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tle, and to show the doom reserved to an endless inheritance and unfor each of them. fading joys, can satisfy the vast deII. Compare the statement thus sires of his heart. Whatever he made with several other important renounces, ventures, or suffers, he Scriptures, which may serve to elu- resolves to seek "a kingdom that cidate and confirm it.

III. Explain more precisely the rules of judgment, as delivered in the sacred oracles: and,

IV. Make some particular application of the subject.


cannot be moved." He feels the force of our Lord's questions, "What is a man profited, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" He does not, however, merely seek deliverI. Then, I shall endeavour to de-ance from wrath and misery; he is scribe more fully the two characters also athirst for happiness in the encontrasted by the apostle, and to joyment of God, "and of those pleashow the doom reserved for each of sures which are at his right hand for evermore." He attends to reliThe apostle's reasoning through- gion, not that he may be seen of out this whole epistle proves, that men, or acquire reputation; nor is he was speaking of sinners under a he solely intent on pacifying an dispensation of mercy. He there- uneasy conscience: but as a reafore considers a man, thus circum-sonable creature, formed for an imstanced, proposing to himself the mortal existence; he aims, in this acquisition of glory, honour, and introductory scene, to insure feliimmortality. Such a purpose would city in the world to come. He imply a belief of the Scriptural doc-" believes that God is, and that he trine, concerning the perfections and is the rewarder of them that diligovernment of God, the immorta- gently seek him;" and therefore he lity of the soul, and a future state seeks his favour as "the one thing of righteous retribution: with a needful," and endeavours to render persuasion that eternal happiness is all other objects and pursuits subattainable even by sinners, in the servient to this grand concern. way which the Lord hath revealed. It is evident that men of this At the same time the man is con- stamp are very scarce; and that vinced, that the blessing must be most of those who are called Chrissought with diligence and self-de- tians, are wholly strangers to this nial, and that it ought to be pre- habitual purpose and conduct. The ferred before all other objects what- few who answer the description are ever. Thus," while there be many not confined to any single sect, but that say, Who will show us any are scattered about in the visible good?"—" seeking every man his church, as "men wondered at" for gain from his quarter," pursuing their singularity and preciseness. worldly pleasures, honours, and Now, at whatever period of life, distinctions, or wasting their lives any man is thus brought "to seek in sloth and dissipation; he "seeks glory, honour, and immortality," he first the kingdom of God and his enters on a new state, and constirighteousness," and "labours for tutes a new character; " being the meat which endureth unto ever-made free from sin, he becomes the lasting life." He is now become a servant of God, has his fruit unto candidate for "glory, honour, and holiness, and the end everlasting immortality:" and nothing, inferior life."


These persons seek the desired because their deeds are evil." good, "by patient continuance in that believeth on the Son hath everwell-doing.' A sinner cannot be lasting life; but he that believeth said to do well, until he humbles not the Son, shall not see life, but himself before God for his trans- the wrath of God abideth on him." gressions, mourns for them in true John iii. 16-21, 36. This is a fair repentance, confesses them with specimen of the Scriptural declaraself-abhorrence and a sincere pur- tions on this subject; and as Christ pose of forsaking them, and seeks "is the Way, the Truth, and the mercy in the way which God ap- Life, and no man cometh to the pointed, for the glory of his own Father but by him;" we may asname and the honour of his violated suredly infer, that no one does well, law. A rebel can do nothing well, according to the apostle's meaning, so long as he vindicates and per- who believes not in the Son of God, sists in his rebellion, refuses mercy and refuses to seek eternal life as because the terms of it are too hu- the gift of God in him. miliating, and is wholly averse to The Lord hath instituted, in his submission and renewed allegiance. holy word, certain ordinances, as The prodigal son, when he came to means of grace to our souls, and himself, and determined to return that in them we may render him home, and humbly crave his father's the glory due unto his name. The forgiveness, began to do well. The characters of whom we speak will proud morality, formal devotion, or certainly honour the Lord and seek ostentatious liberality of an impeni- his blessing, by a diligent and content sinner, will never meet the ap-scientious observance of these ordiprobation of that God, who sent his nances. They will also separate Son into the world, "not to call the from bad company, avoid temptarighteous but sinners to repent- tions and occasions of sin, exercise ance. Humble penitents, and they self-denial, and renounce all pleaalone, begin to answer to the cha- sures or interests, which interfere racter described by the apostle. with the exercise of divine love and

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All such persons will likewise the obedience of faith; and they credit the testimony of God con- will prove the sincerity of their recerning his Son, and the way of ac-ligious profession, by observing the ceptance through his atonement and directions, and copying the example mediation. Whatever modern rea- of the Lord Jesus, and by walking soners may plausibly advance con- in newness of life.

cerning the innocence of error, and Numbers, like the stony ground the small importance of doctrinal hearers, show much earnestness in truth: the inspired writers uniform- these things, and express great conly consider unbelief as springing fidence and joy: yet they are par from an evil heart; and false doc- tial in obedience, and continue but trines, as damnable heresies, and for a time. They readily perform strong delusions, which God permits such duties as are creditable, cheap, as the punishment of those who and easy; but they refuse to part hate the truth, because they love with Herodias, or to cut off the sin.-"How can ye believe, who offending right hand; they do not receive honour one of another?" mortify constitutional or customary "This is the condemnation, that evils, reject unhallowed gain, venlight is come into the world, and ture the displeasure of rich and men love darkness rather than light powerful friends, or attend to those

things in religion, which would ex-Jafflictions, meekly bear injuries, pose them to contempt, reproach, wait the appointed time for the fuland hardship. Thus they maintain filment of the Lord's promises, and a religious profession, while ex-persevere in the path of upright empted from peculiar trials; and obedience. They seek for blessings many pass through life, unsuspected which cannot be expected in any by themselves or others: but "if other way: and are ready to say, persecution or tribulation arise be-" Lord, to whom shall we go? thou cause of the word, by and by they hast the words of eternal life."are offended."-On the contrary, Their religion resembles a river, they, of whom we now speak, have which still continues to flow, though "received the good seed into an sometimes with a fuller current, and honest and good heart, and bring at others with a diminished stream: forth fruit with patience." They while that of the hypocrite resem are not partial in their religion, but bles a land flood, now impetuously show themselves the friends of deluging the fields, and then wholly Christ by doing whatsoever he disappearing. But to those who commands them. They have in- thus "patiently continue in welldeed many infirmities, and may fall doing," and to them only, will into sin through inadvertency; they the righteous Judge at last assign may even live in some sinful neglect the eternal inheritance. "He that or practice, through ignorance or continueth to the end shall be mistake; but cannot habitually com- saved."

mit known sin. They search out We need not enlarge on the retheir faults; and as they discover verse of this character. "To them any, repent of, and forsake them. who are contentious, and do not "Their hearts are sound in the obey the truth, but obey unrighteLord's statutes, and they shall ousness, the Lord will render indig never be ashamed." nation and wrath, tribulation and In this course of believing obe- anguish;" yea "upon every soul of dience, the disciples of Christ en-man that doeth evil." Such percounter many temptations, struggle sons, instead of believing the goswith various discouragements, and pel, and in humble repentance emare exposed to sharp trials. The bracing the promised salvation, contempt and hatred of the world, contend against it, "contradicting the assaults of the tempter, the pe- and blaspheming." They dispute culiarities of their circumstances, against the strictness of the divine dispositions, and habits, and the law or justice, and the sentence dechastisements of their heavenly Fa-nounced against transgressors. They ther, combine to try their patience. oppose their own reasonings against Perseverance and constancy, in fol- the express testimony of God, in lowing the dictates of conscience, respect of the mysteries of redempexpose them to the charge of obsti- tion; and venture to charge him nacy and perverseness, or subject foolishly, as if they were more wise them to heavy losses and difficul- and righteous than He. Being thus ties; while inward conflicts, per-" contentious, they do not obey the mitted to humble and prove them, truth;" submit to God, repent of sometimes make them ready to sin, believe in Christ, separate from faint and despond. Yet they "pa- the world, or walk in newness of tiently continue in well-doing;" life. For " they obey unrighteousthey submit to the will of God under ness;" sin, in one form or other, has

dominion over them; and their un- the ways of the Lord are equal, was belief is the effect of a depraved led to state the characters of the heart and a rebellious will, which it righteous, and the wicked; and then tends reciprocally to confirm and he adds, "When the wicked man render more desperate. To persons turneth away from his wickedness, of this character, the righteous and doeth that which is lawful and Judge will recompense "indigna- right, he shall save his soul alive ;tion and wrath, tribulation and an- repent and turn from all your transguish;" not regarding their out-gressions, so iniquity shall not be ward privileges or distinctions, but your ruin." Ezek. xviii. The true deciding impartially according to penitent therefore will not be contheir works: for, "there is no re- demned, when judged according to spect of persons with God." Let his deeds; which he must be if the us then, solemn process should be conducted according to the strictness of the II. Compare this statement with law, without reference to the grace several other important Scriptures, of the gospel, to which all these which may serve to elucidate and invitations and promises belong. confirm it. The atoning sacrifices of the MoIt is the uniform declaration of saic law, which typified the redempthe sacred writers, that all mention of Christ, were offered upon shall be judged according to their Mount Zion: and David, inquiring works: yet it is equally evident, who should ascend and worship that faith or unbelief determine a with acceptance on that holy hill, man's state in the sight of God, as draws a character which entirely justified, or as under condemnation. accords with that given of a true "He that believeth and is baptized believer in the New Testament. shall be saved; but he that believeth Psalm xv. Thus he shows us, which not shall be damned." 66 Verily, of the professors of true religion will verily, I say unto you, he that hear-stand accepted in the day of judg eth my word, and believeth on him ment: but this has nothing to do that sent me, hath everlasting life, with such as openly neglect or opand shall not come into condemna-pose revealed truth, or refuse the tion, but is passed from death unto salvation of the gospel.



life." "He that believeth not is In perfect harmony with these condemned already because he Scriptures, our Lord describes his hath not believed in the name of true disciples, "Whosoever shall the only begotten Son of God." do the will of my Father which is Mark xvi. 16. John iii. 18; v. 24. in heaven, the same is my brother, The same instruction is implied in my sister, and my mother.' Blessthe apostle's vision: "The books ed are they that hear the word of were opened: and another book God and keep it." Matth. xii. 49, was opened, which is the book of 50. Luke xi. 28. This word or will life, and the dead were judged out of God doubtless has peculiar relaof those things which were written tion to Christ, and the voice from in the books, according to their heaven, "This is my beloved Son, works; and whosoever was not in whom I am well pleased, hear ye found written in the book of life, him :" and a moral or pharisaical was cast into the lake of fire." Rev. decency of conduct most essentially XX. 12-15. differs from the obedience of faith. He that believeth not God hath

The prophet having shown that

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made him a liar, because he believ- and living faith is described as diseth not the record that God gave of tinguishable from dead faith by its his Son. And this is the record, that holy fruits. Disobedient professors God hath given to us eternal life, will be condemned as hypocrites, and this life is in his Son; he that or wicked and slothful servants; but hath the Son hath life, and he that avowed unbelievers as "enemies, hath not the Son of God hath not who would not have the Son of God life." 1 John v. 10-12. The un- to reign over them." Matt. xxv. 30. believer, therefore, whatever his Luke xix. 21-27. moral character may be, so far from doing the will of God, disobeys his express command, and deliberately affronts his veracity.

But the solemn description of the great decisive day, given us by the Judge himself, is most conclusive on the subject. Matt. xxv. 31-46. Our Lord closed his sermon on In this important scripture, acts of the mount with this remarkable kindness shown to believers for the passage, "Not every one that saith sake of Christ, are the only deeds unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter mentioned, as the reason for the into the kingdom of heaven; but he rejoicing words addressed to the that doeth the will of my Father righteous, 66 Come, ye blessed of which is in heaven. Many will my Father, inherit the kingdom say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, prepared for you from the beginhave we not prophesied in thy ning of the world." And no charge name? and in thy name cast out is brought against the wicked, but devils? and in thy name done their omission of such duties, when many wonderful works? and then the sentence is denounced, "Dewill I profess unto them, I never part, ye cursed, into everlasting knew you, depart from me, ye that fire, prepared for the devil and his work iniquity. Therefore whoso-angels." Yet it will then appear, ever heareth these sayings of mine that the righteous have performed and doeth them, I will liken him many other good works of divers unto a wise man, which built his kinds, and that the wicked have house upon a rock; and the rain been guilty of numerous other descended, and the floods came, crimes and omissions. Why then and the winds blew, and beat upon did our Lord mention these things that house, and it fell not; for it exclusively? Doubtless, because he was founded upon a rock. And supposed them to constitute the every one that heareth these say-most conclusive evidence of genuine ings of mine, and doeth them not, faith, or unbelief. Beneficence, not shall be likened unto a foolish man, springing from love to Christ, nor which built his house upon the exercised towards his disciples, his sand; and the rains descended and brethren or representatives, cannot the floods came, and the winds be here intended, as many have inblew, and beat upon that house and considerately imagined,-for who it fell, and great was the fall of it." will say, that an indiscriminate Matt. vii. 21-27. Luke vi. 46-liberality, connected with an un49. This passage evidently refers godly licentious life, will entitle a to the day of judgment; but it men- man to the heavenly inheritance? tions none except those who call Or if any should venture on such Christ Lord, come to him, and hear an assertion, would they also allow, his sayings. His professed disciples that the want of this beneficence therefore are exclusively intended; will expose a man to the awful doom

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