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" Behold, the man is become like one of us to know good and evil... "
The whole works of ... Duncan Forbes, now first collected - Side 174
af Duncan Forbes - 1755
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Christianity as Old as the Creation: Or, the Gospel, a Republication ..., Bind 1

Matthew Tindal - 1730 - 470 sider
...was in the leaft impair'd by this Crime, iince God himfelf fays ( tho' to whom it does not appear ) Behold the Man is become like one of us , to know Good — Ver. 22', and Evil; and to prevent his being fo, both for Immortality as well as Knowledge, God...
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Philosophical and Theological Works: Moses's sine principio. 3d ed., corr

John Hutchinson - 1748 - 546 sider
...this Tree according to their Rites, they prayed unto the Gods." , I • Vcr. 2 2. And 'Jehovah Akim faid, behold the Man is become like one of us to know Good and If it appear hereafter, that there are three Ale1m, and that one of them became incarnate, and fuffered...
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Some Thoughts Concerning Religion, Natural and Revealed: With Reflexions on ...

Duncan Forbes - 1750 - 324 sider
...pronouns in the fingular number to the plural ELOHIM ; there are many cafes in which the exprelfion cannot poffibly be reconciled to this Je-wijh pretence,...us, to know good and evil. Here the expreffion is diftin£r, and unambiguous, and not to be twifted to the Je-wi/h construction, by any force of figure,...
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The Works of Forbes: To which is Prefixed a Biographical Sketch of the Life ...

Duncan Forbes - 1816 - 384 sider
...reconciled to this Jewifh pretence, of which this may be an example, Gen. iii. And Jehruah Elohim f aid, Behold, the man is become like one of us, to know good and evil. Here the expreffion is diftinct, and unambiguous, and not to be twifted to the Jewifh conftruction, by any force of figure...
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The Free-enquirer [by P. Annet].

1826 - 104 sider
...upon this grand affair, for to speak to himself would have been preposterous. " And the Lord God said, behold the man is become like one of us, to know good and evil.f" Whom did God council with, and take to his' assistance, when he said, "let us make man, after...
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Survey of the Evidence and Nature of the Christian Religion in Seventeen Sermons

Edward Garrard Marsh - 1829 - 382 sider
...all doubt from that other declaration in the third chapter of Genesis, where the lord, God, said—' Behold! ' The man, is become like one of us, to know 'good and evil!' —; for undoubtedly it is a very different thing to know good and evil, as God knows them,...
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Sermons Contributed by Divines of the Church of England, in Aid of the Fund ...

Sermons - 1839 - 216 sider
...as saying on one occasion, " Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" ; and on another, " Behold the man is become like one of us, to know good and evil ;" and on another, " Let us go down, and there confound their language." By some, indeed, the...
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Lectures on the Truth of the Bible

Eli Noyes - 1853 - 386 sider
...state that man has fully lost the image of God in which he was created. Even after his fall God said, " Behold the man is become like one of us, to know good and evil." He not only knows good and evil, but the Scriptures testify that in all ages his workshave contained...
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The Pearl of Great Price

James Hall - 1867 - 154 sider
...fruit, they did not die — but survived for hundreds of years. Their eyes were opened, and God said, " Behold the man is become like one of us to know good and evil." What shall we say now ? — we, an humble individual, at this late day — to the fathers of...
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A handy dictionary of the holy Bible, revised and ed. by J.G. Wrench

William Gurney - 1870 - 880 sider
...more than once in the first chapter of Genesis as the name of the Godhead. " And Jehovah Elohim said, Behold, the man is become like one of Us, to know good and evil," Gen. iii. 22 ; one of us necessarily and unavoidably implies a plurality of persons. No reasoning...
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