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Department, he tried to spread a knowledge of Pestalozzian method amongst teachers in London, but met with little success. He introduced the Tables of the Relations of Numbers; and in 1855 a translation by Mr. J. Tilleard of Raumer's Life and System of Pestalozzi was included in the books given "By grant from the Committee of Council on Education". This translation had already appeared in the Educational Expositor. Previous to this the Irish Commissioners for Education had published an edition of a manual of exercises in arithmetic, according to Pestalozzian methods, for the use of their teachers; and had introduced the methods into the Dublin Model Schools. M. Du Puget, a student-teacher at Yverdon, was teaching arithmetic on the principles of Pestalozzi at a school at Abbeyleix, in Ireland, in 1821.

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The Home and Colonial Infant School Society (the original name), which opened its schools and training college on 1st June, 1863, was founded for the purpose of furthering Pestalozzi's ideas. In the "sketch of the course that is contemplated" we find it stated that number and form will occupy, as they always do in a Pestalozzian school, a prominent place. . . . There will be two courses of drawing-first, using it as a means of developing invention, ingenuity and taste; second, using it as an imitative art. In singing it is hoped to carry out the beautiful system of Naegeli, which begins at the very commencement; and by its elementary exercises cultivates both the ear and voice before singing is practised." Hermann Krüsi, the son of Pestalozzi's assistant, taught arithmetic and drawing in the institution. Charles Reiner, also one of Pestalozzi's assistants, was at one time a member of the staff.

Closely connected with the work of this society were Rev. Charles Mayo, LL.D., and his sister, Miss Elizabeth Mayo, two enthusiastic educationists to whom England probably owes more for the benefits of Pestalozzi's principles than to any other two persons. They jointly wrote Observations on the Establishment and Direction of Infants' Schools, and Pestalozzi and His Principles, the first editions of which were published in 1827 and 1828 respectively.

Dr. Mayo-having heard through Mr. Synge of Glanmore Castle, County Wickford, of Pestalozzi's principles of education-went to Yverdon in July, 1819, and stayed nearly three years with Pestalozzi; during which time they got to know and esteem each other so well that "[he] loved Pestalozzi as a father and was himself loved as a son" (Miss Mayo, Pestalozzi and His Principles). How highly Pestalozzi thought of Dr. Mayo will be seen from the testimonial which he gave him when he left the institute.

"I the undersigned certify by these lines, in testimony of my esteem and of my sincere acknowledgments, that the Rev. Charles Mayo has lived for three years in my house, and has taken charge, during that time, of divine service, and given lessons in religion, and has been the director of the English pupils in my establishment, in all religious, moral and scientific subjects; and that in this capacity he has co-operated with much good-will and sagacity, and with a success full of blessings, in the aim of the efforts of my life, to their fullest extent. Viewing our proceedings without prejudice, he has distinguished himself as much by his serenity as by the active part he has taken. By reason of this he has attained to a very exact and pro

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From MS. in the possession of Miss Mayo.


found knowledge of the tendency of our efforts. Also he has grasped the principles and the particular methods, and their qualifications, which are peculiar to our system of education and manner of instruction. "For some time I have found him to be a sensible man, sedate and benevolent, in the affairs of my own house; and I am convinced that, as his stay in our house has been for him and for me a great gain, he will -by reason of his ripe knowledge of the aim of our efforts, and of his positive conviction of the important and essential advantages of a part of these effortsexert a very great influence in his own country; which being in the habit of welcoming everything that it recognises to be for good, will extend the same generosity in favour of our views. His noble heart nourishes this scheme, true to nature as it is, with as much zeal as his mind understands the means of carrying it out in all its purity, all its depth, and all its extent.

"May God be with you, my very dear friend! My sincere gratitude, my deep affection, is with you. My fervent desire is to see you once more during my life, and to nourish once more, with you by my side, those hopes the accomplishment of which is scarcely possible until after my death. May my good wishes accompany you and bring you happily to your own country and to the arms of your mother, whom you love with tender and filial affection.

"YVERDON, 8th April, 1822."


On his return to England in April, 1822, he made arrangements for opening a school, to be conducted on Pestalozzian principles, for the children of the upper classes. This was established at Epsom, and com

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