted its purifying and assimilating influence, and manifested its attractive and elevating pow er, our congregations rapidly increased. Several of the old friends tell me that the congregation has been doubled or more, since Conference; and that it has not been so large for many years as at present. To God be all the praise!


In consequence of the increase of the congregation, many additional sittings have been let, hence there hasbeen a considerable augmentation of chapel receipts; but we rejoice more abundantly, in the delightful quickening which has been realized in the church, and in the conversion of siuners to God. though our Society is not chargeable with the guilt of what is commonly cailed" Confusion ;" that is, of saying "Amen" in the time of prayer, and "Praise God," or Hallelujali" in the public meetings; and although they are, from the force of habit, and from the restraining influence of an ungodly world, inclined to be very orderly;' yet there have been many seasons in which their minds have been so enlightened with divine truth, and their

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hearts so warmed with the love of Christ; their hope has so bloomed with immortal glory, their joy gushed forth like a fountain in their bosoms, and the peace of God rolled like a mighty river in their souls; their view of the sinner's alarming condition so clear, their jealousy for God's glory so intense, and their sympathy with heaven's throne so strong; that they have groaned under the burden of souls, cried earnestly and mightily to God for their salvation, and shouted aloud when deliverance has come. Hence, under the glorious presence of the Most High, we have often rejoiced together" with joy unspeakable and full of glory." And while the church has thus been quickened, and "the garden of the Lord has shed forth a sweet perfume, the wilderness has blossomed like the rose, and a portion of the parched land has become a fruitful field." From Conference to Christmas about thirty were professedly and hopefully converted to God; and although some of the converts have been so circumstanced as not to be able to identify themselves with us in church-fellowship; and although some who gave promise of a good work have resembled the morning cloud and the early dew;" yet blessed be God, we have had a heart-cheering ingathering to our little Society.

Christmas was rather a trying time for us. Notwithstanding the voice of warning was raised, and the approach of the subtle and malignant adversary pointed out; yet so strong was the world's attractive but delusive charms, that some were drawn aside from the paths of holiness and happiness. May the Lord look upon them, as he did upon unfaithful Peter! The Society too felt, to some extent, the blighting influence of the world's display at Christmas. Hence the soft, the melt-. ing, the subduing influence which had been flowing onward among us as a river, was considerably diminished; but, praise the Lord, within the last two or three weeks, we have, to some extent, regained our former position. We have had some delightful prayer meetings and class meetings; and some sinners have appeared to be on the point of being "reconciled to God." May the Lord revive us again, that his people may rejoice in him."

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One of the natural fruits of "the showers of blessings" which have descended upon us, has been an improvement in our financial affairs. Our


Quarterly receipts have been much in creased. The necessity of improvement in this department arises from the fact that we have to raise nearly £10 more this year than was raised last, in order to meet the expenses of the Quarter Board, and our proportionate part of the debt on the "General Account." This will require a mighty effort for a little Society of about 55 members (as returned last Conference); but we shall do it. On our coming to the Station, the furniture in the Preacher's house being found to be rather scanty, we appealed to the Society for an improvement. The appeal was unanimously and heartily responded to. A tea-meeting was got up; and while it was a time of great spiritual good, its pecuniary proceeds were something above £7. The articles purchased by this nice little sum have greatly improved the domestic circle, and very much added to our comfort.

That the Lord may abundantly pour out his Spirit upon this Station, and upon the whole Connexion; that he may speedily sweep away sanguinary dark and dismal intemperance, and every other species of evil, is my humble, earnest, and importunate prayer. Lord, save the world! Amen and Amen!




Shortly after the Michaelmas quarterly meeting, the work of God began to revive at Callington, and a sinner now and then began to cry "God be merciful to me a sinner." Our congregations greatly improved, and many seeking souls obtained salvation by faith in Christ.

At the closing up of the old year and at the beginning of the new, the work of the Lord began to revive more rapidly among us, and shortly scores of sin. ners were brought to a saving knowledge of the truth. "Both young men and maidens, old men and children," were made happy in God. The work is still prospering at Callington, and up to this date more than sixty have joined in church fellowship with us.

At Beer-Barton, the work of the Lord has been progressing delightfully for the last three months. Fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, and whole families have been made happy in the Lord. More than eighty have been led to cry aloud for mercy. The work


is still going on at Beer-Barton. hope the day will soon come when we shall have a chapel in this place. It is not for want of an effort being made, there that we have not now a chapel ; is a stumbling-block in the way.

At Harrowbarrow we have had a delightful work going on for soine time. Many vile sinners in the neighbourhood who had been given up for lost-many thought they would never be savedthank God, have been alarmed on account of their sins; and now they


sinners saved by grace. Fifty have professed to find peace at this place.

At Stoke-Climsland also many sinners have been converted. At Gunnislake the work of God is beginning to revive. The Wesleyans have a gracious work in this place. Our Circuit is looking very prosperous at this time; the societies are dwelling together in peace, and praying for larger out-pourings of the Holy Spirit. The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad. To him be all the glory..


P. S. I have been in the Looe Circuit for nearly a week, assisting Br. Hopper in holding Missionary Meetings. There is a delightful work going on in that Station. Br. Hopper thinks he has a hundred added to the church



The good work is still progressing in this circuit. It broke out the second time at Carfury, and about fifty have It has been hopefully converted. spread from there to Polminiek, and a blessed work is going on at that place. Some of our friends have laboured hard in carrying on the work.

I have been much pleased while in the Truro Circuit, in witnessing the delightful change that has taken place at Probus, Grampound, and Tregony.

We have had frequently to go more miles than we have had people to preach to; but now the chapels are crowded. I suppose there are nearly 200 members at the three places.

I hope Grampound friends will succeed in getting a new chapel.



Special services have been held at

Wellington, which commenced on January 20th and continued five weeks. The church has done what every church ought to do, namely "travail in birth for souls," and we are thankful to God, that he has prospered the works of our hand, by turning many from darkness to light-and from sin to holiness ;-so that many who not long since were conscious that God was angry, can now adopt the language of the inspired penman and joyfully exclaim;

"O Lord, I will praise thee," &c. While sinners have been crying for mercy, and the church earnestly praying both with and for them, the scene to idle spectators could not appear to be anything but confusion; but to those who were engaged therein it was a glorious regularity cries for mercy and thanks for pardoning love have frequently ascended in a wondrously mixed, but grateful incense before the throne of God.

We held our public meetings five nights during the week, and a meeting for the members and young converts on Saturday evenings, which are still continued. These meetings we have had well attended, deeply interesting, and exceedingly beneficial. Many have given in their names to meet with us in church-fellowship. O that they may be kept by the power of God, through faith unto eternal salvation ! We have cause for being deeply humbled and truly grateful to God, that the church generally is in a much better state than previous to those special services; for all appear to be united in the bonds of christian love.

The Local preachers and elders during these services have manifested their zeal for God's house and their diligence in promoting the good work. A few difficulties have not discouraged them; for they have had, and I trust still have-"a mind to work."

I should be pleased to hear that there were hundreds being converted in the Established Church; for there certainly is work for all to do, and no one needs be idie. I hope our dear friends at Wellington will remember that there are thousands in this town still unconverted, who are "without hope and without God in the world," and that this consideration will lead us all to persuade and entreat them, “in Christ's stead to be reconciled to God." May we ever lie at each other's feetact for God-feel for souls-expect present blessings-fight the good fight

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