INDE X. A. ABiinia, account of the Portuguefe miffion to Advertisement, a fpirited one, respecting the Idler Ainfworth, Michael, note of him Akenfide, Dr. Mark, anecdotes of him - - challenges Ballow, a lawyer account of a day spent with him in the country 142 501 Amburft, (editor of the Craftíman) memoirs of him. Arches, obfervations on the controverfy on the ftrength of 330 fcriptures Ballow, Mr. a lawyer, anecdotes of him 218 affronts Dr. Akenfide and is challenged by him, but declines a meeting ibid. Baret, John, the preface to his dictionary of four lan- guages 154 Barker, Dr. Edmund, account of him 208 Barnard, Sir John, his elocution described 87 Bathurst, Dr. Richard, his hiftory 208 Beauclerk, Beauclerk, Topham, Efq; account of him Lady Diana, his relict, her benevolence to the neglect- Bell, Mrs. Johnson's epitaph on her Birch, Dr. Thomas, account of him - PAGE. 374 533 418 184 185 account of a perambulation by him round London Bookfellers, inftances of their generofity to authors Boyfe, Samuel, a diftreffed poet, account of him of tea 332 309 3 305 418 313 Brett, Dr. Thomas, his fentiments of prayer for the dead 397 Brooke, Mr. Henry, account of his tragedy of Gustavus Vafa 507 65 C. Camden, (the antiquary) ftory of the mutilation of his monument in Westminster Abbey Campbell, (the architect) Campbell, Dr. John, account of him Canion, Mr. John, a writer in the Gentleman's Maga- zine Catalogue of the Harleian Library, extracts from Cave, Edward, (the printer) account of him his correfpondents Chamier, Anthony, Efq; account of him Chesterfield, Earl of, his fpeech on the act for licensing the retailing of fpirituous liquors 459 331 187 43 121 41 ibid. 374 103 ftory of his attempt on a married lady of quality the immoral tendency of his letters to his fon exa- his letters contrafted with a letter of Sir Henry Sid- - Johnfon's character of him Chesterfield, Earl of, his defcription of Johnson Cooper, Bilbop of Lincoln, note refpecting his dictionary РАСЕ. 170 479 226 387 332 414 154 507 Cornelys, Mr. the fuperintendant of our public diver- fions is banished the cities of Turin and Brussels Creditor, merciless, a character now hardly known`in Crichton, James, furnamed the Admirable, account of him and his exploits Croufaz, character of him and his writings 8 233 ibid. 462 54 463 261 59 D. Dixie, Sir Wolftan, his treatment of Johnson Dead, praying for them a conftant ufage in the primi- tive church Dictionaries, account of the old English Diverfions, the inceffant round of them in London Dod (the decalogift) anecdote of him 398 153 233 18 479 Dodd, Dr. William, account of him 385 further account of him and his forgery 460 - his petition to the king for pardon, written by Dr. motives for mercy in his cafe affigned by Johnfon - Douglas, Dr. John, detects Lauder of accufing Milton extracts from Lauder's conceffion Duck, epitaph on a, written by Johnson when only three Ducket, his atheistical letter 465 466 292 ibid. 293 245 246 295 PAGE. Duick, Mr. John, a writer in the Gentleman's Magazine 42 E. Eames, Mr. John, account of his academy Editha, the wife of Edward the Confeffor, ftory of her Egmont, Lord, author of "Faction detected" F. 216 43 416 76 439 Falkland Islands, the difpute concerning them characterized by Johnson -advantages and difadvantages of Falfe Alarm, açcount of that pamphlet Felons, the tenderness with which they are now treated chances in favour of their efcaping justice multifold Foote, Samuel, deterred by Johnson from his design of Ford, Parfon, fhort account of fuppofed to be the parfon intended in Hogarth's Mo- dern Midnight converfation Fothergill, Dr. John, account of him Fournier, ftory of his forgery on Bishop Hoadly 411 413 ibid. 444 ibid. 191 49 389 2 2 215 366 298 G. Garrick, Mr. placed in his youth under the tuition of comes to London with Johnson, acts a part in the Mock Doctor with fome journeymen - anecdote of him and Fleetwood -purchases Drury-lane theatre, in conjunction with Garrick, Mr. lines by him on the publication of John- fon's Dictionary — his notion of the importance of his profeffion his conduct in a chancery-fuit his pleasantry his liberality his reformation of the stage his arts to enfure the favour of the public Gentleman's Magazine, the origin and progrefs of PAGE. · parliamentary speeches therein, first published in July - Johnfon continues the debates to the end of 1743 25 41 81 83 86 88 note of several pieces in it, written by Johnson of Mr. Thornton Gibbs, (the architect) Kilda to Glasgow, account of the voyage of an inhabitant of St. Goldsmith, Dr. Oliver, anecdotes of him - relation of fome of his abfurdities, and of a trick play- flighted the patronage of the Duke of Northumber- land Good-breeding a favourite quality with Johnfon Goodman's Field's Theatre, hiftory of its erection and sup- preffion 65 Grenville, Mr. characterized 455 Grub-freet Journal, origin and progrefs of 28 Grub-fireet writers and politicians, why fo called ibid. Hanway, Mr. Jonas, his controverfy with Dr. Johnson 312 Hardwicke, |