all the Accomplishments She can give him; who has fully Imbib'd her Doctrine, and gives himself up to the Conduct of Her Laws; who joyns daily in her Devotions, and Receives the Holy Sacrament from her Hands; who partakes of her extensive Charity, and is acted by her Primitive Spirit; who Honours her Laws, and lives up to her Pre. cepts: Confider Mr. Bonnell well, and it is He. This Church he Honour'd and Lov'd; and Her Misfortunes he Bewail'd: He faw Her Conftitution Primitive and Apoftolical; Her Doctrine, Pure; Her Service, Rational and Heavenly But lamented that fo many, who call themselves by Her Name, fhou'd bring fo much Scandal upon Her, by their Immoral Lives. But what he cou'd not amend in others, he ftudy'd to prevent in himself: And effectually fhew'd to all who knew him, how Glorious our Church wou'd be, did all who own her Authority, come up to her Principles in their Lives. And now at laft, to come to a Conclusion, I wou'd defire every one, who confiders the Life of this Excellent Man, to ask themselves this serious Queftion: Whether all things duly weigh'd; this World and the next; the fhortness of Life, and the Eternity to follow: They wou'd not rather Live and Die like Mr. Bonnell; enjoy the present Pleasures of his Virtues; and be Intitl'd to their exceeding great Reward: Than act one of the most Bufie Parts of Humane Life; than possess whatever the most boundless Ambi Ambition can crave; than make the greatest Noife and Figure in the World? For what is this fhort Life, and all its poor concerns? It appears, and is gone, Flies like a Shadow, and Vanishes as a Dream. Who then that's truly Wife, wou'd Lose the Substantial Joys of a good Confcience; that Peace, thofe Comforts, which Religion gives; and chiefly, thofe enlivening Hopes of Immortality and Glory, which are the happy confequents of Piety: To Glitter a while in the World, be the Subject of Talk, and Gaz'd at by the Multitude; to strike our FellowCreatures with Terror, and gratifie our Pride and Vain-Glory? How quickly does a Death-Bed Cure us of these Follies? Give us a new Taft and Relish of things, take off the thick Scales which ftick to our Eyes, and the falfe Colours of worldly Glory; till it appears in its Native Littleness and Deformity, and at last Vanishes into nothing? Then fhall we be convinc'd (O why are we not before!) that there's no Wisdom like fecuring our Eternal Intereft; nor Madness, like lofing our Souls, tho' we got the whole World in Exchange. But fuch a Life, as Mr. Bonnell's was, brings every Day new Delights to the Soul; The Pleafures it gives, encrease with Time; improve upon Enjoyment, and leave no ungrateful Relish upon the Mind. A Soul, fo Refign'd to God, is calm amidst all the Storms of Fortune, and Disorders of the World; is not afraid of Men, nor difturb'd at evil Tydings; but goes quietly through a world of Noife and Vanity; knowing, that 'tis under the Care of Infinite Power and Wisdom; and ftill has Heaven in its View : Heaven! that end of all Labours! and SanEtuary from Trouble and Sin! That Eternal Retreat from Grief, from Mifery and Pain! The Refidence of God, and Angels, and happy Spirits! A Soul firmly fix'd upon Heaven and Heavenly things, pities the vain Designs and restlefs Purfuits of Mankind; and wonders that fo much Time and Labour, fhou'd be thrown away, upon what can never Profit, and very imperfectly please; which well employ'd, might fecure present Tranquility and Peace, with a happy Reverfion of Endlefs Joy and Glory. Such a happy Soul knows and confiders, that most of these restlefs and afpiring Mortals, fhall be fnatch'd away, in the midst of their Projects and Hopes; and then full of Anguish and Vain Remorfe, fhall fadly wish, that they had minded this World lefs, and the other more. If then the cafe he really fo; if Religion be our only Happiness, and Piety our tru est Wisdom: The ufe we fhou'd make of this great Example of all these, is to bewail the Imperfections of our Graces, the Coldness of our Devotions, and the many defects of all our Religious Performances; when compar'd with his exalted Piety, his deep Humility, his flaming Zeal and Love. This confideration fhou'd check our Touring Thoughts, Thoughts, and keep us from over-rating our own worth, which falls fo vaftly fort of his; who yet was as low in his own Efteem, as he was high in that of others. But chiefly, his Example fhou'd enflame our Zeal, and fet every Faculty in Motion; should make us Earneft in our Prayers for his Graces, and in our Endeavours to Imitate his Virtues; that we may at laft fhare in his Reward. And fince Angels Rejoice at the Converfion of Sinners; and fince Mr. Bonnell's Zeal for Souls, was fo great in his Imperfect ftate; and no doubt is now Refin'd into a Seraphic Flame: We cannot but hope, that if either his Writings, or his Life, be inftrumental in turning one Sinner from his Evil Ways; or confirming any in their good Purposes and Actions; it will add to his Joy, and improve his Glory in Heaven. And we need not Question, but we shall partake in his Happiness, and join for ever with him in that work of Praife, which was his most delightful Exercife below, and is a great part of his Reward above: If with his Diligence and Care, we watch over our Hearts, our Tongues and Steps: If with the Fervours and Humility of his Soul, we pray for Grace and Strength from God to walk in the Divine Laws and Commandments; and particularly, to be kept (as he in one place expreflès it) from jpeaking a R 4 Vain Vain or Proud thing, doing an Unjust thing, or thinking an Impure thing. In short, if, like Him, we wou'd be happy; like Him, we must be Wife. Not according to the mistaken Wisdom of this World, which is Foolfhnefs with God: But that Wif dom which is from Above; which defcends from the Father of Lights, and God of all Grace. And St. James's Description of that Wisdom, gives us Mr. Bonnell's Character in yery few Words: For he was Pure and Peaceable, Gentle, and eafie to be Entreated; full of Mercy and good Fruits; without Partiality and without Hypocrific, Jam. 3. 17. THE END. |