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5. Inftinct and Cunning of Birds to fave

their Nefts.


Into the Centre of a nei hbouring Bub

They drop, and whirring thence alarm'd, deceive

The rambling School-Boy.

Spring, ver. 640.

6. Fight of two Bulls.

THE Rivals met, the bellowing War begins;
Their Eyes flash Fury; to the hollowed Earth,
Whence the Sand flies, they mutter bloody Deeds,
And groaning vaft th' impetuous Battle mix:
While the fair Heifer, redolent, in view
Stands kindling up their Rage.Spring, ver. 746.

7. Prodigious Storm of Rain.

A BURST of Rain, Swept from the black Horizon, broad defcends In one continuous Flood. Still over head The glomerating Tempeft grows, and ftill The Deluge deepens; till the Fields around Lie funk, and flatted, in the fordid Wave. Sudden the Ditches fwell; the Meadows fwim. Red, from the Hills, innumerable Streams Tumultuous roar; and high above it's Banks The River lift; before whofe weighty Rufb, Herds, Flocks, and Harvefts, Cottages, and Swains,

Roll mingled down.

Autumn, ver. 332.

8. Shooting flying.

NOR on the Surges of the boundless Air,

Tho' borne triumphant, are they fafe; the Gun,



Glane'd juft, and fudden, from the Fowler's Eye,
O'ertakes their founding Pinions; and again,
Immediate, brings them from the towering Wing,
Dead to the Ground.
Autumn, ver. 374.

9. Whisk, Back-Gammon, and Drinking, after Hunting.

PERHAPS awhile, amusive, thoughtful Whisk
Walks gently round, beneath a Cloud of Smoak,
Wreath'd, fragrant, from the Pipe; or the quick Dice,
In Thunder leaping from the Box, awake

The founding Gammon. - Till fet, ardent, in
For ferious Drinking. Then promifcuous Talk,
Vociferate at once by twenty Tongues,

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Reels faft from Theme to Theme; from Horses, Hounds, To Church, or Mistress, Politicks, or Ghost,

In endless Mazes, intricate, perplext. &c.

While, from their Slumbers book, the kennel'd Hounds Mix in the Mufic of the Day again.

Autumn, ver. 525+

10. Fruit in Autumn.

THE funny Wall

Prefents the downy Peach; the purple Plumb,

With a fine blueish Mift of Animals

Clouded; the ruddy Nectarine; and dark,
Beneath bis ample Leaf, the lufcious Fig.
The Vine too bere ber curling Tendrels shoots;
Hangs out her Clufters, fwelling to the South;
And fcarcely wishes for a warmer Sky.

Autumn, ver. 669.

II. De

11. Defcription of Holland.

WHERE the Rhine lofes her majestic Force
In Belgian Plains, won from the raging Deep
By Diligence amazing, and the strong
Unconquerable Hand of Liberty. Autumn, ver. 793*

12. At the Approach of Winter.

THEN is the Time,

For those whom Wisdom, and whom Nature charm,
To fteal themselves from the degenerate Crowd,
And foar above this little Scene of Things.

Autumn, ver. 908.

13. Taking up Bee-Hives.

AH! fee where robb'd, and murder'd, in that Pit,
Lies the ftill beaving Hive; at Evening fnatch'd,
Beneath the Cloud of guilt-concealing Night,
And whelm'd o'er Sulphur: while undreaming Ill,
The happy People, in their waxen Cells,

Sat tending public Cares!

Autumn, ver. 1072.

14. True Philofophers neither Stoics nor Cynics.

THE Touch of Love, and Kindred too he feels,
The modeft Eye, whofe Beams on his alone
Exftatic fhine; the little, ftrong Embrace
Of prattling Children, twin'd about his Neck,
And emulous to please him, calling forth
The fond Parental Soul. Nor Purpose gay,
Amusement, Dance, or Song, he fternly Scorns;
I 2


For Happiness, and true Philofophy

Still are, and have been of the fmiling Kind.

Autumn, ver. 1241.

15. Falling of Snow.

THRO' the bush'd Air the whitening Shower defcends,
At first thin-wavering; till at last the Flakes
Fall broad, and wide, and faft, dimming the Day,
With a continual Flow. Sudden the Fields

Put on their Winter-Robe, of purest White.

Winter, ver. 215.

16. Winter Retreat.

WHERE ruddy Fire and beaming Tapers join,
To chafe the cheerless Gloom. There let me fit,
And bold high Converfe with the mighty dead;
Sages of ancient Time, as Gods rever'd,
As Gods beneficent, who bleft Mankind

With Arts, and Arms, and humaniz'd a World.

Winter, ver. 419.

17. Skating on Ice.

THE Skater Sweeps, fwift as the Winds, along,
In circling Poife; or elfe diforder'd falls,

His Feet eluded, fprawling to the Sky,

While the Laugh rages round. --- Winter, ver. 632. 18. The Theatre.

DREAD o'er the Scene the Ghost of Hamlet stalks;
Othello rages; poor Monimia mourns ;

And Belvidera pours her Soul in Love.
Affenting Terror Shakes; the filent Tear


Steals o'er the Cheek: Or elfe the Comic Mufe
Holds to the World the Picture of itself,

And raifes fy the fair impartial Laugh.

Winter, ver. 549.

19. Winter-Philofophical-Affociates.
THUS in fome deep Retirement would I pass
The Winter-Glooms, with Friends of various Turn,
Or blithe, or folemn, as the Theme inspir'd:
With them would fearch, if this unbounded Frame
Of Nature rofe from unproductive Night,
Or Sprung Eternal from th' Eternal Cause,

It's Springs, it's Laws, it's Progrefs, and it's End. &c.
Thence would we plunge into the Moral World;
Which, tho' more feemingly perplex'd, moves on
In highest Order; fitted, and impell'd,
By Wisdom's fineft Hand, and iJuing all
In univerfal Good. Hiftoric Truth

Should next conduct us thro' the Deeps of Time:

Point us how Empire grew, revolv'd, and fell,

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We'd thro' the Spaces of Futurity,

With earnest Eye anticipate thofe Scenes
Of Happiness, and Wonder; where the Mind,
In endless Growth and infinite Afcent,

Rifes from State to State, and World to World.

Winter, ver. 474.

20. Truft in the Supreme Being.

SHOULD Fate command me to the farthest Verge Of this capacious Earth; --- 'Tis Nought to me; Since God is ever prefent, ever felt,

In the void Waste, as in the City full;



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