ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BREEDS OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS; consisting of a Series of Coloured Engravings of the HORSE-the OX-the SHEEP-the GOAT-the HOG, From a Series of Oil Paintings, executed for the Agricultural Museum of the University of Edinburgh, by Mr. Shiels, of the Royal Scotch Academy. With Descriptive Memoirs. By DAVID Low, Esq., F.R S.E., Professor of Agriculture in the University of Edinburgh. Part I., Atlas 4to., with Four beautifully-coloured Plates, with Descriptive In the year 1832, a grant, by authority of Government, was made from the Funds of the Board of Trustees of Scotland, for forming an Agricultural Museum CONTENTS OF PART I. THE OX. PLATE 1. The Wild or White Forest Breed:-Cow, eight years old, from Haver- PLATE 2. The Pembroke Breed:-Bull, three years old, bred by Robert Innes PLATE 4. The West Highland Breed:-West Highland Cow, bred by Mr. Max- well, of Aross, Mull, by a Dun Bull, bred by Mr. Maxwell; Young Bull, eighteen months old, bred by Mr. Campbell, of Caolis, by a Black Bull, bred "This is decidedly one of the most important and valuable works which has ever yet Part II. will be published on April 1st. Just published, by the same Author, ELEMENTS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE; comprehending the Cultivation of Plants, the Husbandry of Domestic Animals, and the Economy of the Farm. Third Edition, with Additions, and above 200 Woodcuts, 1 vol. 8vo. 18s. cloth lettered. "No work on agriculture has appeared in our time which will bear a comparison with BAYLDON'S ART OF VALUING RENTS AND TILLAGES, and the Tenant's Right of Entering and Quitting Farms, ex- plained by several Specimens of Valuations; and Remarks on the Cultivation pursued on Soils in different Situations. 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