LETTERS ON THE LAWS OF MAN'S NATURE AND DEVELOPMENT. BY HENRY GEORGE ATKINSON, F.G.S., AND HARRIET MARTINEAU. wwwwww "But the commandment of knowledge is yet higher than the command- LONDON: JOHN CHAPMAN, 142, STRAND. MDCCCLI. Inden wirela 8-21-46 56145 PREFACE. THIS book is in reality what it appears to be,-a correspondence between two friends. The responsibility for its publication is mine. For some years, I had been taking a stronger and stronger interest in Mr. Atkinson's views on a group of subjects which I had been contemplating from my youth up, with incessant curiosity, and, till of late, slight satisfaction. Last year, I asked him to permit me to inquire of him, in some sort of sequence, about his researches into the nature and position of the Human Being; and the replies I have received seemed to me to require of us both the discharge of that great social duty, to impart what we believe, and what we think we have learned. I therefore suggested the publication of our letters. Among the few things of which we can pronounce ourselves certain, is the obligation of inquirers after truth to communicate what they obtain: and there is nothing in the surprise, reluctance, levity, or disapprobation of any person, or any number of persons, which can affect |