impressions are not only received and given expression, but are combined and viewed in relation to one another. It is necessary that the power of judgment be developed and that originality and inventiveness be encouraged. Kindergarten children, therefore, are not obliged to work along fixed lines constantly, but are permitted to make new designs, to suggest games and songs, in short to reveal each his own individuality. The morning-talk, which follows the opening exercises, is an important factor in forming a child's character. Coming early in the day, new ideas are readily imparted, and later are incorporated in game, song and occupation. Suitable subjects for the talks are always at hand and are chosen according to the season. In all the talks, an effort is made to "present the right thing at the right time and in the right way;" but the children make their own discoveries, tell what they have observed, and draw their own conclusions. More important than the bodily exercise and mental stimulus is the moral training which should be the aim of every kindergartner. The talks and games scon transform the shy and lonely new-comer. He has already learned to know and love those in his own home, he now begins to appreciate those without it, and to recognize the many who minister to his comfort. Through intercourse with other children he is taught lessons of unselfishness and sociability, and led to co-operation, helpfulness, and the expression of loving interest. "The kindergarten is primarily a place of growth as its name suggests, but it is a mistake to think that children do not learn because they do not read and cipher. They learn colors, form, sounds, numbers; they learn to listen to the teacher's voice; to attend to signals on the piano; they learn of animals and plants; they watch the change in seasons, the wind, the snow, the rain, the sun, the clouds; they collect and examine many natural objects as leaves, shells. pebbles, acorns, twigs, grains, nuts, fruits, wool, cotton, feathers, nests, etc.; thus their imagination is aroused and their senses are trained. The constant thought of the true kindergartner is the employment of the child's activity; he is led to be actively creative; hence all his powers are aroused." Official Department DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, QUEBEC, June 26th, 1899. The Secretary-Treasurer School Board, SIR, I have the honor to send you herewith a copy in pamphlet form of the School Law passed at last session, in order that it may be followed in your coming July elections. During the summer an indexed and bound copy of the law with notes and Committee regulations will be sent to each secretary-treasurer and school board member in the Province of Quebec. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, B. DE LA BRUÈRE, THE STEINBERGER HENDRY COMPANY LIMITED. Maps, Globes, Charts AND SLATE BLACKBOARDS AND KINDERGARTEN MATERIAL. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. Address 37 RICHMOND ST. W., TORONTO, ONT. University of Bishop's College, LENNOXVILLE. FACULTY OF ARTS Dean and Professor of Mathematics: REV. PRINCIPAL ADAMS, D.C.L. FACULTY OF DIVINITY Dean and Professor of Divinity: REV. F. J. B. ALLNATT, D.D. FACULTY OF MEDICINE Dean: F. W. CAMPBELL, ESQ., M.D. (Montreal). (Session begins Oct. 2.) At Lennoxville the Academical Year consists of three terms, beginning on the 2nd Saturday in September. BISHOP'S COLLEGE SCHOOL. Head Master: H. J. H. PETRY, Esq., M. A. Assisted by a large Staff of Graduates. For Calendars of College and School, apply to the Secretary, F. W. FRITH, ESQ., M.A., or to the Principal or the Head Master. |