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Addison, Joseph, 28, 157, 158, 291
Aids to Reflection, Coleridge's, 52
Al Aaraf, Tamerlane, etc., 142-3
Alcott, Bronson, 182, note
Aldrich, T. B., 16, 258, 309
Alhambra, The, 32

American, The, 328-30, 335
American Claimant, The, 257
American Scene, The, 10, 325
American Scholar, The, 49, 56

Annabel Lee, 144

Annie Kilburn, 288

Appledore, 193

April Hopes, 292, 293

Ariosto, 103

Aristophanes, 250

[blocks in formation]

Arnold, Matthew, 64, 76, 156, Brown, Charles Brockden, vi
203, 292

[blocks in formation]

Browne, Thomas, 27
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 128,

148, 236

Browning, Robert, 102, 226
Bryant, W. C., v, vi, 148, 309
Bryce, James, 215
Bucke, R. M., 247
Bunner, H. С., 16

Buried Life, The, 203
Burns, Robert, 132, 221

Autocrat of the Breakfast Table,

The, 32, 158-63, 166

Bach, J. S., 235

Burroughs, John, 211, 247
By Blue Ontario's Shores, 220
Byron, Lord, 27, 37, 236

Backward Glance O'er Travell'd Cable, G. W., 16

Roads, A, 218

Cabot, J. E., 76

Bacon, Francis, 69, 140

Calverley, C. S., 166

Bagehot, Walter, 71

Cape Cod, 180

Balzac, H. de, 15, 38, 133, 135, Captain, My Captain, 213, 239, 240

282, 284, 285, 287

Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven,

Baudelaire, P. С., 243

272, 273-4

Beauchamp's Career, 329

Bells, The, 144

Ben-Hur, 13-14

Carlyle, Thomas, 10, 29, 52, 53,
56, 60, 64, 65, 66, 140, 184, 206
Carpenter, Edward, 211, 247, 302

[blocks in formation]

Cotton Boll, The, 309

Courtin', The, 194, 203


Davidson, Thomas, 299
Deacon's Masterpiece, The, 167
Debussy, Claude, 119
Deerslayer, The, 39
Defoe, Daniel, 333
Democratic Vistas, 243
De Morgan, William, 17
Dial, The, 75
Dickens, Charles, 6, 148, 249, 287
Dirge for One Who Fell in Battle, 309
Dog's Tale, A, 252, note
Don Quixote, 265
Dostoievski, F. M., 282, 287
Dowden, Edward, 141
Dream Within a Dream, A, 144
Dreamland, 144

Dreiser, Theodore, 17, 328

Edwards, Jonathan, vii, 23, 55
Eggleston, Edward, 16
Eldorado, 144
Elsie Venner, 165
Emerson, R. W., 45-76, 10, 15,
32, 40, 116, 157, 160, 161, 163,
171-2, 173, 183, 187-8, 201, 210,
236, 278, 297, 302
English, T. D., 136, note
English Traits, 75
Eothen, 270

Epictetus, 61, 184
Ethan Brand, 94

Ethiopia Saluting the Colours, 239-40

Eureka, 151-2

Evangeline, 101, 102, note

Eve of St. Agnes, The, 85

Evening Song, 313

Eve's Diary, 272-3

Courtship of Miles Standish, The, Fable for Critics, A, 8, 189


Fall of the House of Usher, The,

Crane, Stephen, 16

86, 146

Cranford, 292

Fate, 55, 58, 59

Crawford, F. Marion, 93

Feathertop, 94

Cross of Snow, The, 106

Fechner, G. Т., 297

Crothers, S. M., 170

Fichte, J. G., 51, 52, 53, 58, 60

Crystal, The, 321

Czar's Soliloquy, The, 263

Fielding, Henry, 249, 267, 285

First Snow-Fall, The, 196

Dante, 105, 118, 211, 213, 220, 281, Flaubert, Gustave, 282, 284

Fitzgerald, Edward, 236


Flight of Pony Baker, The, 280

Following the Equator, 270

Fool's Prayer, The, 309

For Annie, 144

Forest Trees, The Succession of, 173

Franklin, B., 23

Frederic, Harold, 16

Fredericksburg, 309
Freneau, Philip, 309

Fuller, Margaret, vi

Galsworthy, John, 17, 289
Garrison, W. L., 122
Gautier, Théophile, 135
Gilbert, W. S., 166
Gilchrist, Anne, 223-5, 247
Gilded Age, The, 257
Gilder, R. W., 309
Gilman, D. C., 323
Gloucester Moors, 309
Goethe, 56, 64, 85, 220
Golden Bowl, The, 337
Goldsmith, Oliver, 26, 28
Graham, G. R., 131, 139
Graham's Magazine, 138
Grant, U. S., 14, 276
Gray, Thomas, 102, 207
Great Stone Face, The, 94
Greenslet, Ferris, 209
Griswold, R. W., 128, 138-42
Guardian Angel, The, 165
Gulliver's Travels, 248

Hale, E. E., 12, 13, 16, 209
Hardy, Thomas, 85, 274, 284
Harper's Magazine, 294, 295
Harris, J. C., 16

Harrison, J. A., 132, 154

Harte, F. Bret, v, vii, 6, 16, 191,


Haunted Palace, The, 144
Hawthorne, Julian, 96
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 77-96, v,
10, 16, 131, 146, 148, 161, 281,

Hazlitt, William, 27, 69, 160, 186,

Hearn, Lafcadio, 132
Hegel, G. W., F., 48, 58, 229, 304
Helen Keller, Stedman's, 309

Henley, W. E., 7, 110, 140, 141, 211

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Life and Voyages of Columbus, 30–1
Life of Washington. 29
Life on the Mississippi, 270-1
Life Without Principle, 187
Lincoln, Abraham, 201, 208, 211,

Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg,
The, 272

Man without a Country, The, 12, 13
Manning, H. E., 140, 141
Marble Faun, The, 79, 81, 91-4
Marlowe, Christopher, 131
Marsh, James, 52
Mather, Cotton, 23, 85
Matthews, Brander, 249, 277
Maud Müller, 118

Mazzini, Giuseppi, 207, 212
Meaning of Truth, The, 303
Melville, Herman, 16
Memoirs, Grant's, 276

Meredith, George, 250, 284, 324,


Merrick, Leonard, 17
Milton, John, 13, 27, 83, 102, 104,
190, 211, 235
Milton, Longfellow's sonnet, 104
Mims, Edwin, 323
Minister's Black Veil, The, 94
Modern Instance, A, 284-6
Molière, 249, 267
Montaigne, 65, 69
Moody, D. L., 177
Moody, W. V., 309
Moore, George, 17, 282
Morris William, 213, 321, 329
Morse, J. T., 156, 170

My Hunt Afte After the Captain, 162
My Literary Passions, 289
My Mark Twain, 277, 278

Nation, The, 215, 289
New England Magazine, The, 122
New England Reformers, 46
Newman, J. H., 73, 141
Norris, Frank, 16
North American Review, The, 209
Norton, C. E., 100, 203, 209, 298

212, 218

Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 166
Longfellow, H. W., 97-110, v, 10,
191, 201, 236, 310
Longfellow, Samuel, 110
Lounsbury, T. R., 39, 40, 44
Lowell, J. R., 182-209, 10, 15, 76,
100, 116, 124, 148, 159, 161,
171, 188, 236, 310

Lyrical Ballads, 218

Macaulay, T. В., 148, 171, 206
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 140
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 3
Malory, Thomas, 250, 264


O'Connor, W. D., 247
Ode to the Setting Sun, 315
Old Ironsides, 165

Old Testament, 7
Oliver Goldsmith, Irving's, 28, 29
On a Bust of Dante, 309
On a Certain Condescension in
Foreigners, 206

[blocks in formation]

Quality of Mercy, The, 292

Rabelais, 281
Raleigh, Walter, 180-1
Raven, The, 129, 130, 144
Richardson, C. F., 154
Riley, J. W., vi, vii, 309
Rip Van Winkle, 25, 26
Rise of Silas Lapham, The, 292
Robertson, J. M., 154, 326
Robinson, E. Α., 307
Robinson, R. E., 16
Robinson Crusoe, 38, 248
Roderick Hudson, 335,

Rodin, Auguste, 243
Rossetti, D. G., 7, 142
Rossetti, W. M., 223
Roughing It, 255-7, 275
Royce, Josiah, 8, 299
Rubaiyát, 236

Ruskin, John, 64, 65, 73, 136, note,
214, 215

Salmagundi, 24
Salt, H. S., 188
Santayana, George, 212, 214, 247,


Personal Recollections of Joan of
Arc, 248, 249, 269
Phelps, W. L., 249, 277
Phillips, Wendell, 207, 208
Phillpotts, Eden, 17
Pickard, S. Т., 122
Pierce, Franklin, 79
Pilot, The, 35, 41
Pioneers, The, 35, 43
Pious Editor's Creed, The, 198
Plato, 56, 184, 297
Pluralistic Universe A, 303, 304
Poe, E. A., 123-54, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10,

16, 23, 84, 206, 236, 309, 310, 312
Poet at the Breakfast Table, The, 164
Poet's Tale, The, 103
Political Essays, 207
Pope, Alexander, 206, 222
Portrait of a Lady, 335
Praed, W. М., 166
Pragmatism, 303
Precaution, 35

Prescott, W. H., 31, 34
Present Crisis, The, 191

Prince and the Pauper, The, 262-3
Princess Casamassima, The, 335
Professor at the Breakfast Table,

The, 160, 161, 162, 163-4
Psalm of Life, A, 101, 103, 104
Psalm of the West, 321
Psychology, James's, 302
Pudd'nhead Wilson, 271
Pyle, Howard, 42

Scarlet Letter, The, 32, 78, 81, 84-6
Schauffler, R. H., 322

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 296, 297
Science of English Verse, The,
317, 318

Scott, Walter, 27, 28, 36, 37, 135
Scum o' the Earth, 322
Sea Drift, 213, 218, 237, 242
Selden, John, 160

Shakespeare, 102, 118, 221, 235,

240, 253-4, 313, 321

Shaw, G B., 5, 17, 249
She Came and Went, 196

Shelley, P. B., 27, 28, 79, 102, 118,
142, 143, 152, 190, 211, 212, 213,
239, 264, 319
Sill, E. R., 309
Simms, W. G., vi
Sinclair, May, 17
Singing Man, The, 309, 322
Sketch Book, The, 20, 25
Skipper Ireson's Ride, 118
Slave Ships, The, 114

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