plain'd; which, with all other Things of lefs Moment, must be left to the induftrious Teacher, whofe Duty it will be at proper Times to put his Scholars upon perufing and understanding them: without which Diligence in the Mafter, we all too, too well experience what prodigious Readers and mindful Students moft School-Boys are. The Contents or Heads of the Parts in the First Book are wrote by Way of Question, to the end they may be fo made ufe of at any Time when the Teacher thinks proper. THUS much concerning BOOK I. which when I had finished, there fill feemed to be fomething wanting towards perfecting a Compleat Compendium of Rhetoric, and that was, To point out to the young Student The Height and Excellency of good Writings. To perform which, I humbly conceive Nothing could be more properly introduced than the Subftance of the Celebrated LONGINUS on the Sublime. This therefore I have proposed for BOOK II. and and to be, as it were, a Crown to the Whole. The Difference of Quantity and Accent among the Greeks has occafioned the Names of fome of the Figures, to be pronounced differently by different Authors; to prevent Ambiguity in which for the Future, I have accented them all as they are now generally pronounced, in the INDEX at the End, which be pleafed to confult upon this and every other Occafion. VALETE. P. S. But here I muft not forget to pay my grateful Acknowledgements to my Worthy and Learned Friends, the prefent VISITORS of Helt School, viz. The Hon. Sir JACOB ASTLEY, Bart. The Hon. Colonel AUGUSTINE EARLE, Dr. EDMOND NEWDIGATE, M. D. Mr. WILLIAM BRERETON, Gent. Mr. BENJAMIN SEEL, Gent. The Rev. Mr. JOHN SPRINGOLD, Rector of Wiveton, The Rev. Mr. JOSEPH LANE, Rector of Saxlingham, and The Rev. Mr. JOHN GIRDLESTONE, Rector of Cley juxta Mare. For their kind Recommendation and Encouragement of the Sale of my Books, having within a few Years fold about Six Thousand Latin Grammars, and near Four Thoufand Greek Grammars, with, This Treatife, and the rest, in due Proportion. HOLT, JANUARY 1ft. 1755. J. H. To the WORSHIPFUL, Prime ROBERT SALUSBURY, Efq; {Warden, With the other Worthy WARDENS of the Worfhipful Company of FISHMONGERS, LONDON, viz. Mr. SAMUEL RODBARD, Mr. OBADIAH JONES, And to the rest of the GENTLEMEN of the Court of ASSISTANTS of the faid Company; Governors of Sir JOHN GRESHAM'S Free Grammar-School at Holt, in Norfolk: viz. SLINGSBY BETHELL, Efq; Alderman and Member of Parliament for London. Mr. RICHARD PERCY, Mr. ROBERT STOCKDALE, Mr. EDWARD PRICE, Mr. ALEXANDER BOWER, Mr. CHARLES SMYTH, Mr. GEORGE THAWYER, Mr. JOHN GREGORY, A Mr. Mr. JONATHAN BOWLES, Mr. SAMUEL TOWERS, This Treatife of RHETORIC, OR, THE ELEMENTS of ORATORY, For the Compleating of YOUTH in their Grammatical Knowledge, and their further Inftruction in the Excellent Art of SPEAKING WELL and WRITING ELEGANTLY, in their own or either of the Learned LANGUAGES, Is humbly Infcribed by J. HOLMES. AMPLISSIMIS ERUDITISSIMISQUE VIRIS, Reverendo admodum in Chrifto Patri ac Domino D. THOME HAYTER, EPISCOPO NORVICENSI, NEC NON Præclaro Humaniffimoque D. JOSEPHO ATWELL, D. D. Ejufdem Diæcefeos CANCELLARIO, QUONI S. P. D. JOANNES HOLMES. UONIAM Naturâ tenaciffimi fumus omnes eorum, quæ rudibus Annis percipimus; et quia, ad parandam bonam Juventuti Mentem, plurimum habet Momenti, Guftum optimarum Rerum protinus infeviffe teneris Animis; Hoc Opus, DIGNISSIMI OR NATISSIMIque VIRI, in Scholarum Ufum jamdudum inftitui: nempe TRACTATUM ORATORIUM ex diverforum Rhetorum, illorumque neque unius Ætatisnec Regionis, Officinis depromptum. A.2 In |