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considered, and may indirectly an- subject. Many other sources of swer, the principal objections and ambiguity and misapprehension will arguments, which have on all sides be adverted to, as the work probeen advanced against the doctrine ceeds: and perspicuity will above he maintains: but he purposes to all things be consulted; for the audecline all direct controversy. He thor greatly desires to be clearly means not to support his sentiments understood, that the reader may be by any human authority (though enabled to perceive whether or not many of the writers of the last cen- his views be scriptural and his argutury would fully bear him out, per- ments conclusive. He needs only haps in every particular): but he add, that he most earnestly recomwould singly abide by the testimony mends to every one, who feels diffiof Scripture. The general subject culties on the subject, to weigh what will be divided into two questions, is advanced in the spirit of prayer; "What is the sinner's warrant for that the Giver of all wisdom may believing in Christ?" And, " Is sav- enlighten his mind, and prepare his ing faith a holy exercise of the heart heart to receive the truth in love; or no?" These two questions are and to rectify every mistake into far from coincident; and the want which he may have been betrayed, of duly distinguishing them intro- as far as it impedes his comfort, duces much perplexity into men's fruitfulness, and usefulness in the reasonings and discourses on the world.




The Subject opened.

what is meant by faith in Christ: as without precision in this particular, the discussion might be involved THE word warrant though common in great perplexity; because the in the writings of modern divines, terms faith, believing, and believing is not once found in Scripture, which in Christ, are used in different uniformly represents faith in Christ senses, frequently by the same auas the duty of all who hear the gos- thors; and still more by those who pel; and no warrant is required for are engaged on opposite sides. obedience to a plain commandment. Faith, in its more general accep As, however, an inestimable privi- tation, is the "belief of the truth;" lege is connected with the perform- or "a cordial consent to the testiance of this duty, it may properly mony of God in his holy word, with be inquired, what reason a sinner reference to our own concern in it." has for expecting such a benefit Faith in Christ implies "a cordial from his offended God? In this consent to the testimony of God resense the warrant of faith signifies specting his Son; connected with "that, which authorizes any per- an humble and earnest application son to believe in the Lord Jesus; to the divine Redeemer for salvaand gives him a ground of confi- tion; and a willing and unreserved dence, that he shall thus obtain acceptance of him, in his whole eternal salvation." character and his several distinct But it is necessary to inquire offices, according to the method re

vealed, and the directions given, in attend to it formally, as an irksome the holy Scriptures." Not that I duty, without importunity, fervenwould exclude the idea of reliance, cy, or entering into the particularibut I thus state the nature of faith, ties of their case. But the idea of merely to prevent mistakes in an believing application to Christ preargumentative discussion. The lan- cludes this way of self-deception, guage of believers, as recorded in without discouraging any upright the Old Testament, when they inquirer: as it represents sinners speak of “hoping in God,” “trust- by faith seeking help for their souls ing under the shadow of his wings," from an invisible Saviour, according or making "his name their strong to their feeling sense of sin and tower;" and when they call him misery; as the blind and lame, their Rock, their Refuge, their Ha- the lepers and paralytics, did for bitation, and their Portion, always their bodies, when he was visibly implies this earnest application to present on earth. As an instance him for protection, salvation, and how much the idea of reliance, concomfort, and never an indolent de-sidered as an adequate definition pendence of expectation. This is of faith in Christ, may be abused, I evident from other expressions, once heard a poor prostitute, when which they frequently subjoin; such avowedly determined on pursuing her as "I lift up my soul unto thee." infamous course of life, ward off the "I cry unto thee daily." "Out of conviction that she was in the road the depths have I cried unto thee, to eternal destruction, by expressing O Lord;" "My soul followeth hard a firm reliance on God's mercy, and after thee, thy right hand uphold- on the love of Christ who shed his eth me;" "I pour out my soul unto blood to save poor sinners! thee;" and many others. The de- Having premised these particuscription of faith in Christ, given in lars concerning the general nature this treatise, is not therefore at all of faith, I would observe, that if inconsistent with the soul's thus any persons mean by faith in Christ, resting itself on God, hanging upon" a confident persuasion, that Christ him, and always expecting help died for them in particular, that they from him and if that idea do not are in a justified state, and shall appear sufficiently prominent, that certainly inherit everlasting life:" arises from the nature of the sub- it is not only granted, but strenuject, which relates to one important ously maintained, that no man is topic in divinity, and not to every warranted thus to believe concern. part of a believer's experience. ing himself, except as he has

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When the doctrines of the gospel clear proof that he is "in Christ a are assented to, and men are con- new creature," and has crucified vinced by argument that there is the flesh with its affections and no salvation, except by faith in lusts;" for this, and vastly more to Christ; they may more readily ima- the same purpose, is constantly gine that they rely on him, or con- spoken of in the Scriptures confide in him to save them, than that cerning all true Christians without they are daily and earnestly applying exception. Properly speaking, this to him for salvation. I apprehend confident persuasion of a personal numbers think that they rely on interest in Christ, if well grounded, Christ, even while they habitually is hope, or the full assurance of hope; neglect the means of grace, espe- and is opposed to presumption, or a cially secret prayer; or while they groundless confidence of salvation:

nor can it be obtained or preserved pride, so disquieting to our consciexcept by walking in all the com- ences, and opposite to our carnal mandments and ordinances of God passions and pursuits, that we have with persevering diligence. Again, no disposition cordially and obediif faith in Christ be considered as ently to believe them, till a change "A reliance on him for salvation has taken place in our hearts. When, from future punishment, without however, a man is properly disheartily seeking to him for deliver-posed to believe divine truth in ance from sin and from this present general, either speedily or graduevil world, or falling in with the ally, he will be led to consider and whole design of his coming in the credit the testimony of God conflesh;" no man is or can be war- cerning his Son, and so to believe ranted thus to believe on him: for in Christ for salvation. But this this is a mere selfish desire and pre-faith must imply some perception sumptuous confidence of escaping and understanding of the nature of misery and obtaining happiness, salvation, some conviction that we without the least real understand- need it, and some desire after it; ing of the nature, or value for the unless any one be supposed to seek blessings, of that holy salvation an object, of which he knows nowhich the Scriptures propose to us. thing, of which he feels no want, For in fact, it is nothing better than and about which he has not the the cry of the evil spirits, when least concern! It must also imply they besought Christ not to tor-a virtual renouncing of all other ment them; except as these too well confidences to depend on Christ knew God's purposes to expect alone, a willingness to use the apfinal impunity. pointed means, and a disposition

A few other remarks may tend to rather to part with every thing, elucidate the subject. We are told than to fall short of an interest in that "Faith is the evidence of things him. For "The kingdom of heaven not seen," as it credits the whole of is like unto treasure hid in a field; God's sure testimony, concerning the which when a man hath found, things invisible and future: and he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth "the substance of things hoped for," and selleth all that he hath, and as it realizes the substantial and buyeth that field. Again, the kingeternal blessings which are brought dom of heaven is like unto a merto light by the gospel. It is not chant-man, seeking goodly pearls; then a new faculty of the soul; but who when he hath found one pearl the exercise of our original facul- of great price, went and sold all ties in a manner new to us as sin- that he had, and bought it." Matt. ners. To believe testimony, to rely xiii. 44-46. This language of our on promises, and to expect the per- Lord is so decided, and the differformance of them from the faithful-ence between him" who went away ness of him who made them, are as sorrowful, because he had great natural to us as any other act of the possessions," and those "who left rational soul; and indeed almost all all and followed him," is so strongly the business of life is conducted by marked, that we cannot on scriptuthis very principle: but the things ral grounds allow that any man which the Lord testifies, proposes, truly believes, if he is inwardly deand promises, are so foreign to our termined to renounce Christ, rather apprehensions, so contrary to our than part with some worldly object. prejudices, so humiliating to our It may indeed be urged, that these

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things are the effects of faith, and of its suitableness and value, an apnot implied in its nature; but as- probation and desire of it above all suredly the least exercise of true things, and a dread of coming short faith in Christ constitutes a man of it more than any other evil. Such his disciple; yet he expressly says, is the idea of faith in Christ adhered Whosoever he be of you that for- to throughout this work; and they, saketh not all that he hath, he can- who have formed other notions connot be my disciple." Luke xiv. 25-cerning faith, will of course object 27. If therefore these are effects of to many things contained in it. faith, they spring immediately and This should therefore in the first invariably from its essential nature. place be considered with peculiar Awakened sinners often hesitate attention; and some deliberate judglong before they can be induced ment formed on the general nature thus unreservedly to renounce all of faith in Christ, whether this be selfish confidence and worldly idols, or be not a scriptural account of it: for the sake of Christ and his sal- otherwise the truth of the proposivation: some shrinking back on one tions, and the conclusiveness of the account, and some on another, as arguments, contained in the subsecarnal lusts, self-wise or self-righte-quent pages, will not be clearly perous pride, fear of man, or other ceived; and the objections, which corrupt propensities preponderate. arise in the reader's mind, may proEven they, who really believe the bably result from an unobserved testimony of God, and are con- difference of sentiment on the subvinced that the gospel is true, are ject before us. Let this then be frequently seduced into very crimi- well weighed, and impartially comnal delays, before they decidedly pared with the sacred Scriptures. "count all things but loss that they These things being premised, it may win Christ." But every ge- is here maintained, "That the sinner nuine exercise of faith implies these wants no warrant of any kind for things: though in many cases, they believing in Christ, except the word are only discernible as the members of God." No qualifications, (or of the body in the half-formed em- qualities, endowments, or disposibryo, or the parts of the oak in the tions in himself), are at all requigerm of the acorn. site to authorize his application, or

Faith in Christ is, therefore, the encourage his hope of success; unsinner's believing obedient applica- less any one should choose, with tion to the Saviour: reliance on manifest impropriety, to call his him, and his power, truth, and love; willingness to be saved in the Lord's on what he did and suffered on way, a qualification. "Him that earth, and is now doing in heaven; cometh to Christ, he will in no wise and on his promises and covenant cast out;" and they, who do not engagements, for complete and ever- come when they hear the gospel, lasting salvation: cordial accept- have as good a warrant as they that ance of him, according to the word do; but they will not avail themof God, in all his characters and selves of it, because they comparaoffices and confidential entrusting tively despise the proffered benefit. the immortal soul with all its eter--I shall first establish the position nal interests into his hands, from a by scriptural proofs; and then assign feeling sense that he needs this sal- some reasons for insisting on it. vation; a perception in some degree

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SECTION II. 9% would be thus encouraged withoût ON cou absow delay to embrace the gracious in Scriptural Proofs that the Sinner vitation, and that the rest would be wants no Warrant for believing in left without excuse. Thus Peter Christ, except the Word of God. speaks of his ministry, "God made FIRST, then, the commission and in- choice among us, that the Gentiles structions which our Lord gave to by my mouth should hear the word his apostles, compared with their of the gospel and believe." Acts conduct and that of their fellow-xv.79. Nothing else, except the labourers, are conclusive on the word of the gospel, was required to subject. "Go ye into all the world, warrant the faith of the Gentiles. and preach the gospel to every crea- Paul, addressing the Jews at Anture: he that believeth and is bap- tioch in Pisidia, said, "Be it known tized shall be saved; but he that to you, men and brethren, that believeth not shall be damned." through this man is preached unto Mark xvi. 15, 16. Nothing can be you the forgiveness of sins: and by more evident, than that every hu- him all that believe are justified man being, however vile, is war- from all things. Beware, therefore, ranted to believe in Christ, by this lest that come upon you, which is declaration of the gospel itself: and spoken of in the prophets, Behold, that nothing is or can be wanting, ye despisers, and wonder, and pebut a disposition to accept of the rish." Acts xiii. 38-41. He was proposed salvation. The other in-sensible, that there were despisers in structions given to the apostles were, the company, whom he warned of beyond all doubt, coincident with the consequences of unbelief: yet this commission, though on several he preached forgiveness of sins and accounts they were worded rather justification by faith to all present, differently: Matt. xxviii. 19, 20. without exception; which he would Luke xxiv. 47; but one direction, not have done, if the gospel had couched under a parable, particu- not been a sufficient warrant to aularly suits our purpose. "Go ye thorize every one of them to believe into the highways and hedges, and in Christ for salvation.

compel them to come in, that my The same apostle calls his office, house may be filled." Luke xiv. 23." The ministry of reconciliation;" Now what further warrant could a and says, "Now then we are ampoor traveller or beggar stand in bassadors for Christ, as though God need of, who was desirous of admis- did beseech you by us; we pray sion to a feast, after the servants you in Christ's stead, be ye reconhad been sent with express orders, ciled to God." 2 Cor. v. 18-20. to use the most urgent invitations, If one, who till then had been an persuasions, entreaties, and assur- enemy of God and Christ, had asked ances of a hearty welcome, in order the apostle, how he might be reconto induce him to compliance? ciled? would he not have answered, The conduct of the apostles and" Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ;" evangelists show how they under-for "God hath made him to be sin stood their instructions. They al- for us who knew no sin, that we ways called on their hearers, without might be made the righteousness of exception or limitation, to believe God in him?"

in Christ: knowing that all, who II. The invitations of Scripture became willing, by the power of the evidently prove the point in quesHoly Spirit accompanying the word, tion. The Lord, by his prophet,

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