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[Concluded from our last.]

HAVING quitted the army, Mr. Scott took up his abode at Wollerton. This was the place of his stated residence for many years. He had extraordinary zeal for introducing the gospel into places where it was not preached: this was the prevailing desire of his heart. In the barren district in which he was placed, he had many opportunities for gratifying this pions desire. During some of the former years of his residence at Wollerton, he introduced the gospel to Newport, where he built a chapel; to Stoke upoa Trent, where he first preached in the month of June, 1773, to about a thousand hearers; to Whitchurch, to Newcastle, and, probably, to various other places in the adjacent country. At the three former places he had little success. At Newcastle the work of God was considerably prospered for several years; but, for some time past, has been unhappily on the decline. From Wollerton, he frequently made preaching excursions to places at a considerable distance. He was probably introduced to preach in London before the decease of Mr. Whitfield; for that great and good man gave some account of him in the Tabernaclepulpit, and said, "I have invited him to corac to London, and bring his artillery to Tabernacle-rampart, and try what execution he can do here." He was one of the supplies there for upwards of 20 years; and, it should be noticed, to the praise of Mr. Romaine's liberality, that he not only gave him encouragement to preach, but was particularly active in bringing him to that place. Notwithstanding he came with so venerable a sanction, a circumstance occurred in his journey which, at the time, induced him to doubt of the propriety of the step he was taking. A tremendous storm of thunder and lightning, which took place as he was entering London, was construed by him as a probable indication of the divine displeasure; and caused him to fear that the case of the old prophet misleading the young one, was exemplified in his present circumstances. He, however, per3 Z


severed, and came to the Tabernacle, where an immense congre gation was assembled to hear him; but, when the season for his addressing them arrived, he was absorbed in tears, and his utterance completely failed him; at length he became composed, and was enabled to deliver his message with savour and accept


In London, and indeed in every other place where he laboured, he was highly esteemed as a zealous and faithful preacher, eminently devoted to the cause of his Master, Jesus Christ. The following extract of a letter, written a few days after one of his visits to the metropolis, dated Nov. 9, 1773, gives an idea of his views and his hopes respecting the state and spread of religion at that period, particularly in the Tabernacle connexion: "I hope the Lord is doing great things in and for poor lost sinners, by the means of his glorious gospel. At least, if we may judge from appearances, such as most crowded, serious, attentive, and affected audiences; and these not only upon particular occasions, but for a constancy; and likewise from the many notes put up by persons under distress of soul to the minister, to pray for them; and from the many fresh applications there are from divers places to come over and help them. All these things look as if the harvest was great. O! that there may be much wheat found when the great Husbandman taketh his winnowing-fan into his hand to purge his floor! and may more labourers be daily sent forth into the harvest! I know you will say Amen!"

Mr. Scott contributed much, under God, to the establishment of a respectable congregation in Chester, which was for many years under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Armitage. He began to visit that people in the year 1770, soon after the introduction of the gospel among them. He frequently supplied them two or three Sabbaths at a time. His ministry was exceedingly popular there, and was instrumental in the conversion of several persons.

In December, 1773, he began to visit Lancaster, and continued his visits till about the close of 1776. He had a strong attachment to the people there, considering them as a sincere, hearty catholic people, with, as he said, good large hearts. He was in the habit of staying two or three months with them each visit. From Lancaster he also went to Ulverstone, Garstang, Elswick, and other places in the neighbourhood; in some of which he had the honour to introduce the gospel, and in all of which it pleased the Lord, more or less, to own his zealous and affectionate labours. Of the encouragement with which he was favoured in and about Lancaster, he wrote to a friend, Feb. 11, 1774, as follows: "I know you love Zion; and it will rejoice you to hear of her prosperity. I hope, I may in truth tell you the good news, that the Lord is abundantly blessing his word in and about this place. I have had several doors opened to preach; some in the file (or field) country (west of Preston)

which is the barrenest part of Lancashire; where, at present, there is the most pleasing and promising prospect of much good, through the divine blessing, being done. Indeed, the fields round this place seem already white unto harvest. The Lord of the harvest send out more faithful labourers everywhere, for great is the cry of poor sinners, "Come over and help us!" In these parts there are several monuments of his usefulness who are still living; and several have entered into their rest. In 1774, he had a most affectionate call to accept the pastoral care of the church at Lancaster; but this, after asking counsel of God, and consulting some of his Christian friends, he saw fit to decline. However, he was, on the 18th of Sep. 1766, ordained there, not as a pastor of the church, but as a Presbyter or Teacher, at large. The ordination service was conducted as follows: Rev. Mr. Allat, of Forton, delivered the introductory discourse; Mr. Edwards, of Leeds, received the confession of faith, prayed the ordination prayer, and gave the charge from Acts ix. 15.; Mr. Timothy Priestly, then of Manchester, preached from Isa. lii. 7.; and Mr. Phillips concluded with prayer. Mr. Edwards, for some time, entertained conscientious scruples respecting uniting in the ordination of a minister without a stated charge; but his scruples were all removed, after fervent prayer, by the powerful impression upon his mind of the text on which he founded his discourse, "Go thy way, for he is a chosen vessel unto me.'

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Soon after Mr. Scott's settlement at Wollerton, he began to preach at Drayton. Here he organized a church; the members of which consisted chiefly of such persons whom the Lord had given him as seals to his ministry. It was at the request of this people, although not as their pastor, and with a view to dispensing the ordinance of the Lord's Supper unto them, that he was ordained. He built a chapel at Drayton in the year 1778. He considered the church and congregation there more particularly as the people of his charge; and in order to fulfil his ministry amongst them, as well as for the purpose of being nearer his other work, he, in the year removed to that place. In the year 1780, Mr. Scott opened a meeting-house at Nantwich. In the following year, or in the beginning of the year 1782, he fitted up a place to meet in at Congleton, where the work of God considerably prospered. Here also he built a chapel in the year 1790. As the Lord increased his work, he mercifully favoured him with increasing means for carrying it He was, probably in the year 1779, introduced to an intimate acquaintance with the late Laly Glenorchy. This eminently pious lady, considering herself as a steward of the property committed to her hands, devoted the whole of it, beyond her own necessary personal expences, to works of charity, and more especially to the support of his cause from whom she received it. She sought for a man of God to counsel and assist her in the dis


tribution of her bounty. Mr. Scott was recommended to her; and she found him to be exactly suited to her purpose. Several young men were educated for the ministry at Oswestry, under the tuition of the Rev. Mr. Williams (now Dr. Williams) at her Ladyship's expence. While they remained at Oswestry, they were occasionally employed in assisting Mr. Scott in his work; and some of them laboured in the same connexion after they had finished their studies in the academy. Lady Glenorchy li berally contributed towards the support of such ministers of the connexion as received inadequate salaries from the congregations they served. She also largely assisted Mr. Scott in erecting different chapels.

Mr. Scott's endeavours were, perhaps, nowhere more successful than at Hanley, in Staffordshire. Near the close of the year 1782, he introduced the gospel to that place. He built a chapel there 15 yards square, with galleries on three sides, the following year. The congregation was regularly supplied for some time before by one of Lady Glenorchy's students, who was placed at Newcastle. Mr. Scott frequently favoured the people with his own services; which were highly acceptable and exceedingly useful. The Rev. Mr. Boden, now of Sheffield, was settled as their pastor in the year 1786. He continued to exercise his ministry among them with much success for several years; and the interest has continued to be increasingly prosperous under succeeding ministers to the present time. Mr. Scott built a chapel at Newcastle in the year 1785.

In the year 1786, Mr. Scott experienced a severe affliction in the decease of Lady Glenorchy. In a letter to a friend, dated October 2, 1786, he writes, respecting this painful event, as follows: "The death of my invaluable friend, the truly excellent Lady Glenorchy, greatly affected me. I know not her fellow left behind, dear Lady Huntingdon excepted. I cannot but be affected with and mourn for my own and Zion's great loss; but her work was done, her crown prepared, and the righteous Judge has given it to, and put it upon her. He needed her no more upon earth! He loved her, fitted her for, and has taken her to be for ever with himself! May we, as she was, be full of the fruits of righteousness; and soon we shall be with her before the throne above! She was happy in having finished her work so soon! - she is now inconceivably happy in the full and eternal fruition of God her Saviour!" Lady Glenorchy, having proved him to be a faithful steward of every talent put into his hands, bequeathed to Mr. Scott a chapel and dwelling-house at Matlock; and also a considerable sum of money to help him to proceed with those works for God, in which they had been mutually and successfully engaged.

Soon after Lady Glenorchy's decease, the academy instituted by her Ladyship was removed to Newcastle; and committed to the care of the Rev. Mr. Whitridge. Thus provision was made

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