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Clogher, December 1702.

Reverend Sir,


Have with great Satisfaction Perus'd your Account of Mr. Bonnell's Life and Character, and his Meditations that are interfpers'd, through which there fhines a true Spirit of Christian Piety: And as I had the happiness to be well acquainted with him, and was confequently a juft Admirer of his truly valuable good Qualities, and Christian Virtues, of his extraordinary Piety, his unaffected Humility, and his unwearied Zeal for the promoting Religion and Virtue; fo 'I do hope, and with Affurance promise my felf,that a faithful Account of all these, may do abundance of good in the World; holy Examples being undoubtedly the beft Argnments for Piety,and convincing Men much fooner,than any Sermons and "Discourse.

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"I do therefore heartily approve of your Defign in Publishing what you have Communicated to me; and that his good Example may influence many to an Imitation of his holy Life and converfation, is the earnest Prayer of,

To the Reverend Mr. William Hamilton, Arch-deacon of Armagh,

Reverend Sir,
Your very Affectionate
Brother, and Humble

St.Geo, Clogker,


Have perused the following Life of Mr. James Bonnell, and do find there fuch a juft Representation of that fincere, unaffected Piety, which fhined fo clearly in that excellent Person, that I earnestly recommend theReading of it to the World, and do befeech God it may have the effect which is propos'd by Publishing it, to recover the true Spirit and Power of Religion in this Age.

Edw. Downe & Connor.



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