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the Education of our Time; and the main points of the long, sad quarrel that followed the official inspection of the institute in 1809. Sundry smaller works of Pestalozzi's, the manuscripts of which he had entrusted to Niederer, are also here published for the first time. These are:

1. Pestalozzi Sketched by Himself.

This is the letter Pestalozzi addressed to Ith, when the latter was appointed to inspect the institute of Burgdorf. 2. Epochs.

This is a historical sketch from a social and political point of view, and is connected with An Inquiry into the Course of Nature in the Development of the Human Race.

3. Religious Education: a Glance at Christ and His Doctrine.

Pestalozzi here establishes the agreement between his views and the Saviour's teaching.

4. The Method.

This is the report presented by Pestalozzi to the Society of the Friends of Education in 1800, and referred to by us in its proper place.

5. Pestalozzi's New Year's Day Discourse for 1816.

In this discourse the old man's heart is seen to be divided between grief for the loss of the wife who had always been his good angel, and joy at seeing his work in safety. The latter sentiment, however, was but the result of an illusion; for there is no doubt that he exaggerated the value and bearing of the reforms carried out by Schmidt since his return. In this same discourse the thought that death is drawing near stimulates his religious feelings, and he exclaims: :

"Brothers and friends! I hear God's voice saying: Your grave is being prepared; you are about to go down into it; your friends will place you there as they have lately placed the companion of your life; you are soon to enter into eternal rest in the sight of your whole house, in the sight of the men and children who are yours, and whom you will leave behind. I see myself lying in my grave; I see myself entering into eternity, contemplating God, and praying to Him in truth and holiness. But I awake. I have seen my destiny. It is not in the transitory work of this earthly life; it is purity and innocence; it is the power of devotion of a faithful life to the service of God and humanity; it is the

imitation of Jesus Christ, through faith in Him crucified, and for the glory of God the Father."

6. Pestalozzi's New Year's Day Discourse for 1817.

Here the old man examines his past. He has undertaken work out of all proportion to his strength, and would have failed but for God's assistance. As it is, his work remains defective and incomplete because some have not done what they could to bring God's blessing upon it. Pestalozzi himself is one of these, and this is the reason that his seventyone years have not been sufficient. There is now no longer a moment to lose; the new year must not be like so many past years; it must not find the former man, but a new man, stripped of his errors, his weaknesses, and his negligences, and regenerated by the love of God and faith in Jesus Christ. He concludes thus:

"What must I do to become such a new man? How am I to complete, establish, and sanctify the work of my short life on earth?

"Seeking to understand the real aim of my life, the real motive of that work which took such entire possession of me that I found no rest in anything else, I seem to hear an internal voice saying that it was the need to free man from the sensual domination of his animal nature, and raise him above the view of this world to a clear and divine view of the spiritual essence of his being. ... But what am I, that I should dare to lay my hand to this sublime task? Am I not like a child who, admiring the heavens, should deem it possible to place the sun upon his head, take the moon into his hands, and make a crown for his forehead of the stars?

"That which I long for and seek after, that which is holy, unchanging, and eternal in the aim of my life, is in no way mine; it is humanity's and God's. What am I, what are we all, in such work as this? A nothing that passes with the moment, like the insect of a day.

"But though the outward structure of our work should crumble, it is not humanity's, not God's work that disappears. It is merely the hammer, a stone, a grain of sand falling from God's building, where we have foolishly and ignorantly striven to fix it."



1765. Agis.

1776. An appeal to the friends and benefactors of humanity to support an institution intended to provide education and work for poor country children.

1777. Three letters on the education of poor children.-A few words on the most degraded portion of humanity. An appeal to the charitable to come to its assistance.

1778. An account of the educational establishment for poor children at Neuhof.

1780. The Evening Hour of a Hermit.

1781. Leonard and Gertrude (vol. i.).-Note on the sumptuary laws. 1782. Christopher and Eliza.-The Swiss News, a weekly newspaper (2 vols.)

* The Education of Children in the Home. Incomplete, never published by Pestalozzi, and only to be found in Niederer's Notes on Pestalozzi, published at Aix-la-Chapelle, in 1828 and 1829.

1783. Leonard and Gertrude (vol. ii.). On Legislation and Infanticide. 1785. Leonard and Gertrude (vol. iii.).

1787. Leonard and Gertrude (vol. iv.).

1792. On the Causes of the French Revolution. Never published by Pestalozzi.

1797. Fables (2 vols.).—An Inquiry into the Course of Nature in the Development of the Human Race.

1798. Political Pamphlets on the Swiss Revolution: A Word to the Legislative Councils of Helvetia; On Tithes; Awake, People of Helvetia; To my Country; To the People of Helvetia; Appeal to the Inhabitants of the old Democratic Cantons; On the Present and Future of Humanity.

1799. Letter to Gessner on the work at Stanz.

1800. Memoir presented to the Society of Friends of Education. Never published by Pestalozzi, and only to be found in Niederer's Notes on Pestalozzi, and in the eighteenth and last volume of Seyffarth's edition.

1801. How to Teach Spelling and Reading.-How Gertrude Teaches her Children.-Epochs; a historical sketch, from a social and political point of view. In Seyffarth's last volume.-Religious Education; a Glance at Christ and His Doctrine. In Seyffarth's last volume.

1 Those marked with an asterisk are not included in Seyffarth's edition.

1802. Views on certain points to which the legislators of Switzerland should particularly direct their attention -Pestalozzi sketched by himself; a note addressed to Ith. In Seyffarth's last volume. 1803. The Book for Mothers. Written in great part by Krusi.—* Senseimpressing Exercises on Number. Compiled by Krusi and Buss.— Sense-impressing Exercises on Size and Form. Compiled by Krusi and Buss.-The Natural Schoolmaster. Never published by Pestalozzi.

1807. On the Principles and Plan of a Journal announced in 1807. Revised and in part written by Niederer.-A Glance at my Views and Essays in Education. Revised by Niederer.-Report to parents and the public on the educational institute of Yverdun. Revised and in part written by Niederer.

1807 to 1811. Weekly Journal of Education (3 vols.); written in great part by Niederer and others.

1808 to 1818. Discourses to my Establishment.

1809. Discourse pronounced before the Society of Friends of Education, at Lenzburg. Revised and added to by Niederer.

1813. Letter to Mr. Delbruck, Privy Councillor at Berlin. 1815. To the Innocent, Serious, and Noble-minded ones of my Country. 1820. A Word on my Pedagogical Labours, and the Organization of my Institute in 1820.-Practical Elementary Exercises on Number.


piled by Schmidt.-Elementary Exercises on Size and Form. Compiled by Schmidt.

1820 to 1826. Cotta's edition of Pestalozzi's works (15 vols.), published at Stuttgart.

1822. Views on Industry, Education, and Politics, in connection with the State of our Country before and after the Revolution.

1826. The Song of the Swan.-My Experiences in my Educational Establishments of Burgdorf and Yverdun. Discourse pronounced as Presi dent of the Helvetian Society, the 26th of April, 1826.



1801. Der deutsche Merkur. (Articles by Wieland.)

1802. Amtlicher Bericht über die Pestalozzische Anstalt in Burgdorf, von J. Ith, etc. Bern.

1803. Pestalozzi, seine Lehrart und seine Anstalt, von A. Soyaux. Berlin.Pestalozzi's Methode und ihre Anwendung in der Volksschule, von F. H. E. Schwartz. Bremen.-Ueber Pestalozzi's Lehrart, Akademie der Wissenschaften, von Fischer. Berlin.-Bemerkungen gegen Pestalozzi's Unterrichtsmethode, von J. N. Steinmüller. Zürich. 1804. Pestalozzi's Idee eines A B C der Anschauung, untersucht und wissenschaftlich ausgeführt, von J. F. Herbart. Göttingen.-Briefe aus Burgdorf über Pestalozzi, von A. Grüner. Hamburg.-Darstellung und Prüfung der Pestalozzischen Methode in Burgdorf, von Passavant. Lemgo.-Historische Denkwürdigkeiten der helvetischen Staatsumwälzung, von Zschokke.-Kritik der Pestalozzischen Methode, von Johansen. Jena und Leipzig.—Beleuchtung der Pestalozzischen Groszsprechereien. Erfurt. 1805. Exposé de la méthode élémentaire de Pestalozzi, par D. Alex. Chavannes. Vevey.-Bericht an Sr Maj, den König von Preussen über das Pestalozzische Institut in Burgdorf, von C. Witte. Leipzig.-Geist der Pestalozzischen Methode, von Ewald. Bremen.-Einige Grundregeln der Erziehungskunst nach Pestalozzi, von Plamann. Halle.

1806. Briefe aus Münchenbuchsee über Pestalozzi und seine Elementarbildungsmethode, von Türck. (2 vol.) Leipzig.-Aufsätze für und gegen die Pestalozzische Unterrichtsmethode.

1807. Reise nach der Schweiz. Torlitz, Copenhagen und Leipzig.

1809. Pädagogische Mittheilungen, von Kimly. Berlin.-Ueber die Pestalozzische Lehrmethode, von Süsskind. Stuttgard.

1810. Rapport sur l'institut de M. Pestalozzi à Yverdon, par le père Girard. Fribourg.-Erfahrungen und Ansichten, von Jos. Schmidt. Heidelberg. -Prüfung des Werthes der Pestalozzischen Methode, von d'Autel. Stuttgard.-Ueber das Wesentliche der von Pestalozzi, etc., von Hagen. Erlangen.-Pestalozzi, Hauptmomente seiner Methode, von Lehmann. Königsberg.-Geist und Vorschritte der Pestalozzischen Bildungsmethode, von Ewald. Mannheim.-Briefe aus einer Reise durch Süddeutschland, die Schweiz, etc., von Kessler. Leipzig.-Ueber Pestalozzi's Grundsätze und Methoden, von Aug. Herm. Niemeyer.-Kurze und fassliche Darstellung der Pestalozzischen Methode. Stuttgard.

1811. Das Pestalozzische Institut an das Publikum. (Niederer's work, with preface by Pestalozzi.) Yverdun.-Ueber die Verbesserung des Ele mentarschulwesens in Preussen, von Neumann. Potsdam.

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