he permitted the citizens of Toledo to use their • own missal in those churches that had been granted the Chriftians by the Moors. However, the copies of this missal grew afterwards 'so scarce, that cardinal Ximenes found it extremely difficult to meet with one of them, • which induced him to order this impreffion, ' and to build a chapel, in which this service was chanted every day, as it had at first been by the ancient Christians But notwithstanding this, the copies of the Toletan missal are • become now so exceeding rare, that it is at present almost in as much danger of being • buried in oblivion, as it was when committed ' to the press by cardinal Ximenes. No. 3517. All the workes of John Taylor the • water poet, being fixty and three in number, collect* ed into one volume by the author, with fundry new additions; corrected, revised, and newly imprinted• 1630. • These works confist of several pieces, partly < serious, but mostly comical, in prose as well as verse, which the author had published ' from time to time in fingle pamphlets. He • frankly owns himself no scholar, but being * a man of good natural parts, of a ready and • copious invention, and having travelled much, ⚫ and seen company of all forts, he has in ' many things made good use, especially in the • fatirical vein of his fancy and observations. • Several of the nobility had encouraged him, and to them he dedicates several of these tracts. There are also commendatory verses before many of them, by some ingenious writers. Among the pieces for which, he › was most noted, may be reckoned his Whip • of ' of Pride, the Travels of Twelve Pence, Tay'lor's Goofe, Taylor's Motto, his Chronicles in Verse, the Cormorant, Praise of Hempseed, • Praise of Clean Linen, the Peace with France ' in praise of Archy, feveral Elegies, &c. Among the prose pieces: His Pennyless Pilgrimage 'from London to Edinburgh, in which he travelled a mile underneath the sea. The acts of Nich. Wood the Kentish Gormund. His pieces upon Tho. Coriat the Odcumbian Traveller. Wit and Mirth, or Pleasant Fests, • &c. As to the author, he is faid to have been a Gloucestershire man, and was bred a 'failor; he was at the taking of Cadiz under • the earl of Effex, in 1596, and at Flores, in the Island-Voyage, next year: he was besides ' in Germany, Bohemia, Scotland, &c. He ⚫ was many years collector for the lieutenant ' of the tower, of the wines which were his 'fee from all ships which brought them up 'the Thames; but was at last discharged be'cause he would not purchase the place at ' more than it was worth. He calls himself • the King's Water-poet and the Queen's Water' man, and did wear the badge of the royal arms. After the beheading of King Charles, he kept a public-house in Phanix alley, near Long-acre, and set up the Mourning-Crown, 'for his fign; but found it safer to take it ' down again and hang up his own head in'stead of it. It is faid he died about the year '1654*.' : Of * Taylor, though illiterate, was a man of understanding, but a singular humourist. In his account of Wood the great eater, abovementioned, he relates, that he was very near engaging him to eat at one time Of this stupendous work, the Harleian catalogue, it is difficult to give an idea, save by such extracts as those above, and others in Latin of a like kind. Prefixed to it is a Latin dedication to lord Carteret by Mr. Michael Maittaire, dated February 1742-3, and after that, a preface, doubtless drawn up by Johnson, beginning To solicit a subscription for a catalogue • of books exposed to sale,' wherein with great learning and no less judgment, he points out the excellence and extent of the collection, urges those arguments which should induce men of learning to become purchasers, and anticipates whatever objections could be made to this uncommon species of catalogue, and the method of circulating it. The several articles are distributed in the order of a common place, that does honour to Johnson and Maittaire, who are supposed to have been jointly the framers of it. Here follows a specimen of the fubdivifion of the first of the heads therein contained, viz. Theology. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Hebraica. Græca. Nov. Teftamentum. K Biblia time as much black pudding as would reach cross the Thames, at any place to be fixed on by Taylor himself, betwixt London and Richmond. Being a waterman by trade, he had a mortal hatred to coaches, and wrote a bitter but very diverting invective againt them; and upon a suggestion that the watermen were starving for want of employment, preferred a petition to King James I. which was referred to certain commissioners, of whom Sir Francis Bacon was one, the object whereof was, to obtain a prohibition of all playhouses but those on the bank side, that the greater part of those who were defirous of feeing plays might be compelled to go by water. Taylor himself solicited this petition, and was prepared to oppofe before the commiffioners the reasons of the players, but the commission was diffolved before it came to a hearing. Græcorum Scripta contra Latinos.. Contra Ecclef. Roman. Scriptores pro Romana Ecclefia. Libri de Jefuitarum Moribus. Libri de Ritibus, Cæremoniis et Institutis Ecclefiaft. De De Ritibus Græcorum. Liturgiæ Græcorum. De Ritibus Rom. eccl. &c. Liturgiæ. Missalia Anglie, five ad usum Ecclefiæ Sa risburienfis. Missalia Romana. Missalia variarum Eccelefiarum. Liturgiæ orientalium Ecclefiarum, Breviaria. Ritualia. Processionalia Antiphonaria. Litaniæ, Ceremonalia & Pastoralia. Officia Mariæ Virginis. Horæ Romanæ. Horæ Sarisburienfis. Manualia. Hymnorum libri. Scriptores de Trinitate. Scriptores de Ritibus Judaicis. The catalogue having passed the press, turned out to be very voluminous, and being of a fingular kind, Osborne hoped to be able to make the public pay for it; to this end it was, that he directed Johnson to draw up the preface, giving an account of the contents of the library, and containing a variety of arguments to vindicate a folicitation for a subscription, that is to say, a demand of five shillings for each volume of the catalogue, to defray the expence of printing it; the volume or volumes so purchased, to be taken in exchange for any book rated at the fame value. This paper, of which a character has already been given, K 2 was, |