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New Teftament,


REFERENCES under the Text in
Words at length; fo that the parallel Texts
may be seen at one View.

To which are added,

the Marginal READINGS, and NOTES chiefly
on the difficult and mistaken Texts of Scripture; from
Bp. Lloyd, Dr. Scattergood, and other eminent Writers.


Many more REFERENCES than in any Edition of
the ENGLISH Bible.

With a TABLE of the Texts of Scripture which are
Explain'd, and an Alphabetical Index of Matters.

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Containing the Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Apofiles.

Late Vicar of St. Mary's in Reading.



Printed for THOMAS PAYN E, in Round-Court in the Strand,


against York-Buildings. 1748.

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HAT the holy Scriptures are the Rule of Faith, the Measure and Standard by which we are to try and judge of all Doctrines propounded to be believed by us, is a Truth univerfally acknowledged by all Proteftants. Some Writers of the Church of Rome, to fupport the groundless and ufurped Authority of their Church over the Minds and Confciences of Men, have indeed denied this; but the Primitive Church, and the ancient Ecclefiaftical Writers, are as (1) unanimous in afferting this Truth, as the Proteftants. It is likewife acknowledged, That the Scripture is its own beft Interpreter, in all Inftances where it reflects Light upon its felf. I will add, That the diligent comparing of one place of Scripture with another, will often clear up an obfcure and doubtful Text, and give greater Satisfaction to the Mind, than the Perufal of many critical Notes, and the (2) voluminous Writings of Commentators.


(1) See this proved in A. Bp. Tillotson's Difcourfe concerning the Rule of Faith, against Mr. Sergeant, &c. particularly Part 4. Sect. 2. See like wife Dr. Lloyd, the late Lord Bishop of Worcester, his Sermon on Act. 2. 42. preached at Whitehall, Nov. 24. 1678. In which he gives a fhort, but faithful Hiftory, confirm'd by unquestionable Authorities, of the corrupt Doctrines brought into the Chriftian Faith by the Church of Rome. I do not remember, that this Sermon was ever fo much as pretended to be anfwered by the Writers of that Communion.

(2) I remember a Saying of Erafmus, that when he first read the New Teftament, with Fear and a good Mind, with a purpose to understand it, and obey it, he found it very useful and very pleasant: But when afterwards he fell on reading the vaft Differences of Commentaries, then he understood it lefs than he did before, then he began not to understand it. Bp. Taylor's Sermon before the University of Dublin, on John 7. 17.

Were Chriftians more generally fenfible of their great Need of Divine Affiftance, in order to their attaining to a Saving Knowledge of the Scriptures; did they by earnest Prayer apply themselves to God through Jefus Chrift, for the Aids of his holy Spirit, to enlighten their Minds, to purifie their Hearts and Affections, to fanctifie their Wills, to reprove them for their Failings, to teach them, and to lead them into all Truth, and to fet home the Scriptures on their Consciences, they would questionless become wife unto Salvation, and ready to every good Work. Did Chriftians fpend more Time in reading and comparing the facred Writings, than in searching after the different and difagreeing Opinions of Expofitors, I am perfwaded the Way to divine Knowledge would be both eafier, and fhorter, and more fatisfactory, the Difputes among Chriftians fewer, and thofe which should remain, would be managed with a Spirit of Meeknefs and Love, the Practice of Religion would become more universal, and the World would feel the Benefit of the Religion our Bleffed Saviour taught Men, and be (1) convinced of its divine Original.

To facilitate the comparing of one Place of Scripture with others, Parallel Texts have from Time to Time been collected and placed in the Margin of the Bible by learned Men. The firft who seem to have done this, were the Tranflators of


(1) Notwithstanding the many ftrong and admirable Difcourfes to prove the Truth and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion, it is to be feared, that Infidelity fpreads and gets ground apace. To fatisfie therefore in this important Point fuch as are willing to receive Satisfaction, I will fet down fome Books, any of which, by the Bleffing of God, are fufficient to convince a reasonable, unprejudiced, and uncorrupt Mind. Bp. Gaftrel, Bp. Bradford, Dr. Clarke, their, and feveral other Sermons at Mr. Boyle's Lecture. Dr. Hammond of the Reasonablenefs of the Chriftian Religion. Sir Charles Wolfeley Bart. of the Reasonableness of Scripture Belief. Grotius on the Truth of the Chriftian Religion, (particularly the Second and Third Books) tranflated both by Bp. Patrick and Dr. John Clarke. The Lively Oracles, by the Author of the Whole Duty of Man, Sect. 2, 3. Mr. Nelfon's Difcourfes on the Festival of Eafter, concerning the Refurrection of Chrift, the Immortality of the Soul, and the Refur rection of the Body; alfo his Difcourfes on Monday and Tuefday in Whitfun-Week of the Truth of the Chriftian Religion, in his Festivals and Fafts of the Church. A. Bp. Tillotson's Sermons published by Dr. Barker, particularly the 5, 12, and 13 Vol. To omit many others, fee the Short and eafie Method with a Deift, and its Defence, in a Book intitled the Truth of Chriftianity demonftrated, both by Mr. Leslie, who feems to have made an Abstract of Dr. Allis's Reflections on the Books of holy Scripture to establish the Truth of the Chriftian Religion.

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