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" Come lovely and soothing death, Undulate round the world, serenely arriving, arriving, In the day, in the night, to all, to each, Sooner or later delicate death. "
The Spirit of American Literature - Side 230
af John Albert Macy - 1913 - 347 sider
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The Cheltonian

Cheltenham College - 1868 - 412 sider
...bleeding throat ! It is all beautiful, but everyone will find many favourite passages. This is mine — ' Come lovely and soothing death, Undulate round the...to all, to each, Sooner or later — delicate death — Praised be the fathomless universe For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious, And...
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Walt Whitman - 1868 - 464 sider
...their hands, my Comrades in the night ; And the voice of my spirit tallied the song of the bird. 1 6. Come, lovely and soothing Death, Undulate round the...to all, to each, Sooner or later, delicate Death. Praised be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious ; And for...
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American poems, selected and ed. by W.M. Rossetti

American poems, William Michael Rossetti - 1873 - 556 sider
...my comrades in the night; And the voice of my spirit tallied the song of the bird. DEATH CAROL. 1 6. Come, lovely and soothing Death, Undulate round the...to all, to each, Sooner or later, delicate Death. Praised be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious, And for...
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American poems. With short biogr. notices of the most celebrated American ...

American poems - 1878 - 536 sider
...in the night ; And the voice of my spirit tallied the song of the bird. DEATH CARO.X- ^ ,-.,!_ 1 6. Come, lovely and soothing Death, Undulate round the...to all, to each, Sooner or later, delicate Death. Praised be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious, And for...
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Papers for the times [ed. by W. Lewin]., Bind 3

Walter Lewin - 1880 - 368 sider
...well-veiled Death ! 0 the beautiful touch of Death, soothing and benumbing a few moments for reasons. Come, lovely and soothing Death, Undulate round the...to all, to each, Sooner or later, delicate Death. Praised be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, for objects and knowledge curious; And for love,...
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Education, Bind 49

1928 - 692 sider
...Lilacs Last in the Door Yard Bloomed." "And nothing exterior shall ever take command of me." "Came lovely and soothing death, Undulate round the world,...to all, to each, Sooner or later delicate death." So might one go on indefinitely choosing in the one book that Whitman has left us, "Leaves of Grass,"...
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The Household Book of Poetry

Charles Anderson Dana - 1882 - 906 sider
...they alike in trembling h<>pe repose). The bosom of his Father and his God. THOMAS GHAT. Ckuil) Carol. COME, lovely and soothing Death, Undulate round the...to all, to each, Sooner or later, delicate Death. Praised be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious ; And for...
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The Nineteenth Century, Bind 12

1882 - 1050 sider
...the dimness, To the solemn shadowy cedars and ghostly pines so still. The bird sang the ' Carol of Death.' Prais'd be the fathomless universe, For life...sweet love — but praise ! praise ! praise ! For the sure-en winding arms of cool-enfolding death. The hearer stands rapt by the charm and holding as if...
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Leaves of Grass

Walt Whitman - 1883 - 404 sider
...by their hands my comrades in the night, And the voice of my spirit tallied the song of the bird.' ' Come lovely and soothing death, . Undulate round the...night, to all, to each, Sooner or later delicate death. Praised be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious, \ And...
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The tablets of the heart: poems, rhymes, and aphorisms, selected and ...

Frederick Langbridge - 1883 - 438 sider
...Philosophy. (Ward, Lock, and Co.) XXII. COME, lovely and soothing Death, Undulate round the world, serenely arriving, In the day, in the night, to all, to each, Sooner or later, delicate Death. Praised be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious, And for...
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