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but their profession is their cross, render such dreadful methods of and its duties their self-denial; they resisting them necessary; and that would not willingly engage in any it will certainly be required at their war of ambition, rapacity, or re- hands, on which side soever the venge; but they readily face dan- victims were slaughtered. ger and endure hardship in defence But to return from this digresof their country. The more we hate sion; when Christ was born, angels war, and long for peace, the greater sang, "Peace on earth." Peace are our obligations to such men, as between God and sinners; peace thus expose themselves to guard us between a man and his neighbour: against injurious assailants, and the peace between contending nations; more fervently we ought to pray for peace in the heart and conscience, their protection and success. In and peace throughout the earth. the present state of the world, war The Saviour is the Prince of peace; is a necessary evil, and often quite the true Melchisedeck king of Saunavoidable; and that not merely lem, the King of righteousness and when a nation is directly attacked; the King of peace : "and of his for there are many other ways, by government and peace there shall which the rapacious and ambitious be no end." The gospel is "the may render a neighbouring country word of reconciliation," ministers incapable of defending its liberties are ambassadors of peace, through and possessions; and these can only the great Mediator, between God be counteracted by vigorous oppo- and man. Into whatever house the sition. Nor are private individuals apostles entered, they were directed generally competent to decide what to say, Peace be to this house :" wars are necessary and justifiable, and wherever we are sent, we go or the contrary in this respect" preaching peace by Jesus Christ." rulers must give an account to God" He is our Peace, he hath made for their conduct. But wars pro- peace by the blood of his cross;" ceed originally from the lusts of and he hath pronounced a blessing men's hearts, James iv. 1. and from on peacemakers as the children of the wicked one: God employs them God.

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as he does hurricanes, earthquakes, When we embrace his gospel, or pestilences, as executioners of" being justified by faith we have his vengeance on guilty nations: peace with God;" he imputes not and ambitious conquerors, how-to us our trespasses, but admits us ever accomplished or illustrious, are into a state of reconciliation and a the most hateful and tremendous covenant of friendship with himself; scourges of our apostate race. We and by the Spirit of sanctification may therefore deprecate and de- and adoption, teaches and inclines nounce war itself, as the most horrid us cordially to love him, and delight and atrocious evil, consistently with in his perfections, service, and salthe obedience and honour due to vation. Peace is the legacy Christ our rulers, and the most sincere hath left his disciples, "Peace I prayers for the success of their leave with you, my peace I give measures, as far as they tend to the unto you; not as the world giveth, protection and welfare of our be- give I unto you." John xiv. 27. loved country. But we must also When our hearts are stayed on the maintain, that all the blood shed in Lord in faith and hope, he keeps war is murder, chargeable on them, them in " perfect peace," and he whose criminal projects and politics imparts a peace of God "which

passeth all understanding" to pos-incarnate Son of God said, " Peace, sess and confirm "our hearts and be still, and there was a great calm!" minds by Christ Jesus." A stable Wars and all concurrent and similar peace of conscience, in reliance on evils must instantaneously cease, the immense and everlasting mercy and peace, equity, purity, truth, and of God, through the all-sufficient love universally prevail; if all men atonement and mediation of Christ; were partakers of the Spirit of which will bear investigation, and Christ, and obedient to his comflourish in connexion with deep mandments.

humility, holy abhorrence of sin, But hath not he said, " Suppose and the strictest conscientiousness ye that I am come to give peace on in all things; and an inward serenity earth? I tell you nay, but rather and tranquillity of mind, in submis-division: for from henceforth there sion to the will of God and confidence shall be five in one house divided, in him, constitute this inestimable three against two, and two against blessing. three." Luke xii. 51-53. To this The Lord hath also assured us, it may be answered, that predictions that "when our ways please him, of future events must be distinhe maketh even our enemies to be guished from commands, exhortaat peace with us:" and his peace tions, and doctrines: and the latter, ruling in our hearts disposes us to not the former, show the real nature follow peace with all men. The and tendency of the gospel. When precepts as well as the promises of a few persons are converted, and Christ, insure peace to all his true feel their obligations to love Christ disciples. The most sincere, up- more than father or mother, and to right, disinterested, and harmless obey God rather than man; and conduct, united with tender com- many remain under the influence of passion, courteousness, and univer- that spirit who worketh in the chilsal benevolence: a disposition to dren of disobedience; divisions will make concessions and reparations necessarily be the consequence. And for all injuries, and to forgive and when the mad passions of ungodly love our enemies in the most un- men take occasion from Christianity, wearied and generous manner, are to vent themselves; and the disexpressly commanded by the Re-tinction between real believers, and deemer; and these are also "the nominal Christians, is overlooked; fruits of the Spirit," who dwells in the tendency of the gospel must be all true believers. The most exact mistaken. The opposition which attention to all relative duties, ac- the religion of Jesus has met with cording to the regular subordination from the world; the wickedness of families and communities, is also that men have committed, under effectually provided for. If there- the guise of Christianity; and the fore all men should at once be made inconsistency and indiscretions of true Christians, answerable to the many pious persons, have produced specimen shown to the world after lamentable effects. Hence persecu the day of Pentecost; nay, accord- tions and religious wars have been ing to that lower measure of grace excited, by the professed disciples bestowed on thousands in this land of the Prince of peace! Pious, or at present the effect upon human rather impious, frauds have been affairs would be as stupendous, as practised to subserve the cause of that produced on the boisterous superstition or hypocrisy! Acrimowinds and stormy waves, when the nious controversies and divisions

among professed Christians have Deists have learned from the sacred been multiplied; and even serious oracles, to denounce ambitious warpersons have been prejudiced against riors, and to give the palm of glory each other by a narrow and absurd to those who save men's lives, inbigotry. "Woe be to the world stead of those that destroy them, because of offences; it must needs These effects have evidently been be that offences come; but woe be produced by the gospel, even on to that man by whom they come." the minds of multitudes, who never We must not, however, ascribe believed it with a living and obedient these things to Christianity; but to faith. the want of it. If men were real Taking, however, our standard Christians most of these evils would of Christianity from the Scripcease, and all of them would be tures, we are confident, that in promitigated: if men were consistent portion as it prevails, it will proand judicious Christians, they would duce "peace on earth," in all senses totally vanish. Even the disciples and in all places. We are also too often "know not what spirit assured, that ere long the Prince of they are of;" and contend for the peace will possess the dominion truths and ordinances of Christ, in over all nations as his willing suba manner contrary to his precepts jects: and then they will beat their and example. swords into plough-shares, and learn But it may also be observed, that war no more. Well, therefore, all these effects spring from the might angels sing at the Redeemer's depravity of the human heart as nativity. "Peace on earth!" A their native source; and if men had blessing inestimable in itself, long not this occasion of discord and sel- unknown, or scarcely known among fishness, they would find some other. men: but now about to be vouchAfter all, the world has seldom been safed by a gradual progress to all more wicked in the worst ages and the nations of the globe! places distinguished by the Chris- For such blessings virtually comtian name, than at other times and municated to sinful men in the perin other countries; though unbe- son of Emmanuel, angels also aslievers have bestowed more pains cribed "Glory to God in the highin exhibiting its wickedness. In est."-The perfections of God are general the state of human society his essential glory, which is incapahas been greatly meliorated by the ble of increase or diminution: but gospel: for where have Christians in his works he manifests this glory habitually diverted themselves by to his rational creatures, that they such bloody spectacles, as the gla- may contemplate, admire, and adore diatorial shows of the Romans? it; and he is glorified by them, when Where have Pagans manifested they delight to celebrate his praises. such humanity to the poor, sick, and " The heavens declare the glory of destitute, as is displayed in the God:" and his eternal power and expensive institutions common in deity are clearly seen in all the Christian countries? Vices, branded works which he made. His proviwith deepest infamy, even in this dential care of the universe manilicentious age, were patronized and fests his wisdom, goodness, and avowed among the politest hea-bounty: his awful justice and holithens! War itself has assumed a ness are displayed in his perfect milder aspect since the establish-law and righteous judgments, and ment of Christianity: and even his patience and kindness even to

sinners may be learned from his in the most distinguished manner; dealings with our fallen race in and if his faithfulness accomplish general. These glories the heavenly such a promise, as that relating to host had witnessed and celebrated the incarnation of his own Son for for four thousand years. these most gracious purposes; how


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But the birth of the infant in the transcendently glorious must He stable, viewed in its causes and be! How worthy of universal love consequences, discovered to them and adoration! Let all creatures glories so resplendent, that in some then say, W Glory to God in the respects they eclipsed all former highest.' displays; and with rapturous joy Angels "rejoice over one sinner and admiration they sang, Glory that repenteth:" because every to God in the highest:" in the high- event of this nature is a new display est heavens among all its exalted of the divine glory in the work of inhabitants, and in the loftiest redemption; a new trophy of the strains, which people can possibly Redeemer's beneficent victories; reach. Here the glories of the a new worshipper to join the headivine justice, holiness, truth, wis- venly choir to all eternity; and a dom, knowledge, power, love, and new instrument to excite other sinmercy, which they had viewed se-ners to seek for the same blesings.parately in other objects, shone For alas! men are blind, willingly forth with collected beams in most blind, to the glory of God in all adorable beauty and splendour. respects! Even the displays of The perfections, which before ap- his being and perfections in the peared irreconcileable, now harmo-works of creation fail of suitably nized, and reflected glory upon each affecting their hearts; "they gloother. The distinct honours of the rify him not as God, neither are Father, the Son, and the Holy thankful." But the gospel, proSpirit, were displayed at once to fessed, adorned, and preached in their admiring view. And as they the world, calls their attention to were always ready, with glowing an interesting subject:, and when love, zeal, and gratitude, to celebrate " God who commanded the light to the high praises of the Lord: so shine out of darkness, shines into they were peculiarly excited to this our hearts to give the light of the reasonable and delightful service, knowledge of his glory in the face on this interesting occasion. Never of Jesus Christ," 2 Cor. iv. 4–6, did Jehovah appear in all respects that light is reflected as it were on so glorious in holiness, justice, truth, every other object; and we learn and wisdom; as in his wonderful by degrees to glorify God, for all love to Adam's guilty, polluted the displays he hath made of himIf God so hate sin, that self; and as a spiritual priesthood to his well-beloved Son shall become" offer up spiritual sacrifices accepman, and bear the curse, rather table to God through Jesus Christ." than it shall go unpunished; and Thus sinners on earth are trained yet so love sinners, as to employ up for the worship of heaven; of such an expedient, rather than which the highest and most delightleave them to perish without re-ful strain will be, Worthy is the medy; if his wisdom could form Lamb that was slain, and hath resuch a plan of reconciling justice deemed us to God with his blood;' and mercy, and of taking occasion Salvation to our God that sitteth from sin itself to glorify his name on the throne, and unto the Lamb."


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Hallelujah. Amen.--The adoring high-minded, or trust in uncertain praises of the heavenly host may riches, but in the living God." therefore be also considered, as an" Let not the wise man glory in his affectionate expression of their wisdom, neither let the mighty man longing desire, that by the gospel glory in his might, let not the rich of Christ, the divine glory might man glory in his riches." Yea, fill the earth as well as heaven;"God forbid that" any of us "should while peace with God and with glory, save in the cross of our Lord each other should be enjoyed by all Jesus Christ; by whom the world its inhabitants, through the adora- is crucified to us, and we unto the ble good-will shown to guilty man. world." Jer. ix. 23, 24. Gal. vi. 14. We should well consider the III. Then let us endeavour to words of the apostle, Let the bring this matter home to ourselves brother of low degree rejoice in by some practical deductions. that he is exalted; but the rich in

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We may learn from this subject that he is made low." James, i. how insignificant all earthly dis-9-11. "Mind not then," my tinctions are, in the judgment of brethren, "high things, but condethe heavenly host. They see no scend to men of low estate:" culti glory in them, nor dishonour in the vate humility, courteousness, indifwant of them. The Lord of all ference about the world, and selfdescends to dwell on earth, to be a denying beneficence, in the midst Prince and Saviour: and angels of abundance: this will abate envy, celebrate the august event, the most secure you from the snares and important that had ever occurred perils of your situation, and render from the beginning of the world. the talents entrusted to you a blessBut he appears not in an imperial ing to many, and more abundantly palace, or with the appendages of to yourselves. "How hardly," royalty; but in a stable, and laid says our Lord, "shall they that in a manger! And let us not for- have riches enter into the kingdom get, that this was the settled pur- of God!" But, "the things that pose of unchangeable wisdom and are impossible with men are possible everlasting love; in order to pour with Him." Yet this consideracontempt on all that splendour, tion, should excite in you peculiar which we are prone to idolize. caution, watchfulness, and prayer,

Not only are vanity and vexation that your riches may not prove the inscribed on the pomp, wealth, and ruin of your immortal souls. luxuries of the world, by this re- Think, my brethren, of the stable, markable appointment; but they are the carpenter's shop, the feast on pronounced mean, ensnaring, and barley bread and small fishes, the polluting. We should therefore well in Samaria, and of Him who inquire how far our judgment coin- had not where to lay his head; cides in this respect, with that of that you may learn not to despise angels, and the Lord of angels? the poor, lest you reproach your The rich and noble should remem-Maker and disdain the Saviour of ber, that their distinctions are as the world. Heavenly glory and withering flowers; at the same excellency may be clad in coarse time that they are talents entrusted raiment, or lodged in a mean cottage. to their stewardship, of which a Learn not to judge of men by outstrict account will shortly be de-ward appearance: but to estimate manded. Let them not then "be characters according to their intrin

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