Billeder på siden







Government of the United States - Porto Rico - Cuba - Philippines
Guam Declaration of Independence Mechlenberg Declaration - Constitution
of the United States - Government of the States and Territories - Copyright
Law-Patent Office Procedure - Naturalization Laws - Passport Regulations-
Civil Service - U. S. Customs Duties - War Revenue Taxes - British Customs
Tariff — Labor Legislation Pension Laws Jurisdiction of Justices of the
Peace — The Law of Finding-U.S. Customs Regulations as to Baggage-Laws
of Suffrage- State and Territorial Statistics - Federal Bankruptcy Act-Law
of Trade-Marks Interstate Commerce Law- Business Law and Forms
Interest Laws and Statutes of Limitation - Law of Inns and Innkeepers
- Law
of the Road - Landlord and Tenant Exemption Laws - Marriage and Divorce
Laws Rights of Married Women Government of the British Empire -
Canada Argentine Republic Austria-Hungary - Belgium - Brazil — Chile
China - France German Empire - Greece - Italy Japan — Mexico —
Netherlands Russia Spain Turkey Statistics of the Countries of the
World Heads of the Governments of the World — Divisions of Africa - Trial
by Jury Draco's Laws Laws of Subscription - Chinese Emigration Laws -
Postal Laws-Indebtedness of Nations-Parliamentary Law-Prohibitory Laws







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Literature-Languages-English Language-Capital Letters-Punctuation - Proof
Reading Familiar Allusions Foreign Words and Phrases Great Men's
Works - Authors of Famous Poems - Celebrated Characters in Literature
Literary Pseudonyms - First Newspapers-Nibelungen Lied-Forty Immortals
of the French Academy - The World's Best Books -- Abbreviations in General
Use - Christian Names- Alphabets -- Early Literature Chinese Literature-
Greek Literature - Hebrew Literature - Roman Literature-Sanscrit Literature
Arabic Literature- Persian Literature - Italian Literature - Spanish Liter-
ature Portuguese Literature French Literature German Literature
Scandinavian Literature Russian Literature Polish Literature English
Literature - American Literature Hungarian Literature Volapük Lan-
guages of the World - History of Writing - French Academy-Troubadours-
The Iliad - The Eneid Gesta Romanorum Norse Sagas Miracle Plays
Romance of the Rose --Classic and Romantic Literature Goethe's Faust -
Dante-Latin Language - Surnames Poet Laureate - - Renaissance
of the Theater-Misuse of Words


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Chronological Eras-Divisions of Time-Old English Holidays -- Legal Holidays -
Standard Time - Perpetual Calendar- Anniversaries-First Day of the Year-
General Church Councils-Origin of Months and Days of the Week - Diction-
ary of Mythology and Folklore Outlines of Universal History Calendar of
American Battles Dictionary of Biography - Admission of States into the
Union - Organization of the Territories-Derivations of Names of States and
Territories Rulers of France from the Revolution Kings and Queens of
England - Presidents of the U. S.- Vice-Presidents of the U. S. — Justices of
the U. S. Supreme Court Cabinet Officers Speakers of the U. S. House of

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The Earth's Surface- Telephone Electric Light - Geysers



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tricity Phonograph - Climate Zoology Ethnology - Air-Chemistry-
Printing Ocean Cables - Circulation of Blood - Astronomy- Anatomy
Acoustics Algebra Assaying-Compass - Solar System-Specific Gravity
-Earthquakes Electroplating Evolution · Etching - Railroads Glacial
Period-Gunpowder-Iron-Lace-Making- Matches Artillery - Microscope
- Mesmerism Magnet
Ether - Fire-Ento-
mology Geology Geometry-Geography-Glass-Typewriters-Interesting
Origins - Water-Gravitation-Medicine-Physics-Shipbuilding-Spectacles
-Stenography-Sugar - Telescope - Weaving-Wire-Nebular Hypothesis-
Paper Nails - Aurora Borealis Common Names of Chemical Substances-
Copernican System - Thermometry - Hypnotism Photogravure Metric
System Ptolemaic System - Mirage - Coin - Day and Night - Meteors
Comets Agricultural Machinery - Spinning Wheel Stars- Velocity — Tel-
egraph Steam Engines - Steel Stereotyping Weights and Measures
Zodiac — Violin-Type-Setting Machines-Vaccination-Light-Envelopes-
Photography - Pianoforte.

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Pure Air Food Diet of Brain-Workers - Classification of Food Analysis of
Food - Digestibility of Food - Nutritiousness of Food Chemical Composition
of the Human Body- Cleanliness Exercise -- Human Pulse - Respiration
Baths-Corpulency - Medicinal Food -- Spring Fever -- Breakfast
Supper and Tea Small Points on Table Etiquette Wines and Liquors
Effects of Excessive Eating - Insufficient Nutrition - Diet of Infancy-Diet of
Childhood and Youth Diet of Middle Life- Diet of Advanced Life-Gym-
nastics and Physical Development - Medicines, with Doses -- Disinfectants
Sleeplessness- Drugs Choice of Articles of Food -- Seasonable Food-House-
keeper's Time - Table Terms used in French Cookery French-English
Dishes (translated) Housekeeper's Measures and Weights - Beds and Bed-
ding-Stimulants and Narcotics-Coffee-Tea- Chocolate Cheese - Carpets
- Care of the Eyes-Care of the Teeth-- Care of the Hair— Spectacles --Anti-
dotes for Poisons-Cosmetics Earthenware Cancer-House Furnishing -
House Decoration - Value of Woods - Medical Dictionary.

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European Cathedrals- Translations of the Bible - Catacombs-Inquisition- Apoc-
rypha-Celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church-English Universities - Adam
and Eve-Celebrated Paintings - Buddhism—Garden of Eden-Millennium—
Confucianism Diet of Worms- Benedictines - Architecture - Alexandrian
Library-Juggernaut Councils of Nice-Islam-Mormons-Mount Ararat—
Obelisks-Kissing the Book-Tower of Pisa-French Renaissance-Foreign
Libraries Church of England Christian Association-Education of the
Blind-Gnosticism-Compulsory Education-Illiteracy of Various Nations—
Gardens of Babylon - Oneida Community Hades
Shakers-Pantheon at Rome - Universities and Colleges of the U. S.- Foreign
Universities Animal Worship-Holy Grail- Pyramids - Septuagint - Taj-
Mahal Roman Baths Religious Statistics Sunday School Statistics
Religious Denominations in the U. S. Scriptural Measures
Tower of Babel - Shintuism—- Sunday -- Public Schools - Sanhedrim Scho-
lastics Parsees - Koran Sinai-Vulgate-Smithsonian Institution- Jesuits
Qualification for the Practice of Medicine - Practice of Law — Unitarians
Windsor Castle - Roman Catholic Church - The Reformation-Christianity -
Leading American Universities Music - Salvation Army - Military and
Naval Academies -- Royal Academy Sculpture Schools of Art- Educational
Philanthropies - Musical and Art Terms.








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Signers of the Declaration of Independence Center of Population Civil War
Statistics-Diplomatic Service- Rare Coins and their Values-Great Financial
Panics-Giants and Dwarfs-Mason and Dixon's Line- Alloys-World's Fairs
— Velocities of Bodies—Mixing Colors— Value of Metals—Modes of Execution
Great Fires, Floods, and Inundations-Waterfalls-Wars of the U. S.
Sizes of Papers and Books - Language of Flowers Weights and Measures-
Variations in Time Library of Congress Alcoholic Liquors Notable
Bridges American Indian - Largest Cities of the World-Expectation of Life
Defective Classes - Height of Noted Buildings and Monuments - Holidays
Executive Civil List-World's Seven Wonders - Divorces in Different Countries
-The Brain — Weights of Produce - Population of the United States -- Public
Lands Language of Gems - Indian Folklore - Bell Time on Shipboard
Highest Mountains-Chinese Wall-Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty-Population
of Great Britain - Caste among the Hindoos - Harbors - Bunker Hill Monu-
ment Alien Landholders in the U. S.-Government Salary List - Vegetable
Origins Slavery Mardi-Gras Mound-Builders - Blue Stockings -- Latin
Union Facts About the Earth The Sacred Number Molly Maguires

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U. S. Recruiting Requirements - Army Pay Table - Navy Pay Table - Navies
of the World Armed Strength of Europe The Stage State Flowers
Modern Explosives-- Longest Rivers in the World-Famous Blue Laws-Aver-
age Rainfall in U. S. -- Tables of Distances Historic Minor Political Parties
Losses in Recent Wars Exports of Various Countries - About Ships -- Tariff
Rates of Different Countries Postage Stamps White House Weddings-
Fabian Policy Royal Incomes Famous Diamonds Oceans, Seas, Bays, and
Lakes Single Tax - National Nicknames Dying Sayings of Famous People
-Woman Suffrage-- Mottoes of the States-Gotham-Ships of the U. S. Navy
Remarkable Caves Number of Pensioners in the U. S. Great Eastern

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Yellowstone Park The Golden Fleece- Strasburg Clock Patents Issued -
Nihilism-Tammany- Rainbow-Associated Press- Distances Between Euro-
pean Cities-Grocer's Table-Pilgrim Fathers and Mothers-Nautical Vocabulary




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