PAGE. Hardwicke, Lord, his fpeech on a motion for addreffing Hawkesworth, Dr. undertakes the debates in the Gen- 1760 - undertakes also the review of books character of him -history of the Adventurer 91 119 ibid. 197,224 259 276 created doctor of laws, by the archbishop of Canter- Hawkfmoor, (the architect) Hebrides, account of Johnson's journey thither 418 et feqq. him Hill, Dr. John, account of him and his works Hogarth, note concerning his print of the times Howell, his definition of a complete christian his own estimate of his charity towards fectaries James, (the architect) J. Idler, the paper fo called, origin and progress of 528 188 27 211 46 443 77 479 ibid. 331 Jobnfon, Michael, (father of Dr. Samuel) infcribes a Johnson, Dr. Samuel, his general character -- is touched by Queen Anne for the evil his first poetry at three years old, an epitaph on a placed in the free-fchool at Lichfield predicted by Mr. Butt to become a great man - removed to Stourbridge-fchool 328 3 I 2 3 ibid. 6 ibid. 178 ibid. ibid. ibid. Johnson, engaged by Mr. Andrew Corbet, to affift his fon in his ftudies at Oxford entered commoner there his contempt for Jordan, his tutor Johnson, Dr. Samuel, his diftrefs at college - becomes pupil to Mr. Adams PACE. 9 10 12 -for a talk tranflates Pope's Meffiah into Latin, which is greatly approved of by Pope -inclined to the practice of the civil or common law, compared with Magliabechi leaves the univerfity, and returns to his father his retentive memory his reverence for religion lofes his father ufher at Market-Bosworth free-school refides at Birmingham, where he tranflates Lobo's returns to Lichfield -gives out proposals for publishing Politian's Poems, but drops his defign - refolves to become a writer for the booksellers --- - his first letter to Cave - retained by Cave as a correfpondent marries the relict of Mr. Porter, a mercer at Berming- his character of Gilbert Walmsley becomes a teacher of literature at Lichfield Garrick is placed under his tuition his plan of inftruction leaves Lichfield, and comes to town with Garrick - ftory of the tragedy his letter to Cave, propofing a tranflation of Father - becomes acquainted with Savage -- fells the copy to Dodsley offers for the maftership of Appleby fchool - folicits from the univerfity of Dublin the degree of 52,53 56 60 63 A. M. with Lord Gower's letter of recomienda- - - undertakes a tranflation of Croufaz's Examen of letter to Cave on the translation - publishes the Marmor Norfolcienfe Jobnfon, Dr. Samuel, account of that pamphlet warrant iffued to apprehend the author - his political prejudices catalogue of publications projected by him PAGE. 64 ibid. - wrote fermons for clergymen his integrity in adbering to his religion and political ibid. - - feparates from his wife, but they are foon reconciled 70 72 76 81 ibid. 87 principles - his fentiments on legislation his parting from Savage his opinion of taverns undertakes a biographical article in the Gentleman's ode to Urban, Latin and English - begins to write the parliamentary fpeeches in the Gen- - - his hatred of deceit the various fpeeches characterized affifts in making the catalogue of Lord Oxford's books -employed in felecting pieces for the Harleian Mifcel- copy of the proposals ftory of his knocking down Osborne -writes the life of Savage - --- - remarks on that work the author's intention in writing it - commendation of the work by Henry Fielding his course of study at the univerfity, defultory extract from his Annales his moral character - his œconomical character -projects a new edition of Shakespeare 112 116 120 131 132 ibid. 135 137 139 140 ibid. 145 146 147 148 engages in his Dictionary - his method of compiling it Lord Chesterfield pretends to patronize this work 150 153 157 ibid. 158 169 170 174 175 178 Johnson, -writes the prologue on Garrick's first opening Drury -the prologue brings his tragedy of Irene on the stage. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, character of that play publishes a tranflation of the xth Satire of Juvenal a defcendant of Grotius eftablishes a Club in Ivy-lane the names and characters of the members PAGE. 179 180 182 196 ibid. -a friend to the clergy in general, yet frequently rough to individuals - his talent of humour -undertakes the Rambler prayer compofed by him upon that occafion fpecimens of his Adverfaria his fentiments of writers for hire -owed his excellence as a writer to the divines and others of the last century his talent for criticism -- his hatred of Milton his melancholy turn of mind - character of her epitaph on her becomes melancholy on her death. his notion of the ftate of departed fpirits his infenfibility to the beauties of painting, his friendship for Anna Williams his flovenly drefs Mr. Doddington feeks his friendship prudently declines it -completes his Dictonary - - his arch reply to Andrew Millar 260 277 278 279 280 281 and the 282,283 285 290 293 301 302 ibid. 303 obtains from the univerfity of Oxford the degree of A. M. - his letter of thanks to the Vice-Chancellor thereon ibid. his behaviour at meals Ivy-lane Club broke up -undertakes his edition of Shakespeare is offered a valuable living, but objects to taking orders PAGE. Johnfon, Dr. Samuel, his fentiments refpecting the clergy 324 lofes his mother writes an Idler on her death obfervations on Raffelas engages in a controverfy on the ftrength of arches 330 - concludes the Idler his reflections on a pudding ibid. 325 326 336 337 338 344 345 346 his talent of burlefque verfification his favourable fentiments of women various prefaces and dedications written by him -a penfion fettled on him by his present majesty a dabbler in phyfic takes Robert Levett, a practifer of phyfic, into his house patronizes a dancing-master -a lover of penitents and fuch as made profeffions of ibid. 348 351 ibid. 358 - establishes a weekly club at the Turk's Head, Gerard ftreet 368 objects to admitting Garrick a member thereof his friendship with Garrick not cordial becomes indolent and torpid -afflifts in detecting the impofture of the Cock-lane 369 & feqq. 377 ibid. 387 ibid. 389 publishes Shakespeare created LL. D. by the university of Dublin extracts from his Diary of Good Refolutions 391 395 -the publication of his prayers defended -publishes his firft political pamphlet, "The Falfe "Alarm" -publishes his pamphlet of "Falkland's Islands" his general knowledge took great pleasure in appofing or examining chil dren —his epitaph on Mrs. Bell 396 400 |