An Abridgment of Mr. Locke's Essay Concerning Human UnderstandingRobert and Andrew Foulis, 1752 - 270 sider |
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Almindelige termer og sætninger
abstract ideas actions Affent agreement or diſagreement alſo anſwer becauſe body cauſe Certainty CHAP clear colour complex ideas confider confideration confifts connexion conſiſts conſtant conſtantly conſtitution deas diftinct diftinguiſh diſcover elſe Eſſence exifting exiſt Extenfion faculties faid falſe fame felf fenfes fignification fimple ideas firſt fome forts fuch Gold ideas they ſtand impoſſible inſtance intuitive Knowledge Knowledge leaſt ledge leſs meaſure mind mixed Modes moſt motion muſt names natural neceſſary neral nominal Effence obſerve occafion pain particular perceive Perception perſon pleaſure poſitive poſſible preciſe preſent produce Propoſitions qualities real Effences Reaſon reſpect Revelation ſame ſay Secondly ſee ſeems ſelf ſelves ſenſation ſenſes ſenſible ſerve ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhew ſhould ſigns ſimple ſince ſome ſomething ſometimes ſpeak ſpecies ſtill ſubject Subſtances ſuch ſuppoſe themſelves ther theſe things Thirdly thoſe ideas thoughts tion Truth underſtanding Univerſe uſe whereby wherein whereof whoſe words
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Side 57 - This power which the mind has thus to order the consideration of any idea, or the forbearing to consider it; or to prefer the motion of any part of the body to its rest, and vice versa, in any particular instance; is that which we call the will. The actual exercise of that power, by directing any particular action, or its forbearance, is that which we call volition or willing.
Side 102 - ... continue in the same steps they have been used to, which by often treading are worn into a smooth path, and the motion in it becomes easy, and as it were natural.
Side 204 - I mean there is such a knowledge within our reach which we cannot miss, if we will but apply our minds to that, as we do to several other .inquiries.
Side 160 - By which it is plain, that every step in reasoning that produces knowledge has intuitive certainty ; which when the mind perceives, there is no more required, but to remember it to make the agreement or disagreement of the ideas, concerning which we inquire, visible and certain. So that to...
Side 102 - As far as we can comprehend thinking, thus ideas seem to be produced in our minds; or if they are not, this may serve to explain their following one another in an habitual train when once they are put into that track, as well as it does to explain such motions of the body.
Side 58 - All the actions that we have any idea of, reducing themselves, as has been said, to these two, viz. thinking and motion, so far as a man has a power to think or not to think, to move or not to move, according to the preference or direction of his own mind, so far is a man free.
Side 247 - Whatever God hath revealed is certainly true : no doubt can be made of it. This is the proper object of faith ; but whether it be a divine revelation or no, reason must judge...
Side 202 - If therefore we know there is some real being, and that non-entity cannot produce any real being, it is an evident demonstration, that from eternity there has been something; since what was not from eternity, had a beginning; and what had a beginning, must be produced by something else.
Side 104 - ... are by education, custom, and the constant din of their party, so coupled in their minds, that they always appear there together; and they can no more separate them in their thoughts, than if they were but one idea, and they operate as if they were so.
Side 24 - ... no more the likeness of something existing without us, than the names that stand for them are the likeness of our ideas, which yet upon hearing they are apt to excite in us.