| Duncan Forbes - 1735 - 116 sider
...declared he was the MESSIAS, the fon of God, fcnt to lave Mankind; and, asan evidence of his Million, wrought in the fight of the people great numbers of...opened the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf, lie re'ftored fpeech to the dumb, and health to multitudes of fick perlons by his unglcfiati He faid... | |
 | Duncan Forbes - 1743 - 208 sider
...declared he was the MESS IAS, the Son of God, fent to fave Mankind ; and, as an evidence of his million, wrought in the fight of the people great numbers of...opened the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf; he reftored fpeech to the dumb, and health to multitudes of fick perions, by his fmglejfc/ .- He faid... | |
 | Duncan Forbes - 1750 - 324 sider
...MESSIAS, the St>n of God, fent to fave Mankind ; and, as an evidence of his miffion, wrought in the %ht of the people great numbers of amazing miracles; he opened the eyes of the Wind, and the ears of the deaf; he reftored fpeech to the dumb, and health to multitudes of fick perfons,... | |
 | Andrew Fuller - 1801 - 340 sider
...beginning to the end of his miniftry. He cured the moft inveterate difeafes ; he made the lame to walk ; he opened the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf; he caft out devils ; he walked upon the fea ; he fed. five thoufand perfons with a few fmall loaves... | |
 | Beilby Porteus - 1808 - 162 sider
...beginning to the end of his ministry. He cured the most inveterate diseases j he made the lame to walk ; he opened the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf ; he cast out devils ; he walked upon the sea ; he fed five thousand persons with a few, small loaves... | |
 | Duncan Forbes - 1816 - 384 sider
...he was the Meffias, the the Son of God, fcnt to fave manVind ; and, as arj evidence of his miffion, wrought in the fight of the people great numbers of...opened the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf; he reftored fpeech to the dumb, and health to multitudes of fick perfons, by his fingle/a/: He faid... | |
 | Beilby Porteus - 1823 - 560 sider
...beginning to the end of his ministry. He cured the most inveterate diseases; he made the lame to walk ; he opened the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf; he cast out devils ; he walked upon the sea ; he fed five thousand persons with a few small loaves... | |
 | William Henry Rowlatt - 1830 - 448 sider
...those very predictions could not without miracles have been completed. How otherwise could he have opened the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf ; and made the dumb to sing, and the lame to leap as an hart ? If we ourselves were witnesses of such... | |
 | Beilby Porteus - 1833 - 56 sider
...beginning to the end of his ministry. He cured the most inveterate diseases; he made the lame to walk ; he opened the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf; he cast out devils; he walked upon the ( 31 ) sea; he fed five thousand persons with a few small loaves... | |
 | John Wroe - 1835 - 110 sider
...should become one, and he that obeyed them his soul and body should live. And by the woman•s seed I opened the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf; cleansed the lepers, and raised the dead, and put an end to offerings of beasts, by offering him. He... | |
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