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The Common PRETENCES for fuch NEGLECT Confidered,

And their WEAKNESS Expofed.

By a Prefbyter of the Church of England.


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Printed and Sold by J. OLIVER, in Bartholometv - Cloje z Sold alfo by C. BATHURST, over-against St Dunstan's Church, Fleet-freet. M DCC LXII,

[ Price 3d, or 20s, a Hundred, ]}



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ELIGIOUS WORSHIP is à Debt naturally due from us to Almighty GoD, as the Author of our Being, and the Fountain of all our Happiness: This is a Truth that is univerfally owned by all Mankind, those only excepted (if there can be any fuch) that foolishly imagine there is no GoD: or, that are fo infenfibly ftupid, or fwoln with Pride, and monftroufly ungrateful, as to take no Notice of HIM, in whom they live, and move, and have their Being.

The Heathen World were indeed grofse ly mistaken with regard to the Object of their religious Worship, and the Manner of performing it; God, in his heavy Displeasure, permitting this as a juft Pu nishment for their finning againft natural Confciente, and their difregarding those Discoveries that He hath made of himself to all Mankind, by the Frame and Govern ment of the World. Hence it was, that

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they worshipped not only the Ghosts of dead men, and those many times the vileft and worst of Men; but the Fowls of the Air, and the Beafts of the Field, and the meanest of Infects. Hence it was, that they made then felves Gods of Wood and Stone, that could neither fee, nor hear, nor tafte, nor smell. Nay, hence it was, that they worshipped the Devil himself, under Images of fuch hideous Forms and Shapes, as are frightful to behold. And as they were thus miferably deluded in the Object of their Worship, fo were they likewife in the Manner of it. The Mysteries of their Religion were filled with Lewdnefs and Debauchery; their Sacrifices were barbarous and cruel; they offered up their Sons and their Daughters unto Devils; and made them pass through the Fire unto Moloch. But in this they unanimoufly agreed, and this was the conftant Practice of them all, to pay fome religious Worship, fuitable to their Notions or Apprehenfions of the God they worshipped.

How careful then fhould we Chriftians be of this great Duty? How mindful of worshipping the LORD our GOD? We, that know the only true God, and Jesus CHRIST whom He hath fent: We, that have


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f have the Nature and Will of God plainly revealed to us in the holy Scriptures, written by the Inspiration and Direction of his holy Spirit, how inexcufable shall we appear, and what dreadful Vengeance may we not justly look for Even the most difmal Effects of God's fiery Wrath and Indignation; if when we know GOD, wel glorify him not as GOD, nor worship Him' in Spirit and in Truth; if we do not acknowledge his divine Perfections, depend upon his Providence, and refign up ourF felves entirely to his holy Will and Pleafure; if we do not delight in his Laws, fear his Displeasure, truft in his Mercy, lovel Him with all our Hearts and Minds, and in every Thing by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving, let our Requests be made known unto Him: But especially, if we do not love the Habitation of his Houfe, the Place where his Honour dwelleth; if we do not keep his Sabbaths, and reverence his Sanctuary, and regularly join with his Minifters there in his House of Prayer, at the ftated Times for public Devotion, in acknowledging and confeffing our Offences unto Him, in giving Him Thanks for the great Bleffings we daily receive at his Hands, in fetting forth his moft worthy Praife, in hearing Ifis moft holy Word, and in afking of Him thofe

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