The whole works of ... Duncan Forbes, now first collected, Bind 1


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Side 61 - Could this have been done by human forefight or force ? Has any thing like to it ever been in the world befides? What could tend more to perpetuate the memory of any event, than to deliver a whole People, by...
Side 77 - King upon my holy hill of Sion. I will declare the decree ; the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee...
Side 84 - He cured the most inveterate diseases; he made the lame to walk ; he opened the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf; he...
Side 60 - The very furprifing care taken by the Deity to keep the breed of the Jews pure, and genuine, by the proofs of VIRGINITY, and by the miraculous Waters of JEALOUSY, is a circumftance that merits attention, and will eafily induce a belief that 34 Thoughts concerning Religion, &c.
Side 67 - AND, if it is granted, that the devotions, the- precepts, the inftitutions, and rites and ceremonies, of this LAW, and the great lines of their Hiftory, are not forged ; one needs, as to the...
Side 77 - ... be called * Wonderful, Counfellor, the Mighty God, ." the Everlafting Father, the Prince of Peace : of the increafe of " his government and peace there fhall be no end, upon the throne
Side 83 - The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor the lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come ; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be."* When the blossom drops we know the fruit is coming.
Side 65 - Levitts by Mofes ? If no book at all ever was delivered by him to them, what authority could be pretended for fuch a book ? Had a book been to be forged, in order to be received by the People...
Side 68 - Jews, and with the political establishment of their tbeocratical government, and the authority for the establishment of both, that we have, at present, concern. For, if such a system of religious services and ceremonies was revealed and commanded by God ; if, for the greater certainty, it was reduced into writing by...
Side 174 - Behold, the man is become like one of us to know good and evil...

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