In joys of conquest he resigns his breath, And, fill'd with England's glory, smiles in death. The rout begins, the Gallic squadrons run, Compell'd in crowds to meet the fate they shun; Thousands of fiery steeds with wounds transfix'd, Floating in gore, with their dead masters mix'd, Midst heaps of spears and standards driv'n around, Lie in the Danube's bloody whirlpools drown'd. Troops of bold youths, born on the distant Soane, Or sounding borders of the rapid Rhone,
Or where the Seine her flow'ry fields divides, Or where the Loire through winding vineyards glides; In heaps the rolling billows sweep away,
And into Scythian seas their bloated corps convey. From Blenheim's tow'rs the Gaul, with wild affright, Beholds the various havoc of the fight;
His waving banners, that so oft had stood
Planted in fields of death, and streams of blood, So wont the guarded enemy to reach, And rise triumphant in the fatal breach, Or pierce the broken foe's remotest lines, The hardy veteran with tears resigns.
Unfortunate Tallard! oh who can name The pangs of rage, of sorrow, and of shame, That with mix'd tumult in thy bosom swell'd, When first thou saw'st thy bravest troops repell'd, Thine only son pierc'd with a deadly wound, Choak'd in his blood, and gasping on the ground, Thyself in bondage by the victor kept! The chief, the father, and the captive wept. An English muse is touch'd with gen'rous woe, And in th' unhappy man forgets the foe.
Greatly distress'd! thy loud complaints forbear, Blame not the turns of fate, and chance of war; Give thy brave foes their due, nor blush to own The fatal field by such great leaders won, The field whence fam'd Eugenio bore away Only the second honours of the day.
With floods of gore, that from the vanquish'd fell, The marshes stagnate and the rivers swell. Mountains of slain lie heap'd upon the ground, Or midst the roarings of the Danube drown'd; Whole captive hosts the conqueror detains In painful bondage, and inglorious chains; Ev'n those who scape the fetters and the sword, Nor seek the fortunes of a happier lord, Their raging king dishonours, to complete Marlbro's great work, and finish the defeat.
From Memingen's high domes, and Augsburg's walls, The distant battle drives th' insulting Gauls,
Freed by the terror of the victor's name
The rescued states his great protection claim;
Whilst Ulme th' approach of her deliverer waits, And longs to open her obsequious gates.
The hero's breast still swells with great designs, In ev'ry thought the tow'ring genius shines: If to the foe his dreadful course he bends, O'er the wide continent his march extends; If sieges in his labʼring thoughts are form'd, Camps are assaulted, and an army storm'd; If to the fight his active soul is bent, The fate of Europe turns on its event. What distant land, what region can afford An action worthy his victorious sword;
Where will he next the flying Gaul defeat, To make the series of his toils complete?
Where the swoln Rhine rushing with all its force Divides the hostile nations in its course,
While each contracts its bounds, or wider grows, Enlarg❜d or straiten'd as the river flows,
On Gallia's side a mighty bulwark stands, That all the wide extended plain commands; Twice, since the war was kindled, has it tried The victor's rage, and twice has chang’d its side; As oft whole armies, with the prize o'erjoy'd, Have the long summer on its walls employ'd. Hither our mighty chief his arms directs, Hence future triumphs from the war expects; And, though the dogstar had its course begun, Carries his arms still nearer to the sun : Fix'd on the glorious action, he forgets The change of seasons and increase of heats; No toils are painful that can danger show, No climes unlovely that contain a foe.
The roving Gaul, to his own bounds restrain'd, Learns to encamp within his native land,
But soon as the victorious host he spies, From hill to hill, from stream to stream, he flies: Such dire impressions in his heart remain Of Marlbro's sword, and Hocstat's fatal plain : In vain Britannia's mighty chief besets Their shady coverts, and obscure retreats; They fly the conqueror's approaching fame, That bears the force of armies in his name. Austria's young monarch, whose imperial sway Sceptres and thrones are destin'd to obey,
Whose boasted ancestry so high extends, That in the pagan gods his lineage ends, Comes from afar, in gratitude to own The great supporter of his father's throne: What tides of glory to his bosom ran, Clasp'd in th' embraces of the godlike man! How were his eyes with pleasing wonder fix'd, To see such fire with so much sweetness mix'd, Such easy greatness, such a graceful port, So turn'd and finish'd for the camp or court! Achilles thus was form'd with ev'ry grace, And Nireus shone but in the second place: Thus the great father of almighty Rome (Divinely flush'd with an immortal bloom That Cytherea's fragrant breath-bestow'd) In all the charms of his bright mother glow'd
The royal youth by Marlbro's presence charm'd, Taught by his counsels, by his actions warm'd, On Landau with redoubled fury falls, Discharges all his thunder on its walls, O'er mines and caves of death provokes the fight, And learns to conquer in the hero's sight.
The British chief, for mighty toils renown'd, Increas'd in titles, and with conquests crown'd, To Belgian coasts his tedious march renews, And the long windings of the Rhine pursues, Clearing its borders from usurping foes, And bless'd by rescued nations as he goes. Treves fears no more, freed from its dire alarms; And Traerbach feels the terror of his arms, Seated on rocks her proud foundations shake, While Marlbro' presses to the bold attack,
Plants all his batt'ries, bids his cannon roar, And shows how Landau might have fall'n before. Scar'd at his near approach, great Louis fears Vengeance reserv'd for his declining years, Forgets his thirst of universal sway, And scarce can teach his subjects to obey; His arms he finds on vain attempts employ'd, Th' ambitious projects for his race destroy'd, The work of ages sunk in one campaign, And lives of millions sacrific'd in vain.
Such are th' effects of Anna's royal cares: By her, Britannia, great in foreign wars, Ranges through nations, wheresoe'er disjoin'd, Without the wonted aid of sea and wind. By her th' unfetter'd Ister's states are free, And taste the sweets of English liberty; But who can tell the joys of those that lie Beneath the constant influence of her eye! Whilst in diffusive show'rs her bounties fall Like heaven's indulgence, and descend on all, Secure the happy, succour the distress'd, Make ev'ry subject glad, and a whole people bless'd. Thus would I fain Britannia's wars rehearse,
In the smooth records of a faithful verse; That, if such numbers can o'er time prevail, May tell posterity the wond'rous tale.
When actions, unadorn'd, are faint and weak, Cities and countries must be taught to speak; Gods may descend in factions from the skies, And rivers from their oozy beds arise; Fiction may deck the truth with spurious rays, And round the hero cast a borrow'd blaze.
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