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diligent, will commonly be unable warned of the consequences of negof himself to obtain full satisfaction lecting such unmerited kindness, in this matter, it is one part of the and assured that nothing but this office of the Holy Spirit to shine on neglect can deprive him of the behis own work, to show us the sacred nefit; while all the time he absoimpression, by "which he hath lutely refuses to comply with the sealed us to the day of redemp-end and design of the gracious mestion," and thus" to witness with our sage! spirits, that we are the children and There is a sense in which Christ heirs of God." The least degree may properly be said to have died indeed of these holy dispositions, for all; and the infinite sufficiency according to the gracious tenor of of his merits and atonement, with the new covenant, characterises the the general proposals made in the possess oras a real Christian, and Scripture, authorize and require the proves his interest in the promises: ministers of Christ, to call on all but in general he cannot make out that hear them, without exception, his title, with habitual satisfaction, to repent and believe the gospel. except as he is growing in grace, But sober Christians, even if they fruitful in good works, and careful hesitate as to some deep points of not to grieve the Holy Spirit by doctrine, will scarcely contend, that negligence, or improper conduct. Christ died with an express intention

If any man doubt whether the of saving all men; yet this express promises be thus restricted to cha-intention alone could warrant a sinracters, and desire to give the sub-ner, while an entire stranger to ject an impartial investigation; let the things which accompany salhim collect for himself from the Scrip-vation," confidently to believe, that tures all the promises he can find, Christ died for him, and will asand compare them diligently with suredly save him. Such a confithe context: and this will convince [dence, therefore, is entirely destihim, that they all either expressly tute of any scriptural foundation, mention some branch of holiness, as and is a most unwarrantable premarking out the persons to whom sumption.

the promise is made; or relate to Some persons indeed seem to such blessings, as no man, destitute think, that the proposition, Christ of holiness, can sincerely desire and is mine and will save me, would never long to obtain. be true, if I should never believe

The invitations indeed, and such it: but that, if I believe it confipromises as imply exhortations, coun-dently, with or without reason or sels, warnings, or expostulations are evidence, it will certainly prove addressed to the vilest of sinners true: but surely it is very extraorwithout exception: but they alone dinary, not to say absurd, that bebecome interested in the annexed lieving what before was not true should or implied promise, who embrace convert it into truth! The doctrines the invitation, attend to the exhor-of Scripture are eternal truths, whetation, and "through grace obey ther we believe them or not; and the call." For it is folly, not faith, God abideth faithful to his promises, for a man to imagine the feast, the though we prove faithless. When treasure, the kingdom to be his own, a sinner truly believes in Christ, he merely because he has been invited, is interested in all the promises and or instructed how to apply, exhorted securities of the new covenant, even to the diligent use of certain means, while his fears and doubts harass

him incessantly and when, on have exhorted and counselled their scriptural grounds, he obtains the readers, to "work themselves, by full assurance of hope, he merely the assistance of the Holy Spirit, discovers what, though true in it-into an assurance that Christ, grace, self, he had not before been able to and heaven are theirs, without any perceive. One thing indeed is now evidence from reason, sense, or true which once was not, namely, Scripture ;" and then they have he is now born of God, a true peni- gravely told them, that all holiness tent, a real convert, a believer, a will certainly result from this kind living member of Christ's body, a of confidence! What reason can child of God, a temple of the Holy a man who follows this counsel Spirit, and an heir of heaven; where- give, either of his faith, or hope, or as he was (not before his assured of his religion in general? hope, but before his regeneration) The amount of this assured perdead in sin, a slave of Satan, and suasion (call it by what name you under the wrath of God, notwith- will,) is no more than, I believe that standing the secret purposes of I am a believer. But if this is true electing love respecting him. faith, and if the full assurance of

The words of St. Peter are pecu-faith is our duty, (and doubtless we liarly worthy of our attention in this ought to believe the testimony of argument, "Be ready always to God without wavering,) it follows give an answer to every man that of course, that we cannot deceive asketh you a reason of the hope ourselves; for the more firmly a man that is in you." Now the well-in-believes that he is a believer, the structed Christian, and he alone, is stronger must his faith be! Thus capable of doing this. He can as- all exhortations to self-examination, sign his reasons for believing the and all warnings against self-decepScriptures to be the word of God; tion, with which the Scriptures he can state the warrant and encou-labound, are at once vacated and ragement given in them to the chief set aside; and that man is actually of sinners to believe in Jesus Christ; the safest, who most confidently and he can show from his own ex-thinks himself safe! perience, character, and pursuits, Far be it from me to charge all compared with the declarations and who favour, or seem to favour, this examples of the word of God, the notion of faith, with perceiving or grounds on which he concludes him-allowing these consequences; for self a true believer, and an heir of many of them bestow much laudimmortal glory. But what reasonable pains to inculcate a contrary can be given for an assured hope of spirit and conduct, and imagine everlasting life, as the gift of God they can show that their doctrine in Christ, by that man who has no has no such tendency. But after consciousness of having fled to him all, the inference fairly and undenifor refuge, and no experience of a ably follows from the premises; and new creation unto holiness? In-more consistent men, who have none deed it would exceedingly perplex of their piety, will deduce it, and one, to find words more suitable to practise accordingly. describe an irrational, unscriptural, and enthusiasticul presumption, than those which some men have em-1 ployed on this subject; while they

If the reader has imbibed the sentiment, that this high confidence

* Marshall on Sanctification.

of salvation by Christ, even without tance, are overloked, or at least conscious humiliation and change greatly kept out of sight; then the of heart, is the strong faith spoken justice and holiness of God, and of in Scripture; let him very seri- his strict and spiritual law, appear ously ask himself, (and ask the terrible rather than glorious and Lord too in earnest prayer for his lovely; the odiousness and desert teaching,) whether this is not the of transgression are concealed or very character delineated under palliated; salvation from punishthe similitude of the stony-ground ment is detached from " the sanchearers? Whether this is not the tification of the Spirit unto obevain confidence of all those evan-dience:" and then it is no wonder gelical hypocrites, who deceive that unconverted men often credit themselves without expressly de- such a gospel, which is entirely signing to deceive others? And congenial to their pride and carnal whether James does not most di- minds. Because they may be derectly address such professors when lighted with the false notions thus he says, "Know, O` vain man, that given them of the character of God; faith without works is dead!". while they continue to hate the inThese are questions which should finitely just and holy God, whom not be cursorily passed over by him the Scriptures reveal: as the Jews who would know "the truth as it imagined they loved the God of is in Jesus;" for in fact they com- Abraham, whose favourites they prise the substance of the whole deemed themselves, though the controversy. Truth himself testified, "Ye have

It is not generally and expressly both seen and hated both me and denied, by those who feel themselves my Father." And having once interested in these inquiries, that thus awfully quieted and pleased the gospel was intended to honour themselves with an unholy faith, a the holy law of God; to display in presumptuous confidence, selfish perfect harmony the infinite justice, affections, and a carnalized gospel, purity, wisdom, goodness, mercy, it is alas not probable they should and truth of his all-glorious charac- ever be undeceived, till the light of ter; to lay a foundation for the hope eternity tremendously shows them of the vilest transgressors connected their real character and situation. with the most effectual provision The true gospel of Christ reveals for their humiliation and renewal to 66 a just God and a Saviour." The the divine image; to excite in the eternal Son of the Father became hearts of the redeemed the most incarnate, to honour the righteous fervent exercises of admiring, ador- demands of the holy law by a diing, zealous, joyful, and thankful vinely perfect obedience, during the love to the God of their salvation; whole course of his suffering life; and finally to exhibit the divine and to honour its curse by his unglory in the most awful and affect- known agonies in the garden and ing light that possibly could be, on the cross; that sinners, who to the whole intelligent creation most justly deserved, and who must through eternal ages.-But if ano- otherwise inevitably have endured ther gospel be introduced, which the everlasting wrath of God, might merely provides for the encourage- through his merits, ransom, and mement of sinners at any rate, while diation, be freely pardoned, comthe other ends of infinite impor-pletely justified, and gradually re

covered to perfect holiness by the Spirit of God given unto them. But


an unhumbled unholy heart cannot Saving Faith the Principle of all truly believe this gospel; and a other holy Dispositions, Affections, faith which does not allow the exand Behaviour. cellency of the law, the desert of sin, and the justice of God in the THE holy nature of true faith may awful sentence denounced against likewise be inferred, with absolute transgressors, cannot render him the certainty, from the effects produced glory of his free mercy in salvation. by it: for "a corrupt tree cannot Much less can such a faith give bring forth good fruit; and every God the glory of all his other per- tree is known by its fruit." Faith, fections, as harmonizing with his when genuine, excites all holy affecmercy in that stupendous design, tions, and works by them in all holy which is the admiration of angels, obedience. By faith Noah, being and all redeemed sinners, and shall warned of God of things not seen be so to all eternity. as yet, moved with fear, prepared

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It is not meant, that the sinner, an ark." Sinners, when warned to when he first comes for mercy to the flee from the wrath to come, if they Saviour distinctly perceives these believe the warning, are moved with things: but he must be so far en-fear to forsake their sinful courses lightened, humbled, softened, and and carnal confidences; and when changed, as to yield the point in they have been instructed in the contest; he must willingly come as a gospel, if they believe that gracious justly condemned criminal, for a free message, they are moved "to flee and holy salvation in the Lord's ap-for refuge, to lay hold on the hope pointed way. So that an unholy faith set before them." Even confirmed can only welcome an unholy gospel, disciples are repeatedly warned, and make an unholy use of it: and" not to fear them that kill the it is observable, that such respect- body, and after that have no more able men as are induced to plead in that they can do; but to fear Him behalf of this kind of faith; when who is able to destroy both body they proceed to answer objections and soul in hell." Matt. x. 28. or to show its sanctifying tendency, Luke xii. 4, 5. "Blessed is he imperceptibly, and doubtless unin- that feareth always." "Be not tentionally, slide into quite another high minded, but fear." view of faith, and then it becomes therefore fear, lest a promise being very easy to make the cause appear left us of entering into his rest, any specious; nor do most readers bestow of you should seem to come short sufficient pains to detect the latent of it." "Let us have grace to fallacy, or to become so conversant serve God, with reverence and in such subjects, as to be capable godly fear; for our God, is a conof exactly discriminating between suming fire." In proportion to the them. The author, however, is con- degree in which we understand and fident, that his arguments, if duly believe these words, we shall be weighed and compared with Scrip- moved with fear, to use proper ture, will be found conclusive; and means, and flee to a distance from fully prove that saving faith is a holy exercise of the soul.

"Let us

the danger: for "a prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are

punished." And this fear implies will excite also an ardent desire reverence to the authority and jus- after the nearest union and commutice of God, hope in his mercy, and nication with him, a decided prea desire of his favour, and the hap- ference of his favour to all earthly piness he bestows; which implies objects, a fear of coming short of love of his excellencies, as well as this highest privilege and advandread of his awful power and in-tage, gratitude proportioned to our dignation. hope, zeal for his glory, attachment But the highest and purest ener-to his cause, and a peculiar regard gy of Faith consists in calling forth to all which stands related to him holy love into vigorous exercises; or bears his image. This love of and by its powerful influence con- Christ is substantially the same with straining the believer to all devoted the love of God: for we sinners and self-denying obedience, and know, approach, believe, trust, love, patient suffering for the Lord's and honour the Father, only in and sake. Indeed this will be perceived, by his beloved Son. The same exby those who well consider the ercises of faith call forth our love subject, to comprise every thing to our brethren, and to all men, for love is the leading affection of according to the precepts and exthe soul, and governs all others. ample of our beloved Redeemer : When therefore the apostle would and thus faith working by love mamark, in few words, the essential nifests itself in all godliness, righte distinction between a Christian and ousness, temperance, kindness, and all other men, he says, "In Christ beneficence. Even repentance, in Jesus, neither circumcision availeth all its exercises to the end of life, is any thing, nor uncircumcision, but excited by a belief of the divine tes faith which worketh by love." Gal. timony in one way or other; while v. 6, 13, 14. Now "love is the some degree of true repentance is fulfilling of the law," and likewise necessary to explicit faith in Christ. the principal fruit of the Spirit; In proportion to the increase and GOD is LOVE, and heaven is love: vigour of living faith, will be the and can faith not at all holy excite growth and ardour of all holy affecin us the most holy and spiritual of tions, and our persevering fruitfulall exercises of the rational soul?ness in all real good works. The -I say excite, not produce; for, in more clearly and constantly the bestrict propriety, the production of liever contemplates a crucified Saany holy disposition must be as-viour, and scripturally relies on cribed entirely to the Holy Spirit; him with earnest application of and no sort of faith could possibly heart for all the blessings of salvawork by holy love, if the heart con- tion; the more humble, spiritual, tinued unregenerate, and in a state obedient, zealous, loving, harmless, of enmity against God. pure, self-denying, and actively benificent will he be.

The views, which saving faith gives the soul of those objects that And the reason of this is, because revelation brings to our knowledge, true faith, springing from regeneare suited to call forth the most ration, coexists in the heart with lively exercises of love to Christ, all other gracious dispositions; and and the most delightful admiration evidencing to the soul one part of of his glorious excellencies, and his divine truth after another, as circompassion to lost sinners: they cumstances require and occasions

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