My pen hath led me on in spite of myself: one would think it had a fellow-feeling with me in this address, and that it participated in the real pleasure I take in talking to you of your dear children, whom I love more than myself, and hardly less than you. May God shower down blessings upon their heads! They will thus be what you would wish them to be: and the pains you will have bestowed upon them will blossom to eternity. There, we reap the fruit of our tenderness; and there, each worthy parent meeteth again his children to be happy without end. GANGANELLI. Translated by George Baldwin, 1783. "Let the mind be original and assert itself: he is a mere dri"veller who dare not invent. We have only men of mean and ordinary powers; whilst attainment of great commanding eloquence is inviting to every man, would he quit the beaten tracts, would he "venture to be himself." p. 9, 10. "I would say to my pupil, Be thyself: let thy thoughts be thine "own! There is open to every bold and adventurous spirit an inex"haustible mine: let a man have courage to come forth it is a deplo"rable thing to be for ever muddling in shallows, whilst the delight of the human heart is to explore; and that the treasures of science lay all concealed in the profound." p. 10. ORIGINAL COGITATIONS. "Slave to no sect, I take no private road, POPE. ORIGINAL COGITATIONS. TEXT FROM GANGANELLI. CHAPTER I. "Education would be nothing more than a varnish, unless Religion THEN what is meant by Religion? ON RELIGION. "Man should be given to understand that one great truth "presiding over the world, there can be but one religion;" and the business of education therefore is, " to lead the mind into "the way of that truth; that the errors of the ignorant, and the "sophisms of the wicked, may not confound him in a chaos of "uncertainty.". Modes of worship are only modes: they are not so many religions they all look to One Supreme! There is but one truth, and can be but one religion. Only one can be right. If only one can be right, and any difference exist, the rest must be wrong: now the matter is, to be convinced about that which is right. Then what is religion? Religion is a sentiment of piety conceived in the heart towards God. Religion doth not teach us to know God; but is a senti D |