| Duncan Forbes - 1735 - 116 sider
...at all ever was 'delivered by 'him ^o tbcm,' what aufhority соиЩ be pfctencjfd for'ilicb abook > Had a book been to be forged, in order to be received by the People» could it have contained fo many fcandatotis rcfleftions and scculatjjons againft thg People, and fo many fatal threats and predictions... | |
 | Duncan Forbes - 1743 - 208 sider
...none precedent, and put upon the People, as a book that had been delivered to the Levitts by Mofes ? If no book at all ever was delivered by him to them,...People, could it have contained fo many fcandalous reflections and accufations againft the People, and fo many fatal threats and predictions concerning... | |
 | Duncan Forbes - 1750 - 324 sider
...none precedent, and put upon the People, as a book that had been delivered to the Levites by Mofes ? If no book at all ever was delivered by him to them,...People, and fo many fatal threats and predictions concei> ning them ? and, if it had been fo framed, would it have been received as authentick? If *... | |
 | 1797 - 666 sider
...none precedent, and pot upon the people, as a book that had been delivered to the Lévites by Mofes? If no book at all ever was delivered by him to them,...people, could it have contained fo many fcandalous геЯеЛюпз and accufatiom againft the people, and fo m.-my fatal threats and predictions concerning... | |
 | Elegant extracts - 1812 - 312 sider
...'. If no book at all ever was delivered by him to them, what authority could be pretended for such a book ? Had a book been to be forged, in order to...be received by the people, could it have contained so many scandalous reflections and accusations against the people, and so many fatal threats and predictions... | |
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