papers, and decorate the pillory with them, and the ears of the good citizens who fabricate them, I feel little doubt, in my opinion, that that feeble, philosophic government will soon pass away like an empty shadow; and it will remain with the people who profess the Christian religion, to unite in forming a strong and energetic government, sufficiently powerful to erase from the face of the earth a set of vile miscreants who deny the existence of God, and comfort their doubting converts with the hope, that, even if they should find death to be other than eternal sleep, yet that it would require only one grand revolutionary movement to republicanize the infernal regions, and establish a democracy in hell." Such is republican morality! Such is the morality of a people, who have taken for their motto, ". Virtue, Liberty, and Independence!" This letter was sent from Halifax to New-York, in April last; it was published in all the American papers not devoted to France, and the facts it states are incontrovertible; it being written by a gentleman who was in possession of all the papers named and alluded to. This document should be read by every man, woman, and child in Great Britain. 66 After a specimen like this of neutral good " faith," will even the Morning Chronicle have the impudence to censure the vigilance and " rigour" of his Majesty's naval commanders and Courts of Vice-Admiralty ?-Yes, it will. But we shall not fail again to drag it forth, and again expose it to public execration. If its perseverance surpasses ours, it is highly gifted in that respect. We know that its sins are innumerable; but we have long had rods in soak for its chastisement. ! VOL. XII. K JEFFERSON'S JEFFERSON'S ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The progress and result of this election cannot be more correctly narrated, than in the extracts, which I here take from THE PORCUPINE, published in London. "Richmond, 16th Sept. 1800. " Mr. JEFFERSON's election appears to be ascer"tained without the shadow of doubt. He will " have a majority of at least six votes, and we hope "that that majority will be by twelve votes. The people of Virginia have long known his merits; " and we are happy to find, that those merits are, at last, become known to the rest of the Union. "ADAMS'S aristocratical notions are universally ex ploded, and that admirer of the British Consti"tution will ere long be at perfect liberty to go " and enjoy the benefits of what he so much ad " mires. "Our commissioners to the French Republic are, it is confidently reported, to become the mediators between the powers of Europe! If this should prove true, of which we have no doubt, "the numerous phalanx of Tories must be con"founded to see that country, which their haughty Britain despised, chosen as the arbiter of her "fate. But we sincerely hope that American " commissioners will never be found base enough to sacrifice the rights of other nations to the gra"tification of the pride of that overbearing power. "We have her now at our mercy, and though we may, and ought to suffer her to exist, we ought not to forget her past conduct. We may spare " her " her life, but her power of doing mischief ought "to be taken from her." "Our readers will observe, that this foolish, vain, and insolent paragraph is of Virginian production. This is not the language of the majority of the American people, properly so called, any more than the lies and impudence of the Morning Chronicle and the Times is the language of the people of Great Britain. We have little doubt, indeed, of the success of JEFFERSON's election; but we are far from believing that he will have a majority of twelve votes; and we can assure our readers, that England has nothing to dread from any election that may take place in that country. JEFFERSON hates Great Britain for several reasons; 1st, because she is the great bulwark against the horde of atheists and anarchists, of whom he is an avowed advo cate; 2nd, because he, like a base coward as he is, fled at the approach of her armies; 3d, because he committed the sin of rebellion against her; and 4th, (which is, perhaps, the strongest reason of all) because he owes her merchants a large sum of money. But, deficient as the American Constitution is, it has provided a check, which, in any of his projects of hostility against England, even this malignant philosopher will find very troublesome. Though backed with a French majority in the lower House of Congress, he will find a Senate that will not easily yield to his measures. This Senate has a concurrent voice in all his promotions; and he can make no treaty without their advice and consent. To this Senate America hitherto owes its salvation. Had it not been for it, America would have been at war with England in the year 1795. This humble imitation of the British House of Peers, has, on numerous occasions, damped the fury of the lower house, 1 house, and checked the plague that threatened its country with destruction. " It is possible, indeed, that before JEFFERSON'S presidency expires, the Senate may be so altered, by subsequent elections, as to render a majority of that body totally devoted to France. But, supposing this to be the case, and even supposing a war with England to be the consequence, still we have nothing to fear. Such a war would be but of short duration; and, short as it would be, it would either produce a national bankruptcy and a separation of the States, or it would end in such concessions on the part of America as would lay the foundation of lasting harmony. Having experienced the miseries of a war with us, the people would compel their rulers to suffer them to live in peace. Morning Chronicle and others, who attempt to scare us with the prospect of a war with America, are totally ignorant of the embarrassments of that country, of the decrepitude of its Government, of its want of resources, and of its natural incapacity for war, particularly a war with Great Britain. Our readers may rely with confidence on our former assertion, that if the United States are foolish and wicked enough to attempt to join their arms to those of our enemies, a breaking up of the Union, a national bankruptcy, and new revolution will be the almost immediate consequences." The By the Earl of Leicester Packet, which arrived at Falmouth (from New-York) on Thursday last, we have received our regular files of papers down to the 17th of September. "We are sorry to perceive, that the Yellow Fever still rages with great violence in Baltimore and Norfolk, and that Providence (in Rhode Island) has been added to the list of infected places. People were still flying from those places on the 15th of Sep ! September: Philadelphia and New-York had prohibited all communication with them; and so great was the dread of infection at Philadelphia, that guards had been stationed to prevent persons arriv✓ing from Baltimore, from entering the former city. The political pestilence, however, seems to have raged with still greater violence, and to have excited greater alarm amongst all the thinking part of the nation. The newspapers are filled with the recriminations of the opposite parties. ADAMS and JEFFERSON are the candidates for the Presidency; PINCKNEY and BURR for the Vice-Presidency. Each party affects to be confident of success: but it is certain that one must fail; and our opinion is, that JEFFERSON will succeed. All that these "virtuous republicans" say of their respective candidates, and of each other, we have not room to insert. Let our readers take the following as a specimen. The partisans of JEFFERSON say, "ADAMS "wishes for monarchy; he has filled all the offices " with his relations and his creatures. In the be"ginning of last month he declared, that the peo 66 ple of the United States would never have liberty " and happiness, until their chief magistrate was hereditary. Mr. TRACEY, his partisan, said, " that the Constitution was not worth a farthing, " and that we must have a permanent and heredi 66 tary Executive and Senate." The partisans of ADAMS accuse JEFFERSON of every crime, political and irreligious, that can be conceived. One of the papers contains this pithy appeal: "People of "America, will you continue allegiance to GOD " AND A RELIGIOUS PRESIDENT; or im piously declare for JEFFERSON AND NO "GOD?" The fact is, that as far as religion is concerned, the choice of the poor Sovereign People lies between a Socinian and a Deist ! |