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Adams, President, his speech to the House of Representatives
on opening of the seffions 1798, x. 108.


-, President, his message to the House on a suspension of
the arret of the French Republic, x. 143.

, President, nominates Wm. Vans Murray Minifter
Plenipotentiary to the French Republic, x. 145.

-, President, his nomination of Oliver Elsworth, Esq.
&c. to be Ministers Plenipotentiaries to the French Republic, x.

-, Mr. Samuel, President of the Senate of Massachusetts,
acquainted with the intrigues of the French Minister respecting
the fisheries, x. 238.

-, President, his letter to the House of Representatives on
General Washington's death, xii. 21.
- President, his speech in Congress, December, 1799,
xii. 29.

--, Mr. his answer to Tench Coxe's letter respecting
Mr. Thomas Pinckney's going Ambassador to the Court of
London, xii. 142.


- Mr. his recantation respecting a letter on Mr. Pinck-
ney's appointment to be Ambassador at the Court of London,
xii. 147.

his public conduct, xii. 150.

-, Mr. his letters to the Houses of Congress, and to the
army, on the death of General Washington, xii. 170.

fenders, xii. 171.

-, President, his pardon of Fries, and other capital of-
Additional facts, iii. 225.
Address, introductory, to the Gazetteers of Philadelphia, i. 147.
- of the Republican Natives of Great Britain and Ireland,
resident in New-York, to Dr. Priestley, i. 132.

of the Conftitutional Society of Sheffield to Messrs.
Muir, Palmer, Skirving, and Margarot, i. 125.

- to Dr. Priestley, of the Philofophical Society at Phila-
delphia, i. 137.

to the Prefident agreed to, with the names of the noes
and ayes. Address itself to the President, iii. 27.


Prefident of the Senate's, on Mr. Adams's election to be
Prefident, iv. 345.


to the public, by Porcupine. Gazette Selections, v. 3.
to the French and American patriots, v. 316.

- of the Academy of Arts and Sciences to Mr. Adams, vii.


to the people of England, by Mr. Cobbett, vii. 315.
Adet's (French Minister) letter to the President on presenting

the French flag, iii. 69.

and the Almanack-makers, v. 360.

-decamps, v. 366.

- and Talleyrand, vii. 98.



Advantage to be derived in America from the French revolution,

iii. 219.

Advertisement extraordinary, v. 426.

extraordinary, John Bolton and his wife, vi. 49. proving that the United States are the most free and enlightened people, signed, "But God has promised to protect the Poor," vii. 20.

to the American Rush-light, xi. 211.

Affair of the Vengeance, an armed French galliot, iv. 189.

of the Cailius, a French corvette, iv. 193.

Africa, the release of all the French confined in the presidencies
there, demanded of Spain by Perignon, vii. 49.
African school, United Irishmen ceafing to affemble there, viii. 221.
Age of Reason, an attempt in it to justify the seizure of the
Church lands, refuted, iii. 183.

written while the author of it was in a dungeon

at Paris, iii. 392.

Agens, Bishop of, declaration when the oath, &c. was tendered him, iii. 197.

Aliens, law respecting them in America, xi. 356. Alleged offences against the Federal Government, by the Republic, examined, iv. 212.

Allegiance, why due to the state where a person is born, iv. 234. and expatriation. Bill for preventing citizens from

entering into foreign service, vi. 197. ---, oaths of, viii. 13.

Army of England, viii. 18.

Allen's, Mr. spirited remark in the House of Representatives, vi. 165.

-, Mr. moved a resolution against Mr. Ifaac Clark, a member of the House of Representatives, x. 4.

Alliance, triple, early formed for throwing America into the scale of France, v. 292.

Altorf, exactions of the French generals there, viii. 265.

--, town and convent, for five days abandoned to extortion, &c. viii. 268.

---, damages sustained by it through French extortion, viii. 273. Almanack-makers, Adet's ridiculous complaint against them, iv. 342.

Ambassadors, French, bore the criminal orders of stopping the career of American prosperity, x. 263. Amendment, restraining the President from employing frigates as convoys, carried, vi. 217.

proposed to the answer, as first reported, of the Re

presentatives to the President's speech, vi. 132. America and Great Britain, dispute between, i. 343.

and Great Britain might bid defiance to the world, iv. 315. --, a friend to, for Porcupine's Gazette; serious thoughts on the state of America, ix. 182.

[blocks in formation]

America, United States of, described, xi. 355.

-,United States of, not provinces but fovereignties, xi. 355. An American's account of Mr. Pinckney's demeanour to the rulers of France, vi. 35.

American independence the greatest evil that ever befell England, i. 47.

--- state paper, iv. 149.

Minifter remonstrates against the decree of the 9th of May, 1796, iv. 374.

tameness, v. 311.

------ vanity in the excluding of the English from the Medi

terranean ports, v. 256.

* political parties, v. 289.

speculators in the funds, at an early period of the revolu

tion, went to Paris, v. 291.

-- magnanimity, v. 281.

traitors, fitting out ships to cruise against the American

commerce, vi. 32.

youth, vi. 55.

traitors on board French privateers, vi. 286.

morals, vi. 314.

-- anecdote; a conversation with a Frenchman, vi. 13.

humility. Petition of the masters of vessels to the

Spanish Governor, vii. 43.

lotteries, vii. 44.

--- papers, impartiality of, in the account of the mutiny in

the British fleet, vii. 58.

--- elections, vii. 108.

Academy's of Arts and Sciences address to Mr. Adams,

vii. 115.

forbearance towards France, vii. 133.

flag presented to the French nation, vii. 151.

trade with France, vii. 187.

--- degradation. Captain Dunbar flogged, vii. 221.

meekness. Captain Kennard, vii. 222.

compaffion, vii. 224.

Captains, vii. 290.

Envoys at Paris, vii. 303.

liberty of the press, vii. 331.

language; a projector received a prize medal from the

Philofophical Society, for inventing a new one, vii. 336.

loss and gain stated by amity with Great Britain, viii. 63. gentleman in Europe, his letter on the conduct of

M'Kean towards Mr. Cobbett, viii. 174.

------, a real one, letter to Peter Porcupine on General Samuel Smith's being a candidate, in oppofition to James Winchester, Esq. as a representative in Congress, ix. 221.


Judges, three of them bribed, by Frederick Evans, ix.


American elections liable to an improper influence, x. 404.


representation, x. 400.

character highly respected in Europe, as stated in a

Boston paper, xi. 43.

affairs. Messrs. Elsworth and Davie about to depart as

Envoys to France, xi. 95.

Rush-light, xi. 209.

Citizen, democratic paper, extract from, respecting

the election of a Lord Mayor, 1800, xi. 344.

Commiffioners, feceffion of, accounted for, xii. 73.
- Whigs equally cruel, if not quite fo ferocious, as French

Republicans, xii. 98.

neutrals, constantly in the habit of covering the property

of the enemies of Great Britain, xii. 123.

---'s, a late French, address to Peter Porcupine, viii. 146.
Americanus's account of the French incendiaries at Charleston, v.


letter to Yrujo, Minister of Spain, vi. 319.
address to the people of America, viii. 170.

Ames's speech in the House of Representatives, ii. 179.

[ocr errors]

notion of the power and use of political clubs, ii. 182.
Anbury's, English officer, predictions respecting the views of the
French towards America, viii. 111.

Andrew's, Saint, society at Philadelphia, the King's health not

drunk at the celebration of it, x. 42.

Anecdote of Voltaire and Dr. Franklin, iv. 68.

of Queen Anne, iv. 255.

respecting the treatment Madame de la Fayette met

with, v. 182.

of Tarleton, vii. 114.

--, a farmer's, of the Spanish Ambassador, and the daughter

of a republican Judge, ix. 315.

-s of various French Officers and Commissaries, viii. 311.
, miscellaneous, ix. 305.

Aney, library there, how treated, iii. 399.
Anonymous's letter to Mr. Fenno, on Mr. Cobbett's opinion of
Great Britain interfering in American concerns, ix. 53.
Answer of the Senate to the President's Speech, 12th Dec. 1796,
iv. 284.


of L. O. M. to Dr. J. P. on the subject of etiquette, v. 385.
of the Senate to the President's speech, vi. 124.

-, as first reported, of the Representatives, vi. 128.

-, ultimate, of the Representatives to the President's speech,
vi. 165.

-- to Noah Webster junior's letter to a subscriber, ix. 50.
Anti-Bigot's letters to Mr. Bache, editor of the General Adver-
tifer, i. 140.

Antidote, Talleyrand Perigord the author of it, viii. 239.

$ 3


Antigallican, the French alike celebrated for making and breaking treaties, v. 242.

-'s letter to Mr. Cobbett, viii. 75.

Anti-jacobins notification, toast given by Vice-prefident Jefferson,

ix. 190.

xi. 91.


Review and Magazine, its express view and object,
Review of Mr. M'Donald's Brief Statement of Opis

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nion, &c. xii. 64.

Appendix to Dr. Morse's Sermon on French intrigue, x. 231.

to Galloway's Exposure of Howe, x. 370. Apostacy of Judge M'Kean, his daughter's marriage, xi.


Apostate priests' treatment of the ejected clergy, iii. 209.

Bishop of Moulin, first caused atheism to be written on

the gate of the burying-ground, iii. 213.

Argus of New-York, narrative of its fuicide, iii. 303.

humorous account of it, iii. 304.

Arming merchantmen, vi. 175.

Arms and ammunition, bill from the Senate to the Representatives,

for prohibiting exportation, &c. vi. 171.

Army, American, a sanctuary for fraudulent debtors, xii. 46.

Arnold, Irish traitor, vi. 336.

Article in Bache's paper, 21st December, 1796, accounting for

General Washington's retiring, iv. 443.

--s of the Federal Constitution, i. 78.

--s of accusation not contained in the Diplomatic Blunderbuss, iv. 339.

Artillery bill rejected, 57 to 49, vi. 197.

bill for raising an additional corps, vi. 192.

Arts described, to raise the jealousy of the people of America, vi. 292.

Assemblies, anarchical of France, the means employed by them in propagating their principles, ii. 407.

Assembly, Constituent, the cause of all the horrors of the French revolution, iii. 215.

iii. 217.

-, Constituent, distinctions with regard to its members,

-, Legislative, chosen annually by the people, a true pic

ture of, x. 438. Affignments forged by the Blounts, x. 74. Associated Teachers' address to Dr. Priestley, remarks upon it, i. 189.

Aftonishing baseness, paragraph from M'Lang's paper relative to the Boston Ambuscade frigate, x.214.

Atrocities of the French in Suabia, a violation of a solemn compact, viii. 262.

Attorney General opposed the President's project of sending off Mr. Cobbett, x. 155.



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