its true meaning. When he had digested the whole of his subject, and had worked it up with great pains and labour, though aware how it would be received by some, he ventured to send it forth to the public, little solicitous how far it would enhance or lessen his literary fame, provided it contributed in any degree to awaken a thoughtless and criminal generation to the great and awful truths and salutary terrors of religion. Although no pains were taken by the author or his friends to circulate his work, it soon found its way into foreign countries, particularly into France and Germany. A French translation of it was published in 1778, p. 159, &c. by a Benedictin monk of the congregation of St. Maurus, a congregation so well known by its literary labours. Of this order of religious men, the author was a member in the present English congregation of Benedictins. Soon after, it was translated into Latin by an English Benedictin monk resident at Paris; into German by. l'Abbé Goldhagen, 1785, 3 vols. 8vo. and lately into Italian. We may judge in what esteem the original performance was held abroad, by the following extract from the periodical writings of a very judicious and learned author, l'Abbé Feller, universally known and esteemed in France and Germany for the zeal and suc cess with which he has for many years defended the cause and interest of religion. Dated 1786. Sept. P. 106.-"L'ouvrage de Seigneur Pastorini " est le seule bon Commentaire sur l'Apocalypse que l'Angleterre ait produit, et la nation doit " scavoir bon gré à l'Auteur d'avoir contribué à " faire oublier les extravagances que Jacques ir. et " le célébré Newton ont debitées sur ce livre di"vin. C'est un scavant et edifiant ouvrage, où la 66 theologie et l'histoire ecclesiastique repandent " des lumieres precieuses sur le plus mysterieux " des livres saints; où les Prophetics admirables, "realisées par des faits averés publics, eclatans, re" pandent dans l'ame des Chretiens l'esperance et " le courage, en même tems qu'elles rendent un te 66 moignage solemnel à la puissance et à la verité " de Dieu. Ce qui reste sous le voile, s'annonce 66 dejà d'une maniere sensible, et le tableau des " tems où nous vivons n'est pas celui qui brille le " moins par les traits de caractere, par les cou " leurs vives et vraies." "The work of Signior "good comment which 66 Translated: upon the Apocalypse. "tions to the author for having contributed to cause to be forgotten the extravagant notions of "James the first and the celebrated Newton, respecting this divine book. It is a learned and edifying performance. The theological and ec" clesiastical matter interspersed throughout it, "shed valuable lights upon the most mysterious " of the most sacred writings. The wonderful 66 prophecies contained in it being established upon authentic, striking, and public facts, inspire the "Christian soul with Christian hope and fortitude, " and afford a solemn testimony to the power and "veracity of God. What remains as yet undis" closed, manifests itself already in a sensible man 66 ner: and the times we live in furnish a faithful " and lively picture." The first edition was soon bought up; and though a second was earnestly wished for, the author, for various reasons, declined to undertake it. The experience of nearly thirty years, the latter part of which has been so eventful, convinced him more than ever that he had not been deceived in his general view of things. To his intimate acquaintance he was often heard to repeat in the language of Moses in his celebrated canticle, Adesse festinant Tempora: the times are fast approaching. At length a friend of his who had known him from his earliest days, and been witness to his virtues for many years, offering his service to prepare a second edition; the author accepted his proposal, and furnished him with some additional remarks, which will be found in their proper places. Soon after the author had favoured the editor with his additional materials, he closed a well spent life by an happy exit. His death, it may confidently be hoped, precious in the sight of God! and his virtues and zealous exertions in the cause of religion, will be long remembered, particularly by the members of the Roman Catholic communion in this kingdom. THE book of the Apocalypse, according to that "The learned interpreter of the Scriptures, St. Jerome, " contains an infinite number of mysteries relating " to future times." Lib. 1. contra Jovin. "Apocalypse," says St. Austin, " is a prophecy " of what is to happen from the first coming of "Christ upon earth, to his second coming at the " last day." De civ. Dei. 1. 2. c. 8. Some modern writers hold the same opinion. Besides these anthorities, our own study of that mysterious book, diligently pursued, has entirely prevailed on us to espouse the same sentiment. The Apocalypse exhibits, in general, a summary of the whole history of the Christian Church from the date of its birth, to its triumphant and glorious state in Heaven after the close of time. This is the foundation of the present work, and we hope the attentive reader, when he has considered the whole, will approve our sentiments, and applaud our endeavours. He may, perhaps, then join us in thinking that the celebrated commentators, Bossuet and Calmet, have too much contracted this admirable prophecy, by confining the contents to so short a period as the four first centuries of the Christian æra, and applying the whole, except the two last chapters, to the persecutions which the Church suffered from the pagan Roman emperors, and to the destruction of the Roman empire. For this reason the two abovementioned authors have often been obliged to wrest the text, and give it a forced and improbable explication, to bring it within their system. On the same account they have derogated from the dignity and precision of that prophecy, by applying several texts to the same event; whereas, whoever looks attentively into the tenour of the Apocalypse, will perceive that St. John's precision and brevity are such, that he never repeats the same thing. For the unfolding of the different parts of the Apocalypse, we have followed, in general, the plan laid down by Mr. De la Chetardie towards the close of the last century, as it has been since improved by a late French commentator on the Scripture. It consists in a division of the whole Christian æra to the end of time, into seven Ages, corres ponding to the seven Seals, seven Trumpets, and seven Vials, mentioned in the Apocalypse; so that to each belong a Seal, Trumpet, and Vial. But in the application of the prophecies contained under these seals, trumpets, and vials, as well as in other parts of the Apocalypse, we have frequently deviated from the abovenamed writers, to substitute what we thought a more genuine explication. It must then be observed, that an age and a century must not here be tak for synonymous terms; but by an age in this history we shall understand one of the seven divisions of time abovementioned: neither are these divisions of time equal. |