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every interest or obedience which ance of the saints in light."-But would draw us aside, as an idol it is time for us to proceed to the and usurper; every contrary pro- remaining part of the subject, and, pensity as the remains of our old

bondage; and the path of duty as III. Make some remarks on the true liberty, the perfection of which warning and encouragement, which we shall long after with groans close the Psalm: If his wrath be and tears. kindled, yea but a little; blessed

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But further, the text commands are all they that put their trust in us, "to honour the Son even as we him."

honour the Father that sent him." What is this but a declaration, 1 John v. 23. Thus the worship- that if you refuse the salvation of pers of Baal kissed his image, and Christ, reject his authority, and the idolatrous votaries of the golden deny him the honour due to him, calves used the same ceremony. his love will be turned into fiery 1 Kings xix. 18. Hos. xiii. 2. Je- indignation, and he will glorify his hovah therefore seems to say in the name in taking vengeance on his words of the text, I demand for despisers, as well as in saving and my beloved Son that very adoration, blessing his humble disciples?'which I prohibited and abhorred With allusion to the day of judgwhen offered unto idols.' When ment, it is said, "The kings of the our Lord had said, "I and my Fa-earth, and the great men, and the ther are One," the Jews accused rich men, and the chief captains, him of making himself equal with and the mighty men, and every God; and their renewed attempt bondman, and every freeman, hid to stone him, together with the themselves in the dens and in the immediate cause of his condemna- rocks of the mountains: and said tion to the cross, proves that he to the mountains and rocks, fall on neither denied nor evaded the us, and hide us from the face of charge. On this point, he and the him that sitteth on the throne, Jews were at issue; for this sup- and from the wrath of the Lamb: posed crime he suffered and died for the great day of his wrath is but he was declared to be the come, and who shall be able to Son of God with power by his re- stand?" Rev. vi. 15-17. Obsurrection from the dead." And serve the words, "the wrath of the he who carefully examines the ac- Lamb," the wrath not only of an count given of the worship rendered offended King and Judge, but also to "the Lamb that was slain," by of a despised Saviour. This will redeemed sinners, an innumerable enhance the guilt and condemnamultitude of angels, and all crea- tion of those who neglect the gospel, tures, as made known in vision to and render their condemnation the apostle, will not be able to mark more intolerable than that of Sodom any difference between it, and the and Gomorrah. adoration paid to " Him who sit- Our attention should likewise be teth on the throne, and liveth for peculiarly fixed on the expression, ever and ever." Rev. v. 6. It If his wrath be kindled, yea but a cannot therefore be wonderful, if little,"—that is, should you be the disciples of Christ on earth, found among the more plausible should be required to learn the and moderate of those, who refuse worship of heaven, as a part of submission to the Saviour; among their 66 meetness for the inherit those who have least provoked his

indignation; your doom will yet be Christ, what would it avail you? Sup> very tremendous.' This comes pose you hesitate, from love to some home to the case of multitudes. lawful earthly comfort, which you Many persons readily express their prefer to Christ, and refuse to part abhorrence of the blasphemies, with for his sake: will not that very atheism, and other enormous crimes, circumstance render your feelings which, alas, have been perpetrated most exquisitely poignant, when in a neighbouring nation; and with the doom shall be pronounced a latent self-flattery, they rise in against you? This cannot be too their own good opinion, by compar- closely brought home to conscience; ing their conduct with that of such for it was a prevailing delusion daring enemies to God and his even at the time when our Lord Christ. Others exclaim against was on earth. Know, therefore, those that deny our Lord's divinity, whether thou art a Judas, betrayor his atonement; and they seem ing Christ for sordid lucre, under to feel much inward satisfaction the mask of a disciple or a minister; in opposing these dangerous here- a Pilate, "washing thine hands," sies; while some congratulate them- by giving up his cause from fear of selves, that they never scoff at re- man, and then pretending to excuse ligion, but always speak respectfully it ;-a Herod, that openly insultest of its sacred truths and duties. him;-a Gallio, that carest for none Thus in various ways men keep up of these things ;;-or a Felix, who a persuasion that they are Chris- tremblest and stiflest thy convictians: yet if we insist upon unre- tions. Whether thou join the served submission to Christ accord- multitude that cry, "Crucify ing to that view of it which hath him, crucify him; not this man been stated, they would perhaps but Barabbas;" or with Agrippa, acknowledge they had not gone so art" almost persuaded to be a far in religion. If they have not Christian;" or "departest sorrowbeen avowed opponents, they have ful, because thou hast great possesin a great measure endeavoured to sions:" which of these characters maintain a neutrality; but such soever belong to thee, know assupersons should recollect that Christ redly that thou wilt perish from the hath said, "He that is not with right way, unless thou repent, and me is against me;" so that all will become a believing and obedient be considered as enemies, who are subject of the Lord Jesus. And not his cordial friends and loyal what will it avail thee, that numsubjects. Indeed this is a general bers will be associated in the same cause of men's destruction: they condemnation, or even perish in a compare themselves with some other still more tremendous manner? characters, fancy themselves better But is not this harsh and unthan they, quiet their consciences, charitable? I Hear the words of and go on in the way of sin and un- Christ himself." Except a man godliness. deny himself, and take up his cross But what consolation will it be and follow me, he cannot be my in the day of wrath, should your disciple." Except he forsake all condemnation be one degree less that he hath, he cannot be my disheavy than that of your neighbours? ciple." Does charity consist in Should you approach as near to contradicting "the true and faithChristianity, as a man can possibly ful Witness," or "in speaking do, who is not a true disciple of peace, when there is no peace???!


The case is the same as it was of then your heads, for your redempold. Some daringly blaspheme, tion draweth near; and when and openly reject the Son of God: others shall cry to the rocks to fall others use respectful language; but on them, and hide them from the their actions show, that they value wrath of the Lamb; you shall exthe pleasures of sin, the friendship claim with triumphant exultation; of the world, the pride of life, filthy This is our God, we have waited lucre, or the praise of men, more for him, and he will save us; this than him and his salvation. But is the Lord,-we will be glad and all such persons virtually declare, rejoice in his salvation."




1 CORINTHIANS, iv. 5.-Therefore judge nothing before the time,

until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall every man have praise of God.

that they did right, who, actuated by various worldly motives concurred in nailing him to the cross. None who lived at that time, and might have heard his doctrine, or witnessed his miracles, were wholly free from the guilt of his death, except the remnant of his true disciples and none at present are wholly free from the charge of crucifying the Son of God afresh, who persist in neglecting his great salvation. "Blessed then are all they that THE reception which the zealous, put their trust in him." They are unwearied, and disinterested lablessed in their present security bours of the apostle Paul met with and privileges; and they shall be from mankind, forms the most conblessed in their eternal inheritance. clusive proof of human depravity; To you, my brethren, who thus next to that arising from the concordially welcome the Saviour, and tradiction, contempt, and cruelty, submit to the king of Zion, with which his divine Master had expeunreserved obedience and fidelity, rienced. Not only was this distinthough with many lamented imper-guished servant of God every fections; to you belong peace with where spoken against," and treated God, peace of conscience, the as "the filth of the world, and adoption of children, and the con- the off-scouring of all things," by solations of the Holy Spirit. It is unconverted Jews and Gentiles: your privilege to "rejoice in hope, the whole body of Jewish converts to be patient in tribulations;" to also were exceedingly prejudiced find support in trials, safety in all against him; many of the churches dangers, victory over every enemy, he had planted were alienated and a rich advantage from all from him, and his Corinthian conlosses and sufferings. Whether you verts had been so perverted by be rich and prosperous, or poor false teachers as to entertain the and afflicted; whatever your sta- most injurious suspicions, as to the tion or circumstances may be, you motives of his ministerial conduct. are blessed; for God himself hath But fervent zeal for the honour of pronounced you so you shall be Christ, and affectionate longing after blessed through life, and in death; that salvation of souls, kept him from and when the Redeemer shall ap- fainting, and rendered him "stedpear to judge the world. Lift up fast, unmoveable, always abounding


in the work of the Lord;" and he of you, or of man's judgment; yea, even submitted, with the most evi- I judge not mine own self; for I dent reluctance, to vindicate his cha- know nothing by myself, yet am I racter, and magnify his ministry to not hereby justified; but he that the disaffected Corinthians; that, judgeth me is the Lord.”—It must by re-establishing his apostolical not be expected, that every one authority, he might recover them who aims to be faithful, should thus from the delusions into which they decidedly rise superior to the opihad been seduced. In attempting nion of men, especially those within this, he warned them against exalt- the church. At the call of duty a ing some and despising others, of minister may be enabled to venture those who had laboured among giving offence; yet do it relucthem. "Let a man," says he, tantly, and be drawn into many "so account of us, as of the minis- reserves, under the notion of pruters of Christ, and stewards of the dence, which may greatly impede mysteries of God." All Christians his usefulness. Christians should are servants of Christ, and the therefore take heed, that they do word rendered ministers, denotes not inadvertently tempt ministers those servants who wait on any to unfaithfulness, or render faithfulperson, as ready at all times to ness uneasy to them. The apostle execute his orders with unreserved no doubt did examine his own assiduity.--But ministers are also motives and conduct; but he knew stewards of the mysteries of God: that an appeal lay from his decision they are not mere teachers of mo- to that of his heart-searching rality, as some men imagine; but Judge; and that reflection gave they are intrusted with the great rise to the caution and warning of mysteries of revealed truth, that the text:-"Therefore judge nothey may declare them to mankind, thing before the time, until the as they have received them of the Lord come, who both will bring to Lord. "Moreover, it is required light the hidden things of darkness, in stewards that a man be found and will make manifest the counsels faithful." It is not necessary for of the hearts: and then shall every ministers to be orators, courtiers, man have praise of God." Let us philosophers, or even men of distin- then,

guished genius or learning; but

integrity and faithfulness are indis

I. Meditate on the coming of

pensable. Any person of common the Lord, and the solemnities of prudence would prefer a downright that awful event.

honest steward, though but mode

II. Consider the discoveries

rately qualified, to the most accom- which will then be made.

plished man in the world, who, he III. Advert to the consequences was aware, would oppress his tenants of those discoveries.

and embezzle his property. Thus

faithfulness is the grand requisite I. I would call on you to conin a minister; without which, template with me the coming of talents may recommend him to the Lord, and the solemnities of the applause of men, but will not that awful event.

procure him deliverance from the The sacred Scriptures continually wrath of God. "But," says the lead our thoughts to this great apostle, "with me it is a very crisis, when the important and small thing, that I should be judged eternal interests of the whole hu

man species will be finally deter- in the days of thy youth, and walk mined. The servants of God from in the way of thine heart, and in the beginning of the world looked the sight of thine eyes; but know forward to it: even "Enoch, the thou, that for all these things God seventh from Adam, prophesied of will call thee into judgment."these things: saying, Behold the" For God shall bring every work Lord cometh with ten thousands of into judgment, with every secret his saints, to execute judgment upon thing, whether it be good, or wheall, and to convince all that are ther it be evil." Eccles. xi. 9; xii. ungodly among them, of all their 14. ungodly deeds, which they have In the New Testament the same ungodly committed, and of all the subject continually demands our hard speeches which ungodly sin- attention. Christians are said to ners have spoken against him."" wait for the Lord from heaven, Jude 14, 15. That profession even Jesus, who delivered us from which Job ardently wished might the wrath to come," to "look for be " graven with an iron pen and the glorious appearing of the great lead in the rock for ever," seems God and our Saviour Jesus Christ," to have had as much respect to the and "to love his appearing." Thus second coming of the Lord, as to the language of the Old Testament his first appearance in our nature; relative to the coming of Jehovah, "I know that my Redeemer liveth, and our preparing to meet God, and that he shall stand at the latter who is judge himself, is applied to day upon the earth; and though Christ, by his apostles, without the after my skin worms destroy this least hesitation. And with a conbody, yet in my flesh shall I see scious dignity, he spake of himself, God; whom I shall see for myself, in his lowest abasement, as the and mine eyes shall behold, and judge of the world, and the arbiter not another; though my reins be of men's eternal state: "When the consumed within me.' Job xix. Son of man shall come in his glory, 23-27. and all his holy angels with him, Omitting various passages from then shall he sit upon the throne of the prophets, that call our attention his glory, and before him shall be to this grand event, we may pro- gathered all nations." Matt. xxv. perly make a quotation from the 31, 32. fiftieth psalm, which is a most sub- The coming of the Lord signifies, lime, prophetical description of a therefore, the appearance of Christ future judgment, "Our God shall in human nature to judge the world; come and shall not keep silence, a when he shall exercise omnipotence, fire shall devour before him, and it omniscience, and every divine pershall be very tempestuous round fection; and so "come in his own about him. He shall call to the glory" as Mediator, "and in the heavens from above, and to the glory of the Father," as sovereign earth that he may judge his people. Lord of all. This revelation of And the heavens shall declare his Jesus Christ will be visible to the

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righteousness, for God is judge him- whole world, "this same Jesus, self. Selah." Psalm 1. 3-6. The which is taken up from you into words of Solomon shall close these heaven, shall so come in like mancitations from the Old Testament. ner, as ye have seen him go into Rejoice, O young man in thy heaven." Behold, he cometh youth, and let thy heart cheer thee with clouds, and every eye shall see

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