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surely, the school-room might both have pure air and, at the same time, freedom from draughts. There is room for serious thought on this subject of ventilation. Whence will come the inventive genius to provide an adequate system of heating and ventilation for the schools of the twentieth century! The good old days of the log huts with wide chinks, through which the snow drifted. into the pillow of the sleeper; the huge fire-place, whereby the great logs crackled and smoked, while the owners had to keep turning around before it to prevent getting cold on one side or the other, had their disadvantages. But the holes in the walls, that let the snow in, also allowed the fresh air to come in. Yes, the howl of the wolf is no longer to be heard at eventide. We no longer sit by the log fires at night listening to the wind blowing through the house as though it were a barn. But we must see to it that, with the loss of the rigors of life of those early days, we do not lose also the robustness of constitution which characterized them.

-TECHNICAL schools are the next step in the onward march of progress of Canada. There are at present two such schools, one in Toronto, the other in Ottawa. But we begin to feel the need of more. The United States have been making gigantic strides in this direction of late years. In a recent letter (published in the Gazette) there is an urgent appeal for a national support of technical education such as exists in France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Austria and England. This letter from the Ottawa Board of Trade to the Chambre de Commerce, Montreal, says:

"Canada pays millions every year to the superior artists and artisans of other countries, every cent of which represents a foreign tax voluntarily paid in consequence of ignorance and want of skill at home. We cannot depend on private liberality in this young country, to organize and support an adequate system of technical education. The generous provision for all such instruction made by many European countries is regarded as one of the most pressing of public duties and may be followed by us with profit." When this country was young and depended mainly upon its natural resources for its prosperity, there was little need for technical education; but times have changed with us. The letter goes on to say:


With these facts before us and realizing the possibilities of our unrivalled natural resources, we believe the

time has arrived when an opportunity should be furnished our people to develop the many fields of industry within our borders. This is a matter of trade and commerce, and comes primarily within the scope and action of the Federal Government, just as agriculture is promoted by our experimental farms, dairying by our dairy stations, and mining by our Geological Survey."

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The day has gone by, when the chief office of the teacher in the school-room was mending the pens of the pupils. The teacher no longer is found napping in his chair, while subdued riot reigns supreme. Gone, too, are the days, when the teacher sat with chair tilted back and feet on the desk. But we still find the teacher, who cannot conduct a lesson in history or geography without having the book open before him. Surely the lesson is not worth the learning. that the teacher has not troubled himself to prepare well enough to question on without a book. The interest should not be centred in the book but in the subject matter of the lesson itself. The child has already viewed the matter from the point of view of the book. He wants the subject presented to him in another way. The text-books on many subjects are necessarily from their nature somewhat cold, formal and lifeless. One office of the teacher is to warm, vivify and make practical the subject of the textbook. Too much of our school work is mere recitation. The unity of knowledge is utterly lost in this method of conducting a lesson. The best teachers use no text-books. They allow the child to have one for reference and study, but do not make it the indispensable factor of the lesson.


Inattention on the part of children, who are usually attentive, may be due to sickness or disturbing circumstances at home.

The school is not for the purpose of reducing all children to the same level.

Children often do poor work because they are insufficiently fed.

Language is caught not taught.-Dr. Marchof. Reproof is not always administered wisely and well. it were, far less discipline would be required in our school


rooms. Sydney Smith savs :-" Find fault. when vou must find fault, in private, if possible; and some time after the offence rather than at the time. The blamed are less inclined to resist when they are blamed without witnesses; both parties are calmer. and the accused party is struck with the forbearance of the accuser, who has seen the fault and watched for a private and proper time for mentioning it." > 968

Knowledge is only power. Without wise direction it is worse than useless. It destroys instead of building up.

No human being can live for any length of time without exercise. Both the teacher and the child require an abundance of exercise in the fresh air.

Chewing gum is a bad habit. It is said to make the lower half of the face look heavy. It certainly prevents the child digesting his proper food.

The Roman pronunciation of Latin and the accentual pronunciation of Greek are henceforth to be imperative in all the public schools of Nova Scotia. The largest academies and high schools adopted the standard pronunciation some years ago, as well as the leading universities. We presume that uniformity in the pronunciation of the ancient classics will now be universal throughout the Province."-The Educational Review.

This is a step in the right direction. The study of classics has been much retarded through the lack of uniformity in pronunciation and the circumstances that attended it. There is a life and interest attaching to a language that is spoken that does not belong to the language that is only written. But of what use was it to speak Latin when there were three pronunciations in ordinary use. When a pronunciation common to at least all Englishspeaking people has been determined on. the culture and disciplinary values of Latin will be much increased. Even secondary schools will be able get a few "noble thoughts in noble language," as well as the derivation of words, the declension of nouns and adjectives, and the conjugation of verbs, by the saving of time consequent upon this much needed reform. He who tries to stem this tide is as one who would stop with his foot the onward flow of a mighty river.

Official Department.


MONTREAL, February 24th, 1899.

At the above date the regular quarterly meeting of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction was held.

Present:-Dr. Heneker in the chair; George L. Masten, Esq.; the Reverend Dr. Shaw; Professor A. W. Kneeland, M A., B.C.L.; the Reverend A. T. Love, B.A.; the Right Reverend A. H. Dunn, D.D., Lord Bishop of Quebec; Samuel Finley, Esq.; H. B. Ames, Esq.,B.A.; Principal Peterson, LL.D.; W. S. MacLaren, Esq.; the Reverend E. I. Rexford, B.A.; Principal S. P. Robins, LL.D.; the Honorable Justice Lynch, D.C.L. ; John Whyte, Esq.; Inspector James McGregor.

In the absence of the Secretary, the Reverend Elson I. Rexford was requested to act until the arrival of the Secretary.

The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and confirmed.

The Chairman read notices calling the meeting, and stated that in accordance with the resolution of the Committee the Saturday meeting is to be an open meeting.

The sub-committee on text-books then submitted the re port for the quadrennial revision.

It was moved by Dr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Rexford, That the report be taken up department by department.Carried.

After discussion and amendment, the report in the following form was adopted, and the Secretary was instructed to transmit it to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council for approval.


After most careful and anxious consideration and consultation with those whose interests are most concerned, the text-book committee beg leave to recommend for authorization the list of books placed in your hands.

In making their selection, the committee have had the following points in view :-First, suitability of the various

books for use in our schools; second, quality of material and workmanship displayed; third, price; fourth, attractive appearance; fifth, a desire not to displace good books already in use; and sixth, a desire to limit the number of books authorized for each subject, as far as possible, considering the interests of all sections of the Province.

It will be seen, on comparing the proposed list with that authorized four years ago, that comparatively few changes have been made, and such as have been made are, in the opinion of the committee, necessary for the well-being of our schools.

Signed on behalf of the committee,




[blocks in formation]

Grafton & Sons.


Spelling...... Word and Sentence Book.

(Binding must be made satisfactory).

Practical Speller Revised......Ed. Book Co...... .30

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