mon stock of the talents and industry of the country, and are doubtless, therefore, a great acquisition, as by their means not only the arts and sciences are improved, but manual labour is multiplied, so that agriculture is promoted, and every national improvement is encouraged and effected. If any thing more were necessary to shew the propriety (if not duty) of supporting this institution, the opinion entertained of it by the late President Washington might have some weight. He thus expresses himself in answer to an address presented to him by the society on the anniversary of his birth-day, in 1796-" The principles of benevolence on which the society is founded, and which regulate its proceedings, entitle it to the approbation of all your fellow-citizens."-If, then, this sentiment be true, the society trusts that this call for attention to the distressed emigrant stranger, will not be in vain. By order of the Society, " HENRY ANDREW HEINS, "President. * Attest, "J. KENRICK, Secretary." "Philadelphia, June 24, 1797. "To afford the fullest information which can be given to the public on this subject, the society have just published their act of incorporation, constitution and by-laws, together with the laws of the United States, and of the state of Pennsylvania, relative to emigrants, which may be had of all the booksellers; the profits on the sale of which are proposed to be added to the fund of the institution. "The society intends to follow this address by personal application to their fellow-citizens for support € 2 support to this yet infant establishment, which wants only the further means of extending its benevolent designs. "The Committee of Conference and Correspondence of this Society meet every Monday evening, at seven o'clock, at No. 142, North Third-street, and the stated monthly meetings are held at the College in Fourth street, the first Wednesday in every month, at the same hour. Subscriptions will also be received at all times by the President, Henry Andrew Heins, at No. 142, North Third street; by the Treasurer, Thomas Newnham, No. 145, North Second-street; * by the Register, Mark Kaennel, No. 103, North Second-street; or by the Secretary, John Kenrick, No. 67, North Third-street." WASHINGTON's DEATH. The immediate cause of the death of this man will be seen clearly explained in Vol. XI. That the lancet, which has destroyed, in America, many more than have been destroyed by the Yellow Fever, put an end to his existence, no one can doubt. It is not my intention to enter, at present, into an examination of the character, or conduct, of Washington, that is a task which I reserve, till the * This Thomas Newnham was a Birmingham man, and one of the followers of Priestley. He received a stipend from the land-jobbers, for inveigling people from England. In 1799, the Committee of the Guardians of the Poor for the city of Philadelphia, reported, that, during the sickness of that year, they gave pecuniary aid to nine hundred and ninetynine families, ny of which were emigrants lately from Ireland. Yet Doctor Priestley wrote home to the artisans of England, and told them, that, in America, there was "bardly a family in "avant!!! long long promised History of his Life shall come from the pen of his American biographer. In the mean time, I here insert a few curious articles, to a publication of which his death gave rise. The Letters, in which the death of Washington was announced to the Congress, will be found in the Review of Mr, Hamilton's Pamphlet, in this Volume. The two following ones seem necessary to complete the collection. "Gentlemen of the Senate, and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives, "IN compliance with the request in one of the resolutions of Congress of the 21st of Dec. last, I transmitted a copy of those resolutions by my Secretary, Mr. Shaw, to Mrs. Washington, assuring her of the profound respect Congress will ever bear to her person and character-of their condolence in the late afflicting dispensation of Providence, and entreating her assent to the interment of the remains of GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON, in the manner expressed in the first resolution.-As the sentiments of that virtuous lady, not less beloved by this nation, than she is at present greatly afflicted, can never be so well expressed as in her own words, I transmit to Congress her original letter. "It would be an attempt of too much delicacy, to make any comments upon it ;-but there can be no doubt that the nation at large, as well as all the, branches of the government, will be highly gratified by any arrangement which may diminish the sacrifice she makes of her individual feelings. "JOHN ADAMS,” "United States, Jan. 8, 1800." MRS. WASHINGTON's LETTER. "SIR, "Mount Vernon, Dec. 31, 1799. "WHILE I feel with keenest anguish the late dispensation of Divine Providence, I cannot be insensible to the mournful tributes of respect and veneration, which are paid to the memory of my dear deceased husband; and, as his best services and most anxious wishes were always devoted to the welfare and happiness of his country, to know that they were truly appreciated, and gratefully remembered, affords no inconsiderable consolation. 66 Taught by the great example, which I have so long had before me, never to oppose my private wishes to the public will, I must consent to the request made by Congress, which you have had the goodness to transmit to me, and in doing this I need not, I cannot say what a sacrifice of individual feeling I make to a sense of public duty. "With grateful acknowledgment and unfeigned thanks for the personal respect and evidences of condolence expressed by Congress and yourself, "I remain very respectfully, "Sir, "Your most obedient and "MARTHA WASHINGTON." "The President of the "United States." } These letters were followed by the following Proclamation. By By the President of the United States of America, A PROCLAMATION. "WHEREAS the Congress of the United States have this day resolved: "That it be recommended to the people of the United States to assemble on the 22d day of February next, in such numbers and manner as may be convenient, publicly to tes-. tify their grief for the death of General George Washington, by suitable eulogies, orations and discourses, or by public prayers;" and "That the President be requested to issue a Proclamation for the purpose of carrying the foregoing resolution into effect"-Now, THEREFORE, I, John Adams, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the same accordingly. "Given under my hand and seal of the United States, at Philadelphia, the 6th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1800, and of the independence of the said States the twentyfourth. "By the President." "JOHN ADAMS." This was the signal for an universal display of folly and hypocrisy such as the world never before witnessed. Take the following for a specimen of the newspaper praise that was bestowed on the deceased "bero."' "Last Saturday was devoted by this city accord"ing to the proclamation of the President, to so"lemn recollections and funeral orations in honour "of our beloved WASHINGTON. General Ha"milton at the head of the Cincinnati, and fol"lowed by the corporation of the city and other public bodies, attended in the morning at the "Dutch Church, when Dr. Linn, who had been previously appointed, delivered an eulogiumເ ັ which 166 C 4 |