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Her mother read all that passed packing their trunk, the following in her child's breast, and kissing conversation took place :her forehead, said, It is enough my I wonder how we shall like our Jane, my lesson has been blessed, cousin Louisa ? Do not you think and the grace of God has grafted she seems very affectionate ? his own word in your heart.

I do not think we have had any At that moment her father en- opportunity to judge. tered the room with an open letter O yes, Caroline, surely she would in his hand, and said, It seems, not have pressed us so much to my dear, after all our disinclination visit her had she not been affecto leave home, we shall be under tionate. the necessity of obeying a summons But you know, Jane, it cannot on important business, to attend be more than ideal, because we are my brother for a few days at his totally unacquainted. home, and I would wish we might But you see how she presses us all go together, for we cannot leave to go to her, especially in her our dear girls alone.

last letter; and if she had not been Certainly we must meet the ne- affectionate she would have been cessity, and although I have had quite offended. such strong objections on some I confess to you, my dear Jane, points, I do not see that we can I do not like that letter. I think now avoid the visit: we will all it very wrong in her to repeat her endeavour to be ready. He then desire, as if she were determined left the room to give orders to his upon her own will, and to endeaservant to prepare, and desired they vour to make us think my mother would not wait at the breakfast too strict : it might have made us table.

discontented. Now my dear girls we have to Ah, Caroline! fruits, fruits ! but encounter the very thing which I take care you are not prejudiced. have feared for you; and now bear I will endeavour to guard against in mind our new-taught lesson, for it: but we should also take care you are going into a scene of tempt- not to be rash in forming a judgation which will try your spirits, ment. I wish she may be what and under which I shall anxiously we both shall love, for our visit look for the proof of you by what will then be pleasant. fruits you may produce; and, need They were summoned to an early I say, the spring of all my anxiety dinner; and then, all being ready, is the ardent desires I have that you they entered the carriage, expecting may be such as shall be well pleas- to reach the end of their little ing unto God, and acceptable in journey before night. Jesus. You will pay a visit to your Whilst on their way, their father cousin sooner than she expected. began a conversation, by asking

The circumstance, which twenty- them, if they were aware of the four hours before had been so kind of scenes they were likely to earnestly desired by Jane, was now be thrown into ? a source of uneasiness to her; and I think I am a little, said Carocould she have chosen, she would line, from the hints I have somegladly have been permitted to post times received from my mother. pone the visit.

Well then, my dear girls, all I The sudden call from home ask of you is to endeavour to be obliged the whole party to exert steady and consistent in all your themselves, and they separated to conduct; diligently to strive, as the make their own preparation. Jane apostle enjoins, to keep yourselves and her sister were however thrown in the love of God, that so, through together very soon and, whilst His present grace, you may be kept in the desire constantly to glorify should now testify that you are Him in a uniform and steadfast engrafted into the Living Vine. adherence to the will of God in all Your cousin Louisa has not been things. Remember the way of the brought up with such uniform care, cross is strait and narrow, and and I fear we shall find her of a though we are leaving our happy fluctuating mind, which may some. retreat for a few days, and our times prove dangerous to you, as bodies will be in another place, well as render me uneasy for her ; yet our spiritual walk must be but we must go to our rule for her undeviating; we are still in the and for ourselves, By their fruits same way, and have still the same ye shall know them. And may you, end in view. See, your dear mother my dear girls, be careful not to is more than commonly serious, grieve the Spirit, but to bear in she cannot help feeling anxious for mind the fruits which must be the her darlings; she knows the weak- product of this indwelling grace. ness and natural sinfulness of the Looking for the cultivation of these heart, and she is fearful for you. in your own hearts will be a pow

Let me explain my feelings to erful guard from evil, and exciteyou, she said, and you will better ment to good. understand the nature of that seri. My dearest mother, said Jane, ousness which your dear father has you make me fearful of myself, observed. You, my two dear girls, and I had far rather not be exposed have been brought up equally, in to trials of my weak nature, than the same course of instruction, and have to experience the anguish of in the same tender love; and for disappointing you and my dear fifteen years it has pleased God to father. permit us to be without interrup. Look higher, my child, said her tion in our regular plans, but such father, and think of the eye of your as necessarily may have occurred heavenly Father and Saviour, and within our own family. You have of the ever present Spirit of holiness, both, thank God, answered to our that your God may behold you wishes, in imbibing a relish for walking worthy your high and spiritual things, and in growing up heavenly calling. with us loving and beloved, so that And what does my Caroline feel our home has been something like on this subject ? a Paradise, the Lord in mercy being Caroline, wiping away a tear not strict to mark what has been which had dropt from her eyes, and amiss, and diffusing in our hearts looking into her father's face, said, that Spirit which has made us look I am sensible of my weakness and up to Him for all our blessings. sinfulness, and that I have never

You have been always under yet gone alone; I am dependent, our eye, and your conduct has I hope, that God will not leave been in a great measure regu. me in a time of trial : surely lated by our superintendence, he will be faithful, and when I am which has often given a turn to weak he will strengthen me. your natural propensities, and often, In such conversation they passed even unknown to yourselves, been the time of their journey, occasionthe cause of your avoiding wrong ally attracted by the beauties of the and doing right. You have scarcely country, and led to admire the been tried as to “ what manner goodness wbich had spared to man of spirit you actually are of;” and so many testimonies of mercy and you are still to be proved. I ima- forbearance, in the beauties which gine our proposed visit will be a yet decorate our earth, defiled though trial of you both in many things, it be by sin. and am anxious that your fruit

[To be continued.]

has become vacant by the death of the United States of America. The followincumbent, his place has not been sup- ing extract is from a narrative of a Tour plied; and the district which enjoyed by the Rev. Samuel J. Mills through his services, now left without any Sab- that country. bath ministrations whatever, gives me- . “Never will the impression be erased lancholy attestation to the native listless from our hearts, that has been made by ness and unconcern of its families. beholding those scenes of wide-spreading Certain it is, that in other places of the desolation. The whole country, from Union, even in those which have been Lake Erie to the Gulf of Mexico, is as settled so long, as now to have reached the valley of the shadow of death. a high state both of wealth and popula Darkness rests upon it. Only here and tion, there is abundant proof of an ex there a few rays of gospel light pierce tremely feeble demand for the lessons through the awful gloom. This vast of Christianity. The rapid increase of country contains more than a million human beings is followed up, at a very of inhabitants. Their number is every sluggish and unequal pace, by an in- year increased, by a mighty flood of crease in the means of religious instruc- emigration. Soon they will be as the tion. The effect of this lethargy is, sands on the sea-shore for multitude. that whole breadths of territory are in Yet there are at present only a little a state of spiritual desolation, and the more than one hundred Presbyterian or families by whom they are occupied, Congregational ministers in it. Were almost utter strangers to the habits or these ministers equally distributed the decencies of a Christian land, are throughout the country, there would be represented as being scarcely above a only one to every ten thousand people. state of practical heathenism.-P. 110. But now there are districts of country,

The melancholy effect of leaving reli- containing from twenty to fifty thousand gious instruction to be originated by the inhabitants entirely destitute. And native and spontaneous demand of the how shall they hear without a preacher?'people, is most strikingly exemplified in P. 189. the southern and western sections of the


Recently Published. A Description of a Chronological Chart with family prayer the reading of the of the Patriarchs, from Adam to word of God, and if possible, the singMoses. By T. S. Peckston. 12mo, ing of a bymn. Endeavour to be early Pp. viii. and 159. Hatchards

in your evening sacrifices. Regard This Chart is constructed according brevity as important. Admit of no irreto the authorised version of the Bible,

gularity. Be it above all the concern of in opposition to the sentiments of some

every worshipper to depend habitually Chronologers. Tables are annexed to

on the aid of the Spirit of supplication.' the Description, stating the years when The Balance of Criminality, or Mental the Postdiluvian Patriarchs were born Error; compared with immoral conand died, according to Archbishop duct, addressed to Young Doubters. Usher, Du Fresnoy, Marshall, Blair, Bp Isaac Taylor, Ongar. Grey, &c.

Pp. vi. and 178. Westley.
The Domestic Guide to the Footstool of The History of the Church of Christ.

Mercy, a Cours" of Morning and By John Scott, M. A. Vol. II. Part
Evening Prayers for one Month. By 1. 8vo. Pp. xii. and 324. Seeleys,
Charles Williams. 12 mo. Pp. xx. 1828.
and 252. Westley, 1828.

Elements of Prophetic Interpretation ; An Address to the Heads of Families, or Easy Lessons Introductory to the prefixed to this Course of Prayer, urges Study of Prophecy, with a Symbolical Family Devotion on the ground of its Dictionary. "IIatchards. 18mo. Pp. reasonableness—its eminent example xiv, and 50. its personal bedefit—its relative advan

An Analysis of the Historical Books of tage—and its public good. The follow

the Old Testament, with Notes and ing observations are also pressed upon

References. Pp. ii. and 356. the readers. 'Never consider the devotions of the family as a substitute for The Life of John Eliot, the Apostle of those of retirement. Let these exercises the Indians. 18mo. Pp. xii. and 300. be conducted twice a day. Connect Oliphant.

MARCH 1828.



COMMUNICATIONS recently received from the Missionaries in New Zealand, afford somewhat more encouraging prospects with reference to that interesting scene of the Society's labours. The Missionaries have usually from thirty to forty natives residing with them, who are instructed daily in reading, writing, &c. some of whom have made encouraging progress. The Missionaries embrace every opportunity of communicating religious instruction; and though hitherto little fruit of their labour is perceived, they are still encouraged to persevere, in the humble hope of eventually experiencing a divine blessing. The Natives have manifested during the last year an inclination to sow wheat, and the Missionaries have distributed in consequence several bushels of seed among the Chiefs. During the former year a small quantity was cultivated which the Missionaries purchased, giving blankets in exchange. The Missionaries hope that from these small beginnings, the Natives may eventually acquire a taste for agricultural pursuits.

The love of war and bloodshed which seems almost universally to prevail, renders the situation of the Missionaries very precarious. Not that they are exposed to any personal danger, though should Shunghee be killed their property

would most probably be plundered, and themselves expelled from the Island, or at least obliged to withdraw for a time. Shunghee is, however, too sensible of the temporal benefits which arise from the presence of the Missionaries, to allow others to molest them. It appears now that the plundering of the Wesleyan Missionaries, and the burning of their Settlement took place while he was absent in the pursuit of some Natives; that he had no idea of the Missionaries being in any way molested, and was exceedingly angry, when he heard of the violence which had been committed by his allies.

Some of the Natives are deeply concerned at the unsettled state of their country, and desirous of escaping from the alarms and miseries of incessant warfare. Application has been made on their behalf to the Governor of Van Dieman's Land for a grant of land that they may emigrate and place themselves under British protection. A plan of this kind must, however, be attended with serious difficulties, and we cannot but hope that the abhorrence of war may so increase, as to lead ere long to some arrangement by which the Natives may enjoy their own country with uninterrupted tranquillity. The accounts from New Zealand come down to the end of August.


LETTERS, dated December the 6th and 15th, have been received in town from Mrs. Kilham, a member of the Society of Friends, who, about three months ago, proceeded on a voluntary mission to the colony of Sierra Leone, with the object of facilitating the education of the liberated Africans and the work of the Missionaries. The letters give a favourable account of the progress of education in the Colony generally, and state that the Infant School system has been introduced with an encouraging prospect of success. This was the second journey of that highly respected individual to Africa for this purpose. During a former residence at Sierra Leone, having acquired two of

the African languages, and reduced them to writing on just and philosophical principles, she prepared elementary works, calculated to give material assistance in instructing the people, and translating the Scriptures into the native languages. The great importance of such translations in the vernacular tongue, has been proved with respect to the people of Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland, who enjoy opportunities of learning to read the Scriptures in a different language from their own, which are denied to the Africans. Their education by means of native teachers previously instructed, is an important part of Mrs. Kilham's plan. --Record.



The following Extract from the Speech differ on this, that human society is the of the Rev. Mr. PORTER, at a recent most corrupt when men have lost their Meeting of the Fermanagh Auxiliary original independence and simplicity to the London Hibernian Society, ap of manners, and not attained that degree pears to us so important that we gladly of refinement which introduces de avail ourselves of the present opportu corum and propriety of conduct and nity to insert it in our pages.

operates as a restraint upon the violence The great feature which distinguishes of their passions; few will deny that this Society, and which has given it the perverted knowledge and gross ignoappellation of Pioneer of Scriptural rance are equally dangerous, and, there

Education, is, that it educates the poor fore, I think that if knowledge is power, of this country on the foundation of the that power should be directed aright; word of God, without note or comment;' to extinguish knowledge is the aim it requires the daily reading of the of tyrants, but to serve God is perfect scriptures; and not only that, but also freedom; and I know no other unerring the learning by heart chapters of the source than the word of God. I send, New Testament; by which means not therefore, the poor and ignorant to the only the young in the school, but the fountain head, to the Holy Scriptures at old in the cabin, hear the gospel sound. once-I give them the gospel in all its It is pledged not to interfere with the simple grandeur. Man without educareligious principles of any set of Christ- tion is like marble in a quarry, and ians; its object is not to make pro education without religion is like a ship selytes but Christians; and it derives furnished with sails and colours, but no assistance from the public funds neglected by the helms-man; and of the nation. These blessings it offers therefore, unable amid the storms and without any distinction of sect or party, billows of a troublesome world to arrive freely to all; and overlooking many other at the place where the righteous are at deficiencies, wherever the master applies, peace.' Mens sana in corpore sano is an or the scholars want the book of life, old and wise saying. Any education it is forward to assist. It looks not not scriptural is inefficient, and can to the length and breadth of the house, never make men better members of the covering upon it, or the number of society, better members of their own windows it contains, but regards only family, nor better prepared for that the wants of the mind (the more im- fearful judgment which awaits us all. portant wants of God's creatures) and “Let the people have the written word adopting the enchanting and benevolent of God.,.. the scriptures are necessary language of our divine Saviour to all the for them," says the eloquent Roman posterity of Adam, where ignorance and Catholic writer (Mr. O'Driscoll) in his superstition abounds, it says, “ Suffer View of Ireland. This is no question little children to come unto me.” Many of politics, of protestant or papal ascenpersons, no doubt, there are who hesitate dency, of Orange procession or Catholic on the expediency of this comprehensive association, of the errors of one church system of education, this march of in- or varieties of the other.... It is, indeed, tellect now in progress in this kingdom: a question of worldly as well as eternal many are more inclined to the opiate of interest; for never can we have peace, ignorance as the best sedative for the prosperity, or comfort here until the troubled spirits amongst us. Some may people are better educated in the gospel think that the greater part of mankind truths. I stand, therefore, before you should be subject by the necessity of an unworthy, inefficient member of the their condition to unavoidable ignorance episcopalian church of Ireland, as the on the things of the greatest importance, feeble advocate of this Society; and and that their eternal happiness should can I err in this, when declaring, that be risked on the hazard of the current the Bible, and Bible only, is my reopinions of the country they may be born ligion--that Holy Scripture containeth in. Some may think, that to a poor all things necessary to salvation : and man a little learning is a dangerous I am sure an examination by that light thing ; but whatever conflicting opinions will not destroy, nor inspection underthere may be on these points, few will mine it: can I err when I find our re

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