ON CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. BY ANDREW P. PEABODY, PASTOR OF THE SOUTH CHURCH, PORTSMOUTH, N. H. SECOND EDITION, WITH AN INTRODUCTORY LECTURE ON THE SCRIPTURES. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY. 1844. C1316.33.35 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844, by ANDREW P. PEABODY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. PREFACE. THESE Lectures were prepared for the pulpit, without the slightest reference to their publication. They have been sent to the press as first written, at the urgent solicitation of many of the author's parishioners. They are not offered to the public, as a full compend of Christian doctrine, or as a fair exhibition of the positive side of the author's own faith; but simply as a discussion of the prominent points at issue between the Unitarian and the Calvinistic portion of the Christian Church. As such, they were deemed valuable and satisfactory by those who heard them; and it is hoped that they will prove so to those who may read them. To the Parish, whose uniformly kind and indulgent appreciation of his services and labors he is happy thus to acknowledge, they are respectfully and affectionately inscribed by PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Jan. 8, 1844. THE AUTHOR. |