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as his portion and salvation, he salvation. When they brought the solemnly vowed to renounce the children, which were afterwards world, deny himself, bear his cross, born to them, to be baptized, they endure persecution and hardship, virtually renewed their former proand fight against sin and Satan, as fession and engagements, and dea faithful soldier of Jesus Christ, to clared their persevering purpose of the end of his days: and doubtless instructing and commanding their prayers, instructions, professions, households in the fear of God; and and engagements to this effect, as the children grew up, such of accompanied the administration of them as profited by these means baptism, as circumstances required would personally accept of the or admitted of them. Such a solemn privileges, and enter into the entransaction would tend exceedingly gagements peculiar to Christianity, to confirm the faith, to excite the in the manner that will shortly be love, to strengthen the mind, and to touched upon. encourage the hope of the true con- As the number of professed Chrisvert; and though a hypocritical tians increased, the baptism of inprofession could answer none of fants would proportionably grow these purposes, yet we cannot deter- more common; and when the promine, that confused views, partial gress of the gospel among Jews and convictions, and general purposes of Gentiles was less rapid, the baptism following Christ, might not fre- of adults would not occur so frequently issue in true conversion, quently. But when the progress of even by means of this ordinance, error and superstition made way and the prayers, instructions, and for the nominal conversion, and admonitions, which preceded, at the baptism of whole nations, the tended, and followed it: for it does latter would be seldom heard of, not become us to limit the operations in countries previously professing of the Holy Spirit. The public Christianity. This indiscriminate administration of baptism would administration of infant baptism, also honour God and the Christian however, has produced many very religion; establish and edify belie- bad effects; and the abuses, misapvers, by reminding them of their prehensions, and criminal conduct, privileges and vows; make way which too manifestly connect with for subsequent exhortations, admo- it, have given many pious persons nitions, or censures, in respect of a rooted aversion to that way of the baptized person, as occasion administering the ordinance, and required; and excite the attention have furnished them with plausible of numbers to the peculiar doctrines objections against it. But when a of Christianity. serious parent is persuaded (notThe baptism of the infant offspring withstanding all these crimes and of such converts was likewise a so- abuses), that the baptism of the lemn declaration, that they desired infant offspring of believers accords the same blessings for their children, to the word of God, and in complias they had chosen for their own ance with what he judges his duty, portion; and they thus pledged presents his children to be baptized, themselves to the church, "to bring he solemnly ratifies and renews the them up in the nurture and admoni- profession and engagements of his tion of the Lord;" giving them own baptism; he avows his earnest every instruction, and using all desire, that the covenant made with means of rendering them wise unto him may be for the good of his seed

also (Jer. xxxii. 38-40: Acts ii. measure glorified, the end of the 38, 39); and he engages to bring institution is so far answered, even them up in the faith and obedience though no special benefit should be of the gospel, as far as his instruc- thought to accrue to the baptized tions, discourse, example, and pray-person. The pious parent may, ers can have any influence. As therefore, rest satisfied with perthey grow up, he, or other serious forming what he considers his duty : relations may profitably explain to if the child live, the transaction them the nature, meaning, and en- may be useful, by way of subsequent gagements of baptism; the blessings improvement: nay, we may allow, it signifies; the advantages of being that the Holy Spirit may in some thus early admitted into the visible cases regenerate the infant, in anchurch, and trained up as her child-swer to the prayers of believing ren; and the aggravated guilt of friends, even at the time of baptism, deliberately rejecting the salvation without confounding the outward and service of God, from pride of sign with the thing signified; or heart and carnal affections; or even supposing the sacrament to proof neglecting the means of appropri-duce the effect by its own inherent ating these advantages, and comply-energy. Many other things coning with those engagements which nected with this subject must be their parents or senior friends had waved, for the sake of brevity; but entered into in their name, and for these hints may perhaps assist some their benefit. Thus an additional plain Christians to understand the avenue is opened to the consciences nature of baptism, and their duties of young persons, and an additional and obligations respecting it. The restraint imposed on their passions. outward sign doubtless will not proMinisters also may employ these fit those who live and die without topics, with great advantage, in" the inward and spiritual grace," addressing both the parents and the even "a death unto sin, and a new children, and even such as wish to birth unto righteousness;" and the have their offspring baptized; and conduct of multitudes, who act in if this were done frequently and direct opposition to the most solemn generally, both in public and pri- engagements, entered into for themvate; if baptism were administered selves or others, will render their solemnly before the congregation, doom more dreadful at the last day, and proper reference were made to than that of Jews, Mahometans, it in the sermon; and if some dis- Pagans, or avowed infidels. couraging barriers to these things The Lord's Supper also calls for were removed, the most diffusive our peculiar attention, as it is of the good might be expected. But even greatest importance in the system as matters now stand, the adminis- of Christianity. When baptized tration of infant baptism has great persons give hopeful evidence, that influence in giving vast multitudes they are partakers of "the inward some ideas of the gospel, especially and spiritual grace" of the initiatory of original sin, regeneration, and ordinance, they should be exhorted the Trinity; and whilst all who act to make or renew a personal profesprofanely, deceitfully, or formally sion of their faith in Christ, their corin this matter, must answer for dial acceptance of his salvation, and their own crimes; if good be done, their purpose of living according to either to parents, children, or others, his commandments, by joining with and if the name of God be in any his people in receiving the Lord's

Supper: for this seems to be the indeed, the Scripture gives us no Scriptural way of making such a intimation of any peculiar mystery profession, whatever expedience in this institution, though strong there may be in other introductory metaphors are employed, the more observances. Nothing can be more emphatically to demand our attensimple in its own nature than this tion to the importance of the thing institution, though superstition has signified by the outward emblems been peculiarly successful in misre- (Matt. xxvi. 26-28; Mark xiv. presenting, obscuring, and pervert- 22-24; Luke xxii. 19, 20; 1 Cor. ing it. Our blessed Saviour, the xi. 23-25). From these Scripevening before his crucifixion, hav-tures I apprehend we may learn in ing celebrated the passover with his general, that our Lord commanded disciples, appointed the Lord's Sup-all his disciples, in every age to the per to be a memorial of his redemp-end of the world, frequently to meet tion, as the paschal lamb had been together in his name, and with sca prefiguration of it. He, therefore, lemn worship, suitable to the occatook bread, and by prayer, praise, sion, to break, distribute, and eat and thanksgiving, set it apart to be bread, the most salutary and univerthe representation of his body: he sal of all viands, and to pour out "brake it," to show that his body and drink wine, the most valuable must be wounded, bruised, put to and refreshing of all cordials. great torture, and undergo death, This action was intended to be a for the redemption of his people; perpetual memorial of Christ, espeand he directed each of his disciples cially of his body broken, and his to eat of that bread in remembrance blood shed for their sins. "The of him,to instruct them in the way by body" (for that alone could be reprewhich his atonement would be made sented by an outward emblem), effectual to their salvation. In like doubtless was put for his perfect manner, he took the cup, and, re- and entire human nature, as personnewing his prayers and thanksgiv-ally united to the eternal Word and ings, he bade them all drink of it, Son of God. His blood (the shedas the wine represented his blood, ding of which was the evident and which was about to be shed to pur- immediate cause of his death) dechase the blessings of the new cove noted the whole of his expiatory nant, and to ratify it in behalf of sufferings, which terminated when the whole multitude of believers, he expired on the cross. The digfor the remission of their sins. The nity, righteousness, and holiness of language of Christ in appointing the Redeemer; the depth of his this ordinance is manifestly figura- voluntary humiliation, and the intive, and cannot be literally inter-tenseness of his agonies; the vastpreted (unless we should explain ness of his condemnation and comthe material cup itself to be the passionate love; the deplorable blood of Christ, or rather the new cove-state of deserved misery from which nant): and this renders it the more he redeemed sinners; the extensive wonderful, that any set of men efficacy of his one oblation; the should be so adventurous and absurd honour and happiness to which he as to require all the church to be- exalts all true believers; and the lieve, in contradiction to their discovery made in this great transsenses, that the bread in the sacra- action, of the justice and love of God, ment, after consecration, becomes the excellency of his law, the evil the real, entire body of Christ! But, of sin, the vanity of the world, and

the importance of eternal things, that no man is prepared for this should all be taken into the account, sacred ordinance, or capable of sinwhen we contemplate the death of cerely and intelligently making that Christ, through the medium of these profession which is implied in it, outward emblems. Whilst the ac-unless he be, indeed, a self-contion of eating the bread and drink-demned penitent, who really being the wine illustrates the manner lieves the gospel, and renounces all in which the sacrifice of Christ be- other confidences to " flee for recomes effectual, "even by feeding fuge to lay hold on the hope set on him in our hearts, by faith with before him :" and unless, in his thanksgiving" (John vi. 53-58). most secret retirement, he endeaThe Lord's Supper was instituted vours to receive Christ Jesus the in the evening, and probably the Lord, as his Prophet, Priest, Ruler, disciples received it sitting; but as and Saviour, purposing henceforth no command was given in these to walk in obedience to him. The respects, they may well be con- man who habitually allows himself sidered as matters of indifference, in known sin, or the neglect of in which the validity of the ordi-known duty; who harbours pride, nance is not at all concerned. envy, malice, avarice, or sensual

The very act of receiving the lusts in his heart; who comes to Lord's Supper implies a confession the sacrament to compensate for of our guilt and ruined condition, his sins, or to cloak his secret transfrom which we could not have been gressions; who attends on it to quiet saved, if Jesus had not died upon conscience by a self-righteous serthe cross to redeem us; a profession vice, substituting the outward sign that we entirely believe the testi- for the thing signified; or who uses mony of God respecting the person, it as a mere step to secular preferundertaking, and atonement of ment, must "be guilty of the body Christ, and the reality, sufficiency, and blood of Christ," and eat and and efficacy of his vicarious suffer-drink his own condemnation. But ings; an avowed dependence on the humble, trembling penitent, the mercy and grace of God, accord- who would apply for salvation ing to the promises and provision through the crucified Saviour, by of the new covenant, which was using the means that he hath apratified by Emmanuel's blood; an pointed, ought not to suspect any acknowledgment of our obligations snare, or fear any danger in apto this most gracious Benefactor, proaching the Lord's table, even and an expression of our love and though many doubts may still disgratitude to him; a sacramental quiet bis mind, or great remaining engagement to obey him as our darkness obscure his views. Lord and Saviour, surrendering When the Corinthians had most ourselves to him, as "6 bought with grievously profaned this ordinance, a price, to glorify him with our and exposed themselves to severe bodies and spirits, which are his :" rebukes and corrections, the apostle and a public uniting of ourselves to did not counsel them to seek for his redeemed people, to walk with security by absenting themselves them in Christian love and fellow- from it; and though they might ship, in all the ordinances of divine doubtless profitably use the advice worship, and in all holy conversation and assistance of their pastors or and godliness. brethren, he did not direct them to It is, therefore, most evident be satisfied with their decisions, but

"to examine themselves, and so eat could not approach the Lord's table of that bread," &c. (1 Cor. xi. 27-in a suitable manner, he ought by 31). It was incumbent on them to no means to rest satisfied with abexamine diligently, whether they senting himself, but should rather be were in the faith? Whether they did more earnest in using every means truly repent and believe the gospel? of becoming an acceptable commuWhether their professions were sin-nicant. The believer, however, cere, and their motives pure? Whe- who habitually examines himself, ther their hearts and lives were con- and daily exercises repentance and sistent with the holy religion they faith, may very properly receive the had embraced? Whether they did Lord's Supper, without any further cordially accept of the whole salva- preparation, when an unexpected tion of Christ, and yield themselves opportunity presents itself. to his service? And whether they It is evident, both from Scripture, came to the Lord's table, "discern- and the earliest records of the priing his body," "remembering his mitive church, that this ordinance love," and seeking communion with was administered to the professed him and his saints? Such self-exa- disciples of Christ in general, every mination must always become pro- Lord's day at least. This frequent fessed Christians; not to find out recollection of that great event, some excuse for neglecting to obey which is the central point of our the dying command of their loving holy religion, was exceedingly Saviour, but in order to remember suited to increase humility, hatred him with more fervent affection and and dread of sin, watchfulness, conmore exalted thanksgivings. It is tempt of the world, faith, hope, love, very useful, when we have the op- gratitude, patience, compassion, portunity, to set apart some time, meekness, fortitude, and all other previous to the administration of the holy dispositions. These are obvious Lord's Supper, thus to re-examine and intelligible advantages of freourselves, to inquire into our pro-quent communicating, if it be done gress in vital godliness, and to re-in a serious, considerate, and revenew our secret cordial consent to rential manner: for the Lord's Supthe new covenant in the blood of per as directly tends to strengthen Christ. Such a preparation is es- and refresh the believing soul, as pecially important to the new con- the bread and wine do to nourish vert, when (with the instructions and invigorate the body. At the and prayers of ministers and pious same time, due honour is rendered friends) he first approaches to make to the Lord by this repeated profesthis profession; and to the back-sion of our faith and love; the symslider, when he is recovered from pathy of pious persons uniting in so his wanderings, and desires to renew affecting an ordinance promotes the solemn transaction. In all cases, edification; the great truths of such self-examination should be Christianity are thus brought before considered merely as introductory the minds of increasing numbers; to the exercise of repentance and and the presence and blessing of the faith, the practice of works meet for Lord may confidently be expected, repentance, and fervent prayers for whilst we thus meet in his name, divine teaching and grace to enable and present our prayers and thanksus more profitably to attend on the givings before him. Indeed, this ordinances of God; for should any institution was expressly intended one discover, that at present he" to show forth the Lord's death

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