Mr. Baldwin's legacy to his daughter, or The divinity of truth1811 |
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Side lii
... otherwise sufficiently honoured in this case , either as original or as instrument . The truth however must remain in its place . ( Vide Sessione 32. ) Now to the next in order . March 3 , 1795 . FOURTH SITTING . THERE had [ lii ]
... otherwise sufficiently honoured in this case , either as original or as instrument . The truth however must remain in its place . ( Vide Sessione 32. ) Now to the next in order . March 3 , 1795 . FOURTH SITTING . THERE had [ lii ]
Side lxiv
George Baldwin. March 22 , 1795 . SESSIONE VII . FOR subject of the Seventh Session , the Poet for three conse- cutive nights had been dreaming of the Goddess Fortune , who appeared successively before him in great beauty , and with ...
George Baldwin. March 22 , 1795 . SESSIONE VII . FOR subject of the Seventh Session , the Poet for three conse- cutive nights had been dreaming of the Goddess Fortune , who appeared successively before him in great beauty , and with ...
Side lxvii
... Session we have just copied should have been written by Avena , not influenced , as usual , by me ; but by a nymph of our own family , who , for fun , had requested to try her magnetic powers upon ... SESSIONE VIII . UOLSE [ lxvii ]
... Session we have just copied should have been written by Avena , not influenced , as usual , by me ; but by a nymph of our own family , who , for fun , had requested to try her magnetic powers upon ... SESSIONE VIII . UOLSE [ lxvii ]
Side lxviii
... Che dormentar mi fà Ero poch ' anzi debole Ero poch ' anzi afflitto Ora che son guarito Ne ringrazio il ciel E restò qui sospeso . Allora , il domandai , Della testa che nella Sessione antecedente ti avevo ricercato , Ixviii ]
... Che dormentar mi fà Ero poch ' anzi debole Ero poch ' anzi afflitto Ora che son guarito Ne ringrazio il ciel E restò qui sospeso . Allora , il domandai , Della testa che nella Sessione antecedente ti avevo ricercato , Ixviii ]
Side lxix
... Sessione ; forse non compiute allora per cagione del disturbo sofferto . Si vedrà in seguito a che oggetto consegnate . Marzo 26 , 1795 . COMPIACCIUTI Sommamente della bella ottava 1 [ Ixix ] Della testa che nella Sessione antecedente ...
... Sessione ; forse non compiute allora per cagione del disturbo sofferto . Si vedrà in seguito a che oggetto consegnate . Marzo 26 , 1795 . COMPIACCIUTI Sommamente della bella ottava 1 [ Ixix ] Della testa che nella Sessione antecedente ...
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Mr. Baldwin's Legacy to His Daughter, or the Divinity of Truth George Baldwin Ingen forhåndsvisning - 2020 |
Almindelige termer og sætninger
Adrasto Agnese ambi anch animal magnetism ARGOS ARIATEA avanza Baldvino barley-corn beginning bella boschetto cangia canta cause celeste centro Cesare CHAPTER cielo CILONIO cinto Clori colla Commentary commincia Commincio scorgere common coperto coro cuopre cuore death delizie Diana dice diva divine dolce Don Fastidio Druids earth effects EGERIA Enquiry Ergene Erinnia existence faculty felice fida fiori first formed Genio genj given globo good great hath heart heaven human form Imene innocente istante know known lascia leone lethargy LEUCIPPE LEUMENIDE long love lumi luoco magnetic sleep magnetiser magnetism matter Melibeo Milinto mind Minerva necessary ninfe Numi oracolo order Ottava our sons Paracelsus pastor patient PECCORARO piacer picciola pleased Poet power pria principle of life Ptolomeo Royal Society same scene scrisse seen segue sento SESSIONE soul spirit subject Svegliami things thou Timi Dafni truth vedo veggio verso viddi virtù wonderful world
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Side 55 - Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
Side xxxii - This also we humbly and earnestly beg, that human things may not prejudice such as are divine ; neither that from the unlocking of the gates of sense, and the kindling of a greater natural light, anything of incredulity, or intellectual night, may arise in our minds towards divine mysteries.
Side xxv - As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God...
Side xxxi - Wherefore, if we labour in thy works with the sweat of our brows, thou wilt make us partakers of thy vision and thy Sabbath.
Side lxi - To ask or search, I blame thee not ; for heaven Is as the book of God before thee set, Wherein to read his wondrous works...
Side 40 - Magnificent, his six days work, a world. Open, and henceforth oft; for God will deign To visit oft the dwellings of just men, Delighted ; and with frequent intercourse Thither will send his winged messengers On errands of supernal grace.
Side xlii - Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Side 44 - God, but is more present in and to our souls than our bodies; and we are strangers to heaven and without God in the world, for this only reason, because we are void of that Spirit of prayer, which alone can, and never fails to unite us with the one only good, and to open heaven and the Kingdom of God within us.
Side 55 - Spirit; to another, the working of miracles; to another, prophecy; to another, the discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues ; to another, interpretation of speeches. But all these things one and the same Spirit worketh, dividing to every one according as he will.
Side 41 - Celtae to have been altogether a gross and rude nation. They possessed from very remote ages a formed system of discipline and manners, which appears to have had a deep and lasting influence. Ammianus Marcellinus gives them this express testimony, that there flourished among them the study of the most laudable arts ; introduced by the Bards, whose office it was to sing in heroic verse, the gallant actions of illustrious men ; and by the Druids, who lived together in colleges or societies, after the...