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and aggregate expression of passional attraction, therefore it is infinite; therefore it pervades all space, and transcends all being like a divine influx. What tone is to the word, what expression is to form, what affection is to thought, what the heart is to the head, what intention is to argument, what insight is to policy, what holiness is to heroism, what religion is to philosophy, what moral influence is to power, what woman is to man, is music to the universe. Flexile, graceful, and free, it pervades all things; and is limited to none. It is not poetry, but the soul of poetry; it is not mathematics, but it is in numbers like harmonious proportions in cast iron; it is not painting, but it shines through colours and gives them their tone; it is not dancing, but it makes all graceful motion; it is not architecture, but the stones take their places in harmony with its voice, and stand in petrified music." In the words of Bettina, Every art is the body of music, which is the soul of every art; and so is music too, the soul of love, which also answers not for its workings, for it is the contract of divine with human."



"Letters from New York," Mrs. Child.


BEHOLD glad Nature's triumph! Lo! the sun
Hath burst the pall of night, and o'er the earth
Reviving radiance scattered. Sleep hath done
Her death-resembling reign, and thoughts have birth
That fill the grateful heart with sacred mirth!
For now the spells of waking bliss abound,
And mortals own the glory and the worth
Of that bright boon existence,-all around
Unnumbered blessings rise in ev'ry sight and sound.

The scene is steeped in beauty, and my soul
No longer lingering in the shroud of care
Doth greet creation's smile. The grey clouds roll
E'en from the mountain's peaks, and melt in air,
The landscape looks an Eden! who could wear
The hues of sorrow now? This glorious hour
Reveals the ruling God! The heavens are bare;
Each sunny stream and blossom-mantled bower
Breathes of pervading love, and shows the power
That spake him into life hath blessed man's earthly
D. L. Richardson.

ALL things that are alive are born of the heart. Mrs. Child.

THE whole history of mankind shews that he only is truly enviable who is truly innocent, and not to turn pale at the thought of secret misconduct, is really what has been called the brazen

wall that protects the mind. He who has it, let him never part with it; whether under the thatch or canopy, it will ever be his richest and happiest possession.

De Vere.

THE slightest emotion of disinterested kindness that passes through the mind, improves and refreshes that mind, producing generous thought and noble feeling. We should cherish kind wishes, for a time may come when we may be enabled to put them in practice. Miss Mitford.

WHATEVER draws a man out of himself, makes him wiser, and better, and happier; at least if it does not, the fault is his own, and he has to answer for abusing one of the most effectual means of improvement which Providence has placed within his power. He cannot benefit others without being benefited in return, either by the influence of his own action, his own feelings, or by the gratitude with which it is more than repaid on the part of his fellowcreatures. Ascetics may say what they please, but seclusion is neither favorable to wisdom nor to virtue, and least of all to enjoyment. The diamond is polished by diamond-dust, and the fine particles thrown off in disclosing the sparks of a hundred inferior ones may be required to


bring out the lustre of a gem worth a thousand. The attrition of minds of all orders is equally necessary for perfecting the capacity of the least, and developing the excellence of the greatest. J. Montgomery.

It was a well

Of whitest marble, white as from the quarry,
And richly wrought with many a high relief-
Greek sculpture-in some earlier day perhaps
A tomb, and honored with a hero's ashes;
The water from the rock filled, o'erflowed it,
Then dashed away, playing the prodigal,
And soon was lost; stealing unseen, unheard,
Thro' the long grass and round the twisted roots
Of aged trees; discovering where it ran
By the fresh verdure. Overcome with heat,
I threw me down; admiring as I lay.
That shady nook, a singing place for birds-
That grove so intricate, so full of flowers,
More than enough to please a child a maying.
Soon I heard

Footsteps; and lo, descending by a path
Trodden for ages, many a nymph appeared,
Appeared and vanished, bearing on her head
Her earthen pitcher.

At length there came the loveliest of them all,
Her little brother dancing down before her;
And ever as he spake, as he did ever,
Turning and looking up in warmth of heart
And brotherly affection. Stopping there
She joined her rosy hands, and filling them

With the pure element, gave him to drink;
And while he quenched his thirst, standing on tip-toe,
Looked down upon him with a sister's smile,
Nor stirred till he had done, fixed as a statue.

Then hadst thou seen them as they stood, Canova,
Thou hadst endowed them with perpetual youth,
And they had evermore lived undivided,
Winning all hearts-of all thy works the fairest.


BLESSINGS on all unselfishness! on all that leads us in love to prefer one another. Here lies the secret of universal harmony; this is the diapason which would bring us all into tune. Only by losing ourselves can we find ourselves. How clearly does the divine voice within us proclaim this, by the hymn of joy it sings whenever we witness an unselfish deed, or hear an unselfish thought. Mrs. Child.

AND art thou gone, for ever gone from earth,
Beloved brother? Yes, in a higher sphere
Thy blessed spirit walks. No more with us,
In mortal scenes of joy or woe, wilt thou
The social circle join. But tears of bliss,
Not bitterness, for thy celestial change,
Should flow. And yet 'tis hard to stem
Frail nature's course; hard to forget at once
Thy dear companionship,-thy childhood, youth,

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